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What makes one city different from another city? Is it 

the buildings, the weather, the people? It is the people 

who make a city, and to know a city, you must know its 

people. You must know what makes them laugh and 

cry, know the small details of their everyday lives. 

What kind of people lived in New York at the 

beginning of the twentieth century? Are New Yorkers 

different now from a hundred years ago? Cities grow 

bigger with the years, new buildings are put up and old 

buildings are pulled down, horses are replaced by cars 

and buses, fashions change. But people do not change. 

The New Yorkers in these stories are very different 

from each other, but the hopes of a tramp are as 

important as the hopes of a lawyer; the love of a 

waitress is as exciting as the love of an actress. And we 

see that people's hopes and fears and dreams do not 

change with the years. One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all. 

Every day, when she went to the shops, she spent 

very little money. She bought the cheapest meat, the 

cheapest vegetables. And when she was tired, she still 

walked round and round the shops to find the cheapest 

food. She saved every cent possible. 

Delia counted the money again. There was no 

mistake. One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was 

all. And the next day was Christmas. 

She couldn't do anything about it. She could only sit 

down and cry. So she sat there, in the poor little room, 

and she cried. 

Delia lived in this poor little room, in New York, 

with her husband, James Dillingham Young. They also 

had a bedroom, and a kitchen and a bathroom - all 

poor little rooms. James Dillingham Young was lucky, 

because he had a job, but it was not a good job. These 

rooms took most of his money. Delia tried to find 

work, but times were bad, and there was no work for 

her. But when Mr James Dillingham Young came 

The Christmas Presents home to his rooms, Mrs James Dillingham Young 

called him 'Jim' and put her arms round him. And that 

was good. 

Delia stopped crying and she washed her face. She 

stood by the window, and looked out at a grey cat on a 

grey wall in the grey road. Tomorrow was Christmas 

Day, and she had only one dollar and eighty-seven 

cents to buy Jim a Christmas present. Her Jim. She 

wanted very much to buy him something really fine, 

something to show how much she loved him. 

Suddenly, Delia turned round and ran over to look 

in the glass on the wall. Her eyes were bright. 

Now, the James Dillingham Youngs had two very 

special things. One was Jim's gold watch. It once 

belonged to his father, and, before that, to his 

grandfather. The other special thing was Delia's hair. 

Quickly, Delia let down her beautiful, long hair. It 

fell down her back, and it was almost like a coat 

around her. Then she put her hair up again, quickly. 

For a second or two she stood still, and cried a little. 

Then she put on her old brown coat, and her old 

brown hat, turned, and left the room. She went 

downstairs and out into the road, and her eyes were 


She walked along by the shops, and stopped when 

she came to a door with 'Madame Eloise - Hair' on it. Inside there was a fat woman. She did not look like an 


'Will you buy my hair?' Delia asked. 

'I buy hair,' Madame replied. 'Take your hat off, 

then, and show me your hair.' 

The beautiful brown hair fell down. 

'Twenty dollars,' Madame said, and she touched the 

hair with her hand. 

'Quick! Cut it off! Give me the money!' Delia said. 

The next two hours went quickly. Delia was happy 

because she was looking round the shops for Jim's 


At last she found it. It was a gold chain for The 

Watch. Jim loved his watch, but it had no chain. When 

Delia saw this gold chain, she knew immediately that it 

was right for Jim. She must have it. 

The shop took twenty-one dollars from her for it, 

and she hurried home with the eighty-seven cents. 

When she arrived there, she looked at her very short 

hair in the glass. 'What can I do with it?' she thought. 

For the next half an hour she was very busy. 

Then she looked again in the glass. Her hair was 

now in very small curls all over her head. 'Oh, dear. 

I look like a schoolgirl!' she said to herself. 'What's Jim 

going to say when he sees me?' 

At seven o'clock the dinner was nearly ready and 

Delia was waiting. 'Oh, I hope he thinks that I'm still 

beautiful!' she thought. 

The door opened and Jim came in and closed it. He 

looked very thin and he needed a new coat. His eyes 

were on Delia. She could not understand the look on 

his face, and she was afraid. He was not angry or 

surprised. He just watched her, with that strange look 

on his face. 

Delia ran to him. 'Jim,' she cried. 'Don't look at me like that. I sold my 

hair because I wanted to give you a present. It will soon 

be long again. I had to do it, Jim. Say "Happy 

Christmas", please. I have a wonderful present for 


'You've cut off your hair?' asked Jim. 

'Yes. I cut it off and sold it,' Delia said. 'But don't 

you love me any more, Jim? I'm still me.' 

Jim looked round the room. 

'You say your hair has gone?' he said, almost 


'Yes. I told you. Because I love you! Shall I get the 

dinner now, Jim?' 

Suddenly Jim put his arms round his Delia. Then he 

took something from his pocket and put it on the table. 

