Chapter 6

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Rayla's POV


Don't read the last page.

And I'll stay...

When you're lost, or you're scared, or you're turning away.

I want...

Your midnights.

But I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day.

They sat at the kitchen table. Callum pulled out a box of Band-Aids and a damp cloth.

"This might sting," he warned, reaching for a gash on her arm. She pulled back sharply, wincing in pain.

"What is it?"

"Nothing," Rayla mumbled. "Here, I can do it myself." She took the cloth from him, but gasped in pain when she tried to twist her arm to apply it to the cut.

"Rayla, that's not going to work, you have to let me do it," Callum told her.

"I'm fine!"
After a few more failed attempts, she growled. "It's fine. Runaan or Ethari can help when I get back."

"No, wait, Rayla." Callum touched her hand. "Are you mad at me?"


"Do you not trust me?"

"I do."

"So why won't you let me help?"

Rayla sighed. "For Moonshadow elves, cleaning and dressing wounds and injuries is...special. It's a really personal and intimate thing, to have someone else do it for you."

"Oh." Callum looked thoughtful. "So...what if you have an injury that you can't take care of yourself?"

"Then a family member helps you," Rayla said. "So I should go home."

"Rayla, you can't," Callum argued. "Your hands are so cut up, you'll barely be able to drive."

"Callum..." Rayla stared at him for a moment. "What do you think I should do, then?"

"Let me do it," Callum said. "I know it's special, but please?" She hesitated. "You can trust me, I promise."

After a second, she extended her hand again. "Fine."

Slowly, Callum began to clean her cuts, starting on her hands and working his way up her arms. They didn't speak. At first, Rayla flinched every time he touched her, but she forced herself to relax.

Callum reached the last cut and hesitated. "Um...this one's on your head. Can I...?"

Rayla swallowed. It actually kind of felt good to have Callum help, and while she didn't want to admit it, she didn't want him to stop. "Go for it."

Gently, he moved her hair out of the way. He touched the cloth to her head (The second cloth−the first had gotten too blood-soaked to continue to use) and cleaned away the blood before smoothing a Band-Aid onto it.

He looked up at her and she realized how close their faces were. His hand still hovered over the cut on her head.

His gaze flickered from her eyes down to her lips and back. Rayla looked away for a second before glancing back. Screw this, I'm just going to do it. Gently, she pressed her lips to his.

After a second, he was kissing her back and his hands were tangled in her hair and his fingers brushed her horns. She held his face in her hands, ignoring the slight twinges of pain from her numerous cuts.

But after a moment, she came to her senses and pulled away.

"Sorry," she said, stepping back. "Sorry, I shouldn't have done that. Fuck, I just ruined everything. Um, I'll just go..."

"Wait," Callum called. Rayla froze and turned around.

"Don't go," Callum said. "Don't run away. Don't apologize. I'm, uh...I'm glad you did that, because I, um, I probably never could have worked up the courage to kiss you myself, so..."

Rayla blinked at him.

"Look, what I'm trying to say," Callum said. "Is that I like you. Like, as...more than a friend. I'm not good know, words, but I think that makes enough sense. Right? I like you."

Rayla stared at him for another second before smiling. "Really?"


Rayla stepped forward again. "So I can kiss you again?"

"Please do."

This time, they were both ready for it. Rayla knew Callum, of course, she'd known him for years, she knew the way he moved and breathed, but this was the first time she'd held him, felt his skin on hers, felt the way his pulse fluttered and jumped to match hers and the way he couldn't stop smiling into the kiss.

They both pulled apart for air, panting slightly.

"We should clean up," Rayla murmured. "Your dad's not going to be happy about the mess."

"Yeah," Callum agreed. Slowly, they both began to pick up trash and food bits from the ground. Callum dragged out the broom and swept up the broken glass while Rayla wiped drops of blood from the table.

It took some time, but the house looked almost as nice as earlier. Rayla hesitated just inside the doorway. "Hug?"

Callum grinned and reached out. She squeezed his hand one last time. "Night, Callum. Thanks for helping with..." she waved to the Band-Aids.

"Yeah, anytime. Goodnight, Rayla."

Rayla was about to close the door when she peered back inside. "Callum?"


"Love you."

His grin was bright enough to replace the sun.

"Love you, too, Rayla."

Hold on...

To the memories, they will hold on to you.

And I will hold on to you.

Please don't ever become a stranger

Whose laugh I could recognize anywhere.

Please don't ever become a stranger

Whose laugh I could recognize anywhere.

There's glitter on the floor after the party...

Girls carrying their shoes down in the lobby.

Candlewax and Polaroids on the hardwood floor...

You and me...


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