Ch. 35 - Where am I?

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I forgot to announce that this fan fiction sets in is 2135, not the original plot since it didn't mention what year the setting took place in the original plot of the manga, so I'm going to assume it's this year.


Ch. 35 – Where am I?


It will continue to exist, no matter how big or tiny it is, or local or international. It will produce a desolate area that nobody wants. Although it can be overstated, it is what it is.

Physically, psychologically, spiritually, and orally, it can guarantee mind fuck everyone who are a part of it. They can escape the war, but can't get the war out of their minds.

Well, back to the story in hand.

Just so everyone is aware, there are still those who see All Might as a god, and nothing has changed for them.

Just look at how limited their thinking is. They frequently overlook his true identity.

Everywhere Kobalos has attacked in the previous five years, All Might has been there to save them.

But was he indeed there to put an end to the monster?

It developed into a crisis throughout all of Japan, requiring every hero to assist the injured. That's how dreadful this Kobalos really is, attracting heroes no matter how far away they are.

And right now, the heroes are going to Hosu City as soon as possible. Including the interns, Class 1-A, 1-B and The Big Three.

"Ha... Ha..." Miruko heaved as she limped her way to the destination. Bleeding a lot and heavily wounded, she's almost there. And hoped that Kobalos didn't go to that place.

"Miruko-san!" A voice echoed through the chaotic night. Lifting her head, she saw the student whom Izuku Midoriya fought a few days ago, and another whose hero outfit's strikingly similar to Ingenium. Must be his little brother.

"I'll call the ambulance!" Shoto pulled out his phone with his right arm and started to dial.

Miruko shifted her upper body to the side and saw Stain, tied up like a cocoon except his head was exposed.

Wait a second. The web. She quickly remembered.

"Oi..." She started to talk. "Where's my intern?"

Nobody answered her, for they're afraid of her reaction.

"Kobalos got him." Stain responded.

"...What?" Rumi asked the Hero Killer again, checking if her bunny ears heard it well. "If you're joking, I swear I'll kick you to death."

"You heard it, number six hero. Your kid got kidnapped by Kobalos. Who knows what'll happen to 'im."


Rumi's eyes went wide, expressing horror and anger.

"I have to go find him." Miruko took a step and fell on one knee.

"But you're hurt." Tenya said worriedly.

"I don't care! If you think we have to wait until help arrives, you're sorely mistaken!" She yelled. "I don't care if I act out of vigilance, that brat's still a kid! And he's out there in god-knows-where because of that fucking monster!"

They grimaced at the point that their friend is the Kobalos' prey. They prayed to the gods above.

To protect Izuku.

"Kuso..." Miruko said under her breath, slammed the ground in frustration. But then, she looked at her other hand.

Razor-like metal weapon. It's the ones that got her off-guard and slashed her skin.

Will it even help to track down Kobalos' location?

==Nejire Hado's Location==

"What?!" Nejire shouted in fear, stopping herself from advancing towards Hosu City.

"What's wrong, Nejire?!" Her intern, Ryukyu, stopped flying and gazed at her worriedly.

It's the first time she shows that kind of expression.

The person on Nejire's call is Mirio Togata, who happened to be there and recently received a report that a sighting of a young boy was kidnapped by Kobalos. And yes, he did catch a sight of Izuku.

"Please tell me it's not true."

"I'm sorry, Nejire. It's true."

Just those words is enough for her to lose composure. But she's didn't. Abruptly ending the call, Nejire told Ryukyu to go to Hosu City and save her boyfriend.

"(Izu-chan, I'm coming!)"

==Izuku Midoriya's Location==

Izuku Midoriya was being kidnapped by a psychopath. Actually, a creature like he had never seen before. Dark fiery armor, even this... jet. It's alive, ready to feast on human blood.

His gaze looked at the bright moon above the dark clouds.

Full moon.

That's enough for him to know.


Yellow eyes stared at his soul. And for the first time of his life, he felt scared. Even the Spider-Sense is going crazy.

He attempted to kick the creature, but it seized it with accurate timing, surprising him.

Changing plans, he put all his strength into one punch on the forearm where its gripping his clothing.

It hurts the creature, causing the boy to break free.

Arms on his side, he was falling down quickly as the creature began chasing him.

Looking back, Izuku can see that the villain's gaining quicker. He took advantage of the speed by releasing a long, thick strand of web.

Thanks to the descent motion and the wind, the creature's face was obscured by it.

Izuku faced forward and saw a building near where he's falling.

He started to swing away from the hunter as soon as possible. It's a life and death, cat and mouse chase situation.

While Izuku's escaping, the creature, or Kobalos, struggled to remove the webs for a few seconds before finally free from it.

It looked down and searched where its prey was, until it found him.

A hundred yards away. Kobalos thought it over before it cackled and hunted down the young boy.

Izuku felt it. He didn't need a glance to look back, because the bloodlust that creature was emanating is far stronger than Stain's.

