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Guys sooo very sorry for this very long update, don't hate me. I still didn't give up on this book! Hope you like it ♥️!!!! And let's begin.

Third POV

"What do you mean 'hiding something big' from all of you guys?" Léroy asked getting a bit too close to Adrien's face.

"Exactly what it sounds like" Adrien said, glaring more into his brown eyes.

"Let me ask you this" léroy said raising an eyebrow "how did you get here as fast as you did?"

Adrien stepped back at the question. Léroy snickered when he didn't get a reply back. "Looks like I'm not the only one keeping secrets here" and with that léroy stepped back and stormed out of the room.

"Nice going kid" plagg said to Adrien "you just had to open your mouth"

"plagg if you know anything about him you have to tell me" Adrien said walking into the bathroom.

"and why is that?" plagg went through the close door.

"cause what if he's trying to hurt Marinette. He could be dangerous" Adrien said turning on the water to the shower and the sink.

"I think Marinette is fine on her own. She's a pretty strong girl if you ask me" plagg said going into his little bath in the sink. Adrien got undress and walked into the hot shower. "Marinette...strong?" Adrien laughed "she's the most clumsiest person I've met. There's no way she can handle danger if it comes her way. That's why I'm going to keep a better eye on her when léroy is near her"

"look at you, playing night in shinny amor" plagg said with Boredom.

"Oh, be quiet"

~~~~~Tîme skip~~~~

Night came by and the class has just Finish giving in their assignment to the teacher. The teacher would let it slide if they didn't have a lot of information, due to the akuma attack.

Marinette and Juli were just about to open the door to Their room until they heard a voice yelling at the end of the hall. "Juli! Wait up!" Léroy screamed while running towards them. Juli pulled a string of hair behind her ear and looked at the now tired brunette boy in front of her.

"Yeah Roy?" She asked. He looked up at her and stood up straight.

"I was kinda..." he cleared his throat and looked behind Juli and to Marinette. She nod and went inside the room to give them two some privacy. "Wondering if...maybe...you'll like to, uhm..." he laughed at himself. "I don't know how to put this exactly"

"It's alright" Juli said "you can think about it tonight and tell me tomorrow. I'm actually kinda tired right now so~" she started to say and put her hand on the door knob. He looked at her and see that she really wanted to go to bed and nod his head slowly.

"Goodnight Roy"
"Night Jules"

Adrien comes up from behind léroy and pats his shoulder. "Maybe next time" he tried to cheer him up a bit. Léroy looked at him with sad eyes but then did a smile trying to shove it off.

Juli goes inside marinette's room and Marinette freaks out and starts to try act cool.

"OH MY GOD MARI!!!" Juli yells as she shakes her body.

"What? What happened?!" She starts to freak out too.

"I think léroy was about to ask me out?!?!"

"About to? What happened? Did you say no?"

They both sat down on the bed and Juli took in a deep breath. "I didn't let him finish and hurried inside of the room. I can't go out with him. He's like.......My little brother" she explained. 

Marinette started to giggle. "So there is no other way around you liking him at all?" She asked.

Juli thought about it and shook her head. "I'll talk to you tomorrow. All this is getting to my head" Juli tried to laugh off what was going on.  Marinette nodded her head and Juli left the room. She opened the door to leave their room and found Adrien about to knock.

"Uhh" he didn't know what to say. Juli giggled and closed the door behind her leaving the two teenagers outside in the hallway.

"Soo..." Juli started.

Guess who this is.....

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