Swinging as fast as he can, he looked around for an alleyway to maneuver. And he found it. Just a few yards ahead of him.

Determined, he web zip towards it. With a flying object like that, and the tight spaces of the alleys, Izuku remembered one of the lessons Miruko taught him. Technically, he searched for it first on the website.

"Use the environment to your advantage."

Izuku heeded to it. Thanks to the spider powers, he's fast and strong. At the split moment, he recalled what Stain asked him. It has this edge that caused him to survive in years of vigilance.

Then he remembered the situation he's in.

The creature's dead set on taking him hostage and whatever the worst comes to happen. It's a survival for the young boy.

Life and Death.

Kill or be Killed.

And he's got nowhere to go, but to do everything he can. No holding back this time.

Izuku caught sight of the thing behind him wielding a sword-like object. Then he tossed two explosives, each of which was engraved with an evil grimace.

But those two never exploded as it turned into razor bats. Izuku attempted to gain altitude, but it followed him.

Horrified, he realized they are homing type weapons. Before he even tried to think, one was able to slit open his cheek. The last one impaled on his left chest, just a few inches away from his heart.

He quickly took it out and Shadow sealed the wounds. Izuku threw it back at Kobalos, who threw its arms up on his face and the razor bat exploded as it hits the demon.

Unfortunately, it's far from over as Izuku took the opportunity to swung away from the scene as fast as he can.

Away from Kobalos' sights.

Back at the creature, dark clouds overwhelmed the area before it flew up. Showing no signs of damage, it immediately searched for the young boy.

Then, Kobalos glimpsed at the white strand falling 'til it's stuck to the floor.

It smiled before following those web strands. And in a mere seconds, there he is.

Swinging above the empty lit up roads below, the boy was determined to escape.

And Kobalos knew.

Playtime's over.

Izuku heard the loud frightening laugh of a demon just behind.

Web zipping and pulling his body forward, he can see the large smoke ahead. Where it all began.

He's hoping to get Kobalos lured towards the heroes, until the Spider-Sense warned him.

Turning around, Kobalos was already behind him. It shifted its body causing one of the wings hit the boy to the road below.

Causing a small crater, Midoriya was hurt badly. Limping his way to get up, he heard the whirring of the flying object above him.

'Two blades formed at the front of the object, and It dived down. Right where the boy is.


Just then, yellow spiral waves hit the villain. This surprised the young boy. He knew whose voice that belongs to.

Standing up, he looked back and stared above. There she is, levitating in the air breathing heavily as if she ran out of stamina.

"Izu-chan!" Nejire propelled to the ground regrouping with him.

"Nejire-chan." He said, tired and relief before feeling a strong gust of the wind.

He saw a large figure of a dragon who hovered slowly before it touched the floor.

He remembered who this is.

Ryukyu, the Dragon Heroine. Her Quirk is Dragon, a transformation type of Quirk that allows her to turn into a large dragon, the ones that can be seen in fantasy-fiction books.

"Deku, can you move?" Ryukyu asked in her dragon form.

"Slight. Some broken ribs, but they can heal in a moment." Izuku responded. It seems Nejire told her his hero name.

"Okay. Got info about Kobalos?"

"Those bombs he kept on throwing to the streets can turn into razor bats. Homing types and can explode on impact. I can guess it's that glider's function. It also has two spikes on the front, meant to pierce through if left vulnerable."

The heroine nodded as they kept their eyes on the creature who stood up with a wide grin on its face before getting on the glider and puts its arms to the side.

Something clicked inside, and three to five bombs popped out of the glider and into Kobalos' hands. The Midoriya noticed something eerie about the demon. But before he could think, the demon threw the bombs at them.

And it didn't turn into razor bats. Ryukyu used her arm to shield the young heroes as those bombs exploded on impact. She grumbled in pain and it somehow damaged her scales, showing how dangerous those bombs are.

Swiping the dust clouds, Ryukyu saw Kobalos retreat.

"You kids go back. I'll chase the demon." The Dragon Heroine went off as the two young heroes watched her large figure flying through the air and not even a five seconds later, Ryukyu is gone.

"Ha..." Izuku dropped to his knees as he let out a huge sigh of relief. Nejire lowered down to his level, holding his back and watched him with worry.

She wanted to say she's glad he survived but didn't have the courage to do so, for they are still in the middle of a battlefield that is Hosu CIty.

"I'll carry you." She offered with a sad smile.

He can feel the broken ribs are regenerating, stitching back to normal. Dunno if it's oddly satisfying or disturbing, but nevertheless, he can be at ease.

But suddenly, his vision began to... glitch?

For a split moment, his girlfriend's face was replaced with that of a young teenager and four masks each with different colors.

Then his feet sank into the solid ground. He looked down and saw a black hole swallowing him. Nejire saw this and reached out to his hands.

But she didn't make it. Izuku was devoured by the black hole in a swift motion before it disappeared. It happened so fast!

One moment, Izuku Midoriya was safe with her and Ryukyu from Kobalos, and now this black hole quickly ate Izuku Midoriya.

"No. No, no, no... Izu-chan... Izu-chan! Izu-chan!!!!"

She cried her lungs out, tears began to stain her face while pounding the same place that got her boyfriend.

She's like this for a few second, not minding the fire and faint screams coming from the source of the large fire a few blocks away.

But then, she remembered where she was and wiped her face. Her slightly red eyes are evident and her heart was torn into pieces.

Surely enough, she thinks a villain captured him and must find whoever has this black-hole like Quirk that can either teleport him... or something far worse.

That was then she heard the wailing of the people in the distance. They are still in danger.

She frowned, having no will to push forward to save people, but she had to.

And this night marks one of the important events the society has lost. Izuku Midoriya... is gone.


At least, that's what Nejire thought.

"Whoaaaa!!!" Izuku screamed, his voice distorted. All he sees is a space-like dimension, maybe a black hole.

But... do black holes have webs?

Because he saw many of it.

Never minding that list, his body was being pulled and made him ragdoll like getting flushed in a toilet.


Some kind of sonic boom sends him straight into the air next.

His vision was narrowed thanks to it and the next thing he knew...

"Ow!" He was hit hard by a solid wall.

"Gah!" And then another.

And another.

It took two more painful sounds before it finally stopped.

"Ow." One more for good measure the author guessed.

"That literally hurt." The boy slowly stood up and quickly checked his surroundings.

"What the? It's already day?!" He said to himself.

"But more importantly," He ventured to the edge of the building and looked around.

There's people, roads, cars, buildings and large billboards that everyone can see a mile away.

"Yup. Totally different place."

"(At least we're not in an alien world.)" Shadow commented and his brother agreed.

He looked at the advertisements, looking for clues of where he is.



Face The Future



"Chicago? Chicago, Illinois, USA? So, I'm in US? But, this is not what Chicago looks like. Especially, these very tall buildings."

He scanned the area again to see more ideas until one poster caught his interest.

Times Square.

"Wait..." Izuku's mind clicked, he realized what this place is.

"Times Square, New York. One of US' tourist destination." He said to himself. "I've seen some videos and pictures, but to see it personally is far different."

He looked down below to see what the crowds are doing. They're taking pictures, waiting in line for the bus to stop by, crossing the road, entering and leaving the malls, and any physical activities outside their home.

No signs of heroes or villain attacks. Possibly blending in with the crowd.

Izuku held his gut, still recovering after an encounter with Kobalos.

"(Nejire...)" He thought in horror. What if she got captured by that demon?

It terrified him to think about it. He knows that if it caught her...

"No, no, no, no." Izuku shook his head.

"Don't think about the worst possible outcome, Midoriya. You got the heroes of Japan coming to Hosu City. She'll be with them. I just knew it. But first..."

He reached into his pocket pulling out his phone, which is now broken. Small sparks coming out of it, rendering it useless.

"Kuso." He cussed while putting it back, knowing that the contents in it are wiped away.

"Thank you, Kobalos." He stated sarcastically. "Can't have a day off since I'm a web developer."

"(In training.)" Shadow added.

"Might as well become a NEET to never experience that torture." The boy joked. He looked back and saw a door leading inside the building.

Before he took a step, he inspected his clothing.

The mask is partially destroyed, gauntlets, jacket and pants are ruptured with some exposed skin. Looking like a homeless child.

Well, that's in the past. He had to go inside.

Or will he?

He glanced back at the buildings looking for a hiding spot.

Failing to find one, Izuku stretched his arms and webbed the building on his left, catapulting himself to it so that the crowd didn't see it.

He checked the other side and saw an alleyway where no one is walking.

He went there and descended down.

"Alright. Going down without getting notice. Sweet."

He removed the mask and his gauntlets to be less suspicious, but then had a second thought on the mask.

Looking at it, he shook his head, telling himself that it's no longer needed. Anymore damage and it'll be worse for his face.

So, he threw the mask on a nearby garbage bin before putting the gauntlets to his jacket pockets.

Good thing they're flexible. He'll have to thank Hatsume after the intern week.

For now, it's survival for the boy. He considered himself an alien who looked like a human among humans. And the most important of all, avoid using his Quirk.

Quirk laws and such, that's why.

He walked down the path and saw some people walking.

He blended with them despite the clothing.

Also, language.

"(This is gonna be harder than I thought.)" Izuku grimaced at the fact that it's gonna be an English-only policy.

He studied English in his former school and in the internet a long time ago. Now it's time to put it to the test.

==Two Days Later; 7:35 PM==


"Ugh..." His day's not getting better as time flies.

Feeling so hungry, sleepy and smelly, he was laying down in the same alleyway after another walk in the city.

Two days have passed and during those days, he was looking for clues, asking people IN English and what's surprising...

The year is 2018. He traveled back 117 years.

It's now established that the black hole he got sucked into is a portal to another dimension. Possibly no heroes in this parallel universe. And it's a 'No shit, Sherlock' moment that there's Quirks, or superpowers in layman's terms, in this one.

And he was taken back hundreds of years.

He tried to focus on the point, but the deprived condition of his body said hello. There are times when stealing is needed for survival, especially when they have nothing left but themselves in this Earth.

The boy couldn't do it, because during the visit to some convenience stores nearby, he saw multiple CCTVs installed in it.

All of a sudden, the Spider-Sense began to work and he felt a chill. As he stood upright, the small hairs on his arms and legs rose as well.

He knew what this meant. A great danger.

Despite being starved and dehydrated, he kept on moving forward as he stand up. Whatever it is, even if he had to find 0⁰a way back to his dimension...

Someone's life is in jeopardy, and he had to save them before its too late.

Climbing the wall and onto the rooftop, he ran towards the direction where the Spider-Sense is telling him to.

He pulled up his hoodie and Shadow made a mask to cover his face before taking the dive.

The crowd below saw him jump off the building and a scream was followed, assuming that the person was about to commit suicide. Terror was building up in their emotions.

That terror was replaced with surprise, because they saw a web strand coming out of his stretched arm. Some were marveled at the sight while others took out their phone, record it and post it in the internet.

Izuku paid no attention to the background noises below as he kept his mind focused on the danger.

A few swings later, he saw a bridge connecting to another island of cities on the other side.

He swung under the bridge and continued his mission with some swings made contact with the water.

It took a minute until he made it to the other side.


"aAaaaAaahHHhHhh!" He yelled out in pain as he stopped swinging. His body began to glitch while in the air before falling down to the road full of cars.

Falling down is a bad thing, and hitting the roof of the driver's cars is another consequence.

There's a chance it could bend and he can get sued after.

But the Goddess of Luck is on his side as he gruesomely landed in between two cars.

Drivers inside jumped in surprise before putting the warning signals in their vehicles.

Just before they got out, the person stood up but his face is lowered, not wanting to reveal his face to the public.

At point blank range, the young boy fired a web connecting to the building before pulling himself up and gained momentum to swing.

After thirty seconds, the Spider-Sense changed direction.

Looking down to his right, he noticed a subway entrance. That's where the aura of danger is emanating.

Midoriya landed on the light pole before carefully landing on the space not occupied by the crowd.

They watched him as he dash to the subway and soon he watched the train closed its doors before accelerating to the tunnel.

He also noticed how the train is unruly painted with whatever the people painted on it, not including those 'Not Safe For Workers' or NSFW arts. That's way beyond the line.

Then, the green-haired boy felt the danger lingering at the tunnel where the train came from.

He followed the dark tunnel and couldn't see anything. If it weren't for Kobalos, he would've used his phone to light up.

He walked for a few seconds, going deeper into the dark. There are lights emitting from the bulbs, but they didn't have enough electric to produce more light.

But that's enough for Izuku. After a few walks, he noticed a pathway going down the stairs, and he went in.

Carefully treading down the path, Izuku crouched down and his fingertips touched the floor. Unconsciously, the Spider-Sense activated, making him see the linings in the dark tunnel.

"Okay... Never expected that one." Izuku said to himself. He can see his surroundings up ahead. Steel fences standing up two and a half meter, and a locked door with a sign says [RESTRICTED AREA; AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY]

The boy frowned at the sign. Slowly raising his head, he saw an opening beyond the authorized place.

"So much for a restricted area." He said with a sarcastic tone. Web zipped to the ceiling, Izuku crawled ahead and dropped to the ground.

Izuku ran ahead when the sense of danger spiked up quickly.

Just a few seconds later, he saw a large hole. Beyond that are equipment scattered across the area. Large containers were bent, burnt cement blocks and other more. The scene's a carnage.

And suddenly, he heard a person's voice.

"[Tombstone. We're done with tests.]" The echo reached the boy's destination, prompting him to get closer.

As Izuku Midoriya reached the place, he was flabbergasted. Despite the area having the size of a soccer field, he saw two large, round machines on both left and right. The lights are out and there's dust smoke all around it.

"[Run faster!]"

Then he saw something moving at the bottom of his vision. Looking down, he saw a person wearing white coat running away from the sight. Probably a scientist, or a researcher.

"[I'd say it's nice to see you again, Spider-Man, but it's not.]" The same voice was heard down to his right. Izuku found four people in the area. One was abnormally large for an average person, the other was wearing a formal suit and the other... the other was wearing a mask, concealing its identity while wearing a cape and gadgets around the wrists.

The one that caught his attention the most is Spider-Man, who's wearing the red-and-blue spandex suit. He was laying down on the ground against a large rubble. His left shoulder was exposed, and he is heavily bruised from the fight.

"(Spider-Man?! No way!)" Izuku thought, surprised at the revelation he's having.

He's in Spider-Man's world?!

He silently crawled forward as the conversation continued.

"[Hey, Kingpin. How's business?]" Spider-Man asked tiredly and in pain.

"[Boomin'! Ha.]" The bulky person, now known as Kingpin, joked at what happened.

"[Nice.]" Kingpin grabbed his mask, unveiling his secret identity. "[Aw, that's a no-no.]"

Izuku was confused at this one. He remembered reading a few Spider-Man comic books he bought from the store, products were outsourced from the United States at that, after he was bitten. But this Spider-Man was different.

If we're talking about appearance, then this Spider-Man is blonde and young.

As Midoriya crawled closer, he saw another person in the scene. To his left, he saw a teenager watching over them. They didn't notice his presence.

In fact, none of them realized or felt Izuku's existence.

Ignoring that, he heard Peter saying, "[This might open a black hole under Brooklyn. It can't be worth the risk.]"

"[It's not always about the money, Spider-Man.]" Kingpin reminded.

The person wearing the mask approached Peter Parker before flicking his right wrist and claws were made. Peter sighed as the man slowly approached him, raising his arm, ready for the final blow.

However, that didn't happen as Spider-Man interjected them. "[Don't you wanna know what I saw in there?]" He said aloud.

This caught the bulky man's attention and Izuku's as well. "[Wait.]" Kingpin said, raising his arm to stop the man. The green-haired hero student reached his position and thought about what Peter saw.

"(In there?)" Izuku asked himself. Was it related to the large machines above them?

"[I know what you're trying to do...]" Peter's eyes stared at Kingpin's. "[And it won't work.]"


Silence, which is one of the terrifying sounds of them all, looming over the atmosphere of two parties. It took a solid five seconds... before Izuku felt the Spider-Sense.

"Iie wa dou desu ka?" Izuku fired two web strands on both Spider-Man and the teenager.

This surprised the trio, especially the bulky businessman. Izuku pulled them as the three focused on him. The light was behind the figure, so they couldn't think further except that it's a young one.

A young... Spider-Man.

What surprising to them is that there's another audience that was pulled away from them.

This didn't faze the businessman as he leered to the figures escaping the scene.

And then, two words only came out of his mouth.

"[Kill them.]"

The masked man didn't hesitate as he began the chase.

Meanwhile, Izuku was adjusting the two individuals. He carried the unconscious Spider-Man on his back while the kid was struggling.

"[Where are you taking me?]" He asked frantically.

"[Sabing bot yor life. We must escape and get awae as soon as possible.]" Izuku said in a broken English accent.

"[You can drop me, I'll follow you.]" The boy said, genuinely scared of wherever Izuku would carry him. Izuku obliged and dropped the boy on his feet before running to the place where he entered.

Shadow started to cover Spider-Man's body except his face, surprising the young boy beside him. As they run, the danger was closing the distance, Izuku webbed over the steel door.

Surprisingly, the boy went over it with ease, maybe because of the adrenaline of getting chased. Soon, they reached the train tracks as the two individuals went in the same direction.

The young boy looked behind and saw a large shadow of the masked man, reflected at the light, running towards him with malevolent intent.

Just a few seconds later, the door beside them busted open thanks to the masked man. Both dodged his attack and run ahead. The man bumped at the wall and quickly chase after them.

"[Look out!]" Izuku shouted, an incoming train was speeding towards them all. Izuku quickly webbed to the ceiling and the boy followed suite.

However, the man stood at the train tracks before dodging at the last moment. They let the train passed them before starting to get away.

Izuku easily unstick himself from the ceiling and was about to web to the train station just a few feet away...

"[Gahh!!!]" The yelling stopped him. The young, dark-skinned teenager has his fingers stuck to the ceiling. And at that moment, the Spider-Sense came out. Izuku was unsure, is it the danger from the masked man... or could it be...

The masked man slowly walked towards them, claws came out of his gadgets and didn't give chase.

He treated this like a cat playing with his prey before going in for the kill.

The boy saw this and hoisted his legs to the ceiling before attempting to pull his fingers.

"[Stop sticking!]" He said to himself and a few attempts, he successfully get out of his predicament. Izuku caught him in time, webbing the boy to his place.

"[Hold on tight!]" Midoriya said before resuming what he was about to do awhile ago. He stretched out his left arm forward, aiming the station for his web to shoot out.

The young boy saw this and hold Midoriya and Spider-Man tightly.

Zipping towards the station, they're finally out of the tracks and head to the surface as soon as possible. Thanks to Shadow covering Spider-Man's suit, a businessman that was waiting for the train thought that the two boys found some unconscious and had to immediately bring him to the nearest hospital as quickly as possible.

Never minding the problem that was not his, he glanced at his phone and began to scroll for whatever news that happened today. As for the boys, they jump over the train tracks and managed to escape, for now.

As for the masked man, he waited for the train to go by, but he knows it's too late. Going back into the dark, he went to the door where he busted open. He took the stairs going up and opened the door, revealing for him to be in an alleyway, and a parked motorcycle... in front of him.

Grabbing the keys from his pockets, he started the engine and revved up. Shifting up one gear, he drove into the road, searching for the survivors that escaped from his grasp. Unknown to him, those survivors are up on the building, watching his figure driving away into the city roads.

Sighing, Izuku responds. "[Looks like we lost him... for now.]"

The boy beside him falls to his back, slowly regains his breathing before outed his thoughts. "[That was scary.]"

The young hero-in-training student agreed before Shadow retreated his black goo that covers his partner's identity inside him, exposing himself to the dark-skinned boy.

"[You're... another Spider-Man.]" He spoke.

"[Name's Midoriya, Izuku.]" The boy in green jacket introduced himself.

"[Me-Medoreea...]" Looks like he's having trouble pronouncing his family.

"[You can call me Deku in short.]"

"[Okayy... Deku. Miles Morales' the name.]" Answered the dark-skinned teenager.

"[Okay, Morales-san.]"

"[Oh, so you're Japanese.]" Miles noticed the honorific when Midoriya said his family name. He was about to ask more questions but the sound of groaning from Peter Parker interrupted him. The boys gathered around the injured Spider-Man.

"[Looks like we're not the only one...]" He muttered while staring at the new individual beside the kid before glancing at Miles.

"[Hey, kiddo. Did you do what I tell you to do?]" Peter questioned.

"[No.]" Miles answered.

"[You should've-]"

"[I won't leave you alone.]" The boy interjected Peter while the greenette boy remained silent and act as a witness to the conversation.

"[You said you wanted me to show the ropes, and I'm not letting you die at their hands.]" Miles explained further. "[You're still hurt, and you know there's a lot of them like that... Prowler.]"

Prowler... so that's the name of the masked man chasing them the whole time. Peter wondered how the kid figured out his name, to which the kid said he said it out loud awhile ago when he entered the scene and start fighting Peter.

This caused Peter to chuckle before coughing.

"[Um... Mr. Parker.]" Izuku joined the conversation, causing the two to look at him. "[We may not have a lot of time... and would it be better to go to your home for a... tactical retreat? We must tend to your injuries.]" He suggested.

"[Yeah, I was wondering the same.]" Spider-Man agreed and said those wounds can heal over time.

The two helped Peter to his feet before following Izuku in the alleyway where they went up. After that, Miles suggested to buy a pair of clothes and pants for Peter, to which Peter thanked him and will pay him back the money as soon as they reached his home.

An hour later, Peter changed into a new pair of pants and clothes and found some shoes in the garbage bin with Izuku holding the torn suit in his arms with Shadow covering it. After that, they found a bus station and a bus with a lot of people exiting.

They made a run for it and waited for the bus to be empty. Then, Peter asked if this bus will go to Queens, in which the bus driver answered yes.

Peter gave a 'You got any money?' look at Miles, in which Miles got no more. Sighing, Peter asked for the bus driver's name, the business where he's operating and his number. He honestly said that he got no money, but he'll pay for it when the time comes. He's a man of his words and promised to pay because it's an important one he's having. Or they're having now.

The bus driver sighed and gave him the information Peter needed.

And so, the bus doors closed and on its way to the place Peter mentioned.

Queens, New York.

==One Hour Later; Somewhere in Queens==

Just a few minutes left, and they're gonna reach Peter's house. Throughout the journey, Miles and Peter were the only ones to conversate, introducing each other and eradicating the awkward silence that would have occurred along the way. Izuku was asleep, tired of everything. Not to mention, the growling of his stomach for the first time interrupted them.

This raised their questions concerning his health. Had he not eaten a single food? If it is, when did the last he ate food? Nonetheless, Peter will treat the boys to dinner and spend the nights in his house until they return home to their own dimensions.

Then, they felt the bus slowed then stopped.

"[Here's your stop! Queens!]" The bus driver announced loudly.

"[Kid. Hey, Deku, wake up.]" Peter gently nudges the sleeping Izuku, not knowing that he's calling his hero name. Groaning and yawning, Izuku rubbed his eyes before his ears catches Parker's words.

"[Wake up. We're here.]" Peter said, motioning them to leave the bus, and they followed. After getting out, they walked for a few minutes before finally reaching the house where Spider-Man lives.

Peter Parker knocked on the door two times before opening and said, "[MJ? Aunt May? I'm home!]"

Miles and Izuku heard some footsteps going down the stairs and saw a beautiful woman whose reddish-brown hair reached her shoulders and wearing black long sleeves and pants.

"[Peter.]" Said the woman approaching him and hugged him, which he returned the favor.

"[Welcome home.]" She greeted him and Peter thanked her, which then noticed two young boys behind the door.

"[Peter, who are these boys?]" Asked in a gentle, warm tone, Peter answered. "[You know the place where I said that Brooklyn would have black hole underneath and must stop it? Well, thanks to Norman, it didn't work and the space collider-]"


He stopped the conversation when they heard Izuku yelled and glitching out before falling to the ground. This made the woman and Miles checked the young student's condition.

"[What's happening?]" Miles asked. "[That's the result of his atoms glitching in a different plane of reality. I heard there's six dimensions when one of the scientists shouted. Looks like we found one of them.]" Peter answered and mentioned Izuku's one of those people who are in their dimension.

Then, he glanced at the dark-skinned teenager. "[Miles, you still have the goober?]"

"[Goober?]" Miles said quizzically.

"[I mean the USB driver.]" Peter corrected himself. "[I call it a goober, because it can be a bypass key, a virus key, and many more keys, so I can't remember.]" He said while scratching his head.

Realizing this, Miles dug his hands into the pocket of his jacket and brought out the goober Peter asked. The man asked if he could take it and Miles said yes as he gave it to him.

Meanwhile, the woman asked the greenette boy. "[Can you move?]"

"[Yes, Ma'am.]" Izuku replied before struggling to stand up. The woman helped him and guided the two boys inside their house.

"[You guys can sleep here until you're ready.]"

"[I'll text my mom and dad that I'm staying in a friend's house for a few days after school.]" Miles said.

"[If you think that's the best, then go ahead.]" The woman responded before realizing something important.

"[Forgive me for late introductions. Name's Mary Jane Watson-Parker.]" She motioned her hand towards her chest.

Morales and Midoriya were surprised. The beautiful woman in front of them is Peter Parker's wife? Guess that Peter hit the jackpot.

"[By the way, MJ, where's Aunt May?]" Peter questioned his wife.

"[She's on her way here.]" Mary Jane answered shortly. Peter knew where he is and told her he's going to take a bath and change clothes.

"[Honey! I forgot to tell you something! Can you give Miles $50?! He bought the clothes I wear on the way home!]" Peter yelled on the other side of the room to which Mary Jane said okay.

"[No, no, no. It's okay. I can-]"

"[You don't need to, Miles.]" Mary Jane interrupted the young teenager. "[You helped my husband and I'll give the money back.]"

Miles wanted to refute, but didn't say anything and instead opened his phone and texted his Dad and Mom.

Izuku was relaxing on the sofa before realizing he hadn't take a bath for a long time. As he stood up, his stomach growled loudly to his embarrassment. Him hungry in a neighbor's house is something he can't get out of his mind.

"[Just wait a little longer. I'll go prepare dinner.]" Mary Jane said with a smile, looking at the embarrassed boy whose face is lowered.

"[Uhm, wud it be okay por me to take a bat aftur Peter?]" Izuku asked, mentally noting himself to study more lessons in English as soon as he's back home.

"[Sure.]" Mary Jane replied happily while noting of his accent. Izuku's a foreigner, but what part of country does he live in?

"[He's Japanese.]" Miles stated the obvious, and Izuku had no care about hiding his identity at this point.

Well, they discover Peter's identity and Miles' too, might as well share his side.

And that moment, the back door of the house opened and an elder woman entered the house. Her hair is all gray and she wears casual clothes.

"[Oh, hello there.]"

"[You must be Aunt May.]" Miles said.

"[That's right. Maybelle Parker's the full name. Where's Peter?]" She asked.

"[I'm taking a bath, Aunt May!]" Peter yelled inside the bathroom like he heard her at the other side of the door.

Aunt May chuckled before sniffing the air. Something smells... out of order until her eyes lead to the green-haired boy, who looked down, flustered at his own hygiene.

"[I... didn't take a bath nor eaten at all.]" Izuku admitted, his eyes were still looking down and heard a gasp from Aunt May.

"[Goodness gracious.]" She said before reminding Peter to hurry it up, to which he replied he's almost done.

"[I'll go get some clothes for you.]" She said before walking to the stairs to fetch the said clothes.

"[You dunt hab tuh dew it, Ma'am.]" His head shot up at the elder woman's figure, waving his arms to stop her from her tracks.

"[And leave you naked in my house?]" She asked as she turned over her shoulder with a smile and waited for the response, which is silence.

Smiling, she continued going to the room where Peter and MJ were sleeping before they heard Peter. "[Deku, I'm done.]" Peter left the bathroom, his lower body covered by the towel and his defined body exposed to the boys' visions.

"[Here,]" He threw a towel to Izuku, who caught it easily. "[You can use my towel.]"


Emotions driving, Izuku tried to hold back the tears, ready to form in his eyes, and yet this is the first time these last two days someone has given him the necessities to survive. Shelter, food, water, and comfort.

"Arigato gozaimasu." Izuku showed gratitude in his native language and bowed like Iida, before entering the bathroom.

Peter was confused with what the greenette boy just said to him. However, one key giveaway is bowing, and that gesture is enough for the people inside to understand him.

Inside the bathroom, the Midoriya kid began to take off his clothing when he heard a voice behind the door.

"[Kid, if you're finished taking off the clothes, give them to me. Aunt May will take care of the sewing.]" It was Peter's voice. Complied, Izuku slightly opened the door and gave Peter the clothes before slowly shutting the door and went on to cleanse himself.

While taking a bath, Mary Jane began to cook with Aunt May telling them that she'll be back. As for Peter, he asked Mary Jane first to see if she needs some helped, to which his wife wave it off and carry on what he should do tonight.

Miles offered, but the beautiful wife of Peter Parker refused. They are the guests and must be treated with respect. Peter shrugged before sitting down on the sofa. Grabbing the remote on the glass table in front of him, he turns the television on as it lit up to life.

Finding some entertaining channels, he pressed a button to switch channels. He kept going until... a certain channel caught his attention.

A few minutes later, Izuku turns off the shower and pushes aside the curtains before grabbing the towel provided by Peter to wash himself.

After drying and tying the towel around his waist, a knocking sound came from the door and a voice came next. "[Deku,]" This time, it's Aunt May's voice. "[Here are some clothes.]"

She slowly opens the door and stretches her arm out covered by the shirts, boxers, and pants.

"[Tank you.]" Izuku accepts as he gathers them before Aunt May pulled the door to close.

Putting on the clothes, Izuku exited the bathroom with Aunt May waiting for him. He handed her the towel and she grabbed it before commenting, "[Dinner's almost ready, by the way.]"

She guided him to the dining room before going to the bedroom upstairs. Izuku saw the food is ready for the whole... 'family', he thinks of a better word but can't find it.

The Parker Family gestured to the guests to sit beside each other while they were on the other side of the rectangular table. As they settled in their respective places, Aunt May caught up to them and sat on the other side of the table.

Both Miles and Izuku waited for the family to start when they put their hands together and closed their eyes in unison.

Knowing it's a sign of prayer, Miles followed and Izuku, hesitant, but did it as well. It looks like the Western regions have the same traditions as the Eastern?

Or... could it be?

Peter began to start praying as he mentioned the Lord for giving thanks of eating together as a family, while also thanking that this day is not one of those days where he'll leave the Earth as he had so much to do not just for the citizens of New York, but also to his family as well. He also thanked the two kids for arriving early.

Peter proceeded to pray for everybody as they were all listening closely to his prayers. And a few minutes, he finished with 'Amen' and they followed his way. Izuku did it too, in an embarrassed whisper tone as to not disrespect the Catholic culture.

As to why he knows the Catholic practice despite the subjects he tackled in these years, he is actually a Catholic himself. During his childhood years, he and his mother would visit a church every Sunday. However, there is a bias amongst the churches for accepting people with Quirk, and never letting in the Quirkless society. Fortunately, they came upon the church that's accepting everyone indeed.

The day his mother died is the day he was led astray from visiting churches, but that didn't deter him from praying in his home, hoping that his life would turn 180.

He removed his train of thoughts when he began to gather food in his plate and ate a spoonful in a slow manner as to not embarrass himself in front of them.

"[So, kid.]" Miles and Izuku turned their heads towards Peter's voice. Realizing this, he coughed to correct himself. "[Deku.]"

"[Yes?]" The greenette boy responds.

"[Is it okay to know where you came from? You don't have to force yourself if you feel uncomfortable.]" Inquired the blonde husband of Mary Jane.

The Midoriya kid thought at first of hiding his origins, but clearly that wouldn't be fair for everyone here in this room, especially Miles and Peter.

Peter was able to hide his identity as the man behind the Spider-Man mask and Miles, well... he did feel a tingling sensation from him as he save them.

But right now, the blonde man was waiting for his answer.

"[So,]" Izuku started his speech. "[I leeb in Japan, near Shizuka Prefecture. The year where I am is 2135, and-]"

"[2135?!]" All of them raised their voice, surprised at the fact that year is-

"[You live 117 years in exact time ahead of us?!]" Peter questioned him.

"[Well, the date and time there is...]" The boy trailed off as he sunk deep into his own thoughts. Looking confused, Mary Jane asked if he's okay.

"[Somewhat.]" Izuku answered her. "[A lot of things happened within two weeks. So, if you guys wanted the short story of my world, most of the people living possess superhuman abilities we called Quirks and they are sorted into multiple categories. And yes, because of these Quirks, people established schools that focuses on students who aims to be the heroes that protects citizens from villains.]"


"[God, I wish I can travel to your world and see it for myself.]"


Like the sudden crossover there? Well, it bounds to happen soon, but not this soon, huh? Sorry for the late publish of the chapter. Supposed to be February 2023, but a lot of things happening in college. So, in case of those who missed it, I published this chapter in April 05, 2023.

So, I really hope that you guys really like the chapter and leave out your opinions in the comment section about the story and the chapter.

Thank you again.

- TheBlackLunatic

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