'I love you, Delia,' he said. 'It doesn't matter if your 

hair is short or long. But if you open that, you'll see 

why I was unhappy at first.' 

Excited, Delia pulled off the paper. Then she gave a 

little scream of happiness. But a second later there were 

cries of unhappiness. 

Because there were The Combs - the combs for her 

beautiful hair. When she first saw these combs in the 

shop window, she wanted them. They were beautiful 

combs, expensive combs, and now they were her 

combs. But she no longer had her hair! Delia picked them up and held them. Her eyes were 

full of love. 

'But my hair will soon be long again, Jim.' 

And then Delia remembered. She jumped up and 

cried, 'Oh! Oh!' She ran to get Jim's beautiful present, 

and she held it out to him. 

'Isn't it lovely, Jim? I looked everywhere for it. Now 

you'll want to look at your watch a hundred times a 

day. Give it to me! Give me your watch, Jim! Let's see 

it with its new chain.' 

But Jim did not do this. He sat down, put his hands 

behind his head, and he smiled. 

'Delia,' he said. 'Let's keep our presents for a time. 

They're so nice. You see, I sold the watch to get the 

money to buy your combs. And now, let's have 


And this was the story of two young people who 

were very much in love. 

Soapy sat on a seat in Madison Square, New York, 

and looked up at the sky. A dead leaf fell onto his 

arm. Winter was coming, and Soapy knew that he 

must make his plans. He moved unhappily on his seat. 

He wanted three months in a nice, warm prison, 

with food and good friends. This was how he usually 

spent his winters. And now it was time, because, at 

night on his seat in the square, three newspapers did 

not keep out the cold. 

So Soapy decided to go to prison, and at once began 

to try his first plan. It was usually easy. He ate dinner 

in an expensive restaurant. Then he told them he had 

no money and they called a policeman. Nice and easy, 

with no trouble. 

So Soapy left his seat, and walked slowly along the 

street. Soon he came to a bright restaurant on 

Broadway. Ah! This was all right. He just had to get to 

a table in the restaurant and sit down. That was all, 

because, when he sat down, people could only see his 

coat and his shirt, which were not very old. Nobody 

Soapy's Choice could see his trousers. He thought about the meal - not 

too expensive, but good. 

But when Soapy went into the restaurant, the waiter 

saw Soapy's dirty old trousers and terrible shoes. 

Strong hands turned him round and helped him out 

into the street again. 

So now he had to think of something different. 

Soapy walked away from Broadway and soon he 

found himself on Sixth Avenue. He stopped in front of 

a shop window and looked at it. It was nice and bright, 

and everybody in the street could see him. Slowly and 

carefully he picked up a stone and threw it at the 

window. The glass broke with a loud noise. People ran 

round the corner and Soapy was happy, because the 

man in front was a policeman. Soapy did not move. He 

stood there with his hands in his pockets, and he 

smiled. 'I'll soon be in prison now, ' he thought. 

The policeman came up to Soapy. 'Who did that?' he 


'Perhaps I did,' Soapy replied. 

But the policeman knew that people who break 

windows do not stop to talk to policemen. They run 

away. And just then the policeman saw another man, 

who was running to catch a bus. So the policeman ran 

after him. Soapy watched for a minute. Then he 

walked away. No luck again! He began to feel cross. 

But on the opposite side of the road he saw a little 

restaurant. 'Ah, that'll be all right,' he thought, and he 

went in. This time nobody looked at his trousers and 

his shoes. He enjoyed his meal, and then he looked up 

at the waiter, smiled and said, 'I haven't got any money, you know. Now, call the police. And do it 

quickly. I'm tired!' 

'No police for you!' the waiter answered. 'Hey! Jo!' 

Another waiter came, and together they threw Soapy 

out into the cold street. Soapy lay there, very angry. 

With difficulty, he stood up. His nice warm prison was 

still far away, and Soapy was very unhappy. He felt 

worse because a policeman, who was standing near, 

laughed and walked away. 

Soapy moved on, but he walked for a long time 

before he tried again. This time it looked easy. 

A nice young woman was standing in front of a shop 

window. Not very far away there was also a police-

man. Soapy moved nearer to the young woman. He 

saw that the policeman was watching him. Then he 

said to the young woman, with a smile, 'Why don't 

you come with me, my dear? I can give you a good 


The young woman moved away a little and looked 

more carefully into the shop window. Soapy looked at 

the policeman. Yes, he was still watching. Then he 

spoke to the young woman again. In a minute she 

would call the policeman. Soapy could almost see the 

prison doors. Suddenly, the young woman took hold 

of his arm. 

'OK, ' she said happily. 'If you buy me a drink. Let's 

go before that policeman sees us.' 

And poor Soapy walked away with the young 

woman, who still held on to his arm. He was very 


At the next corner he ran away from the woman. 

Suddenly he was afraid. 'I'm never going to get to 

prison,' he thought. 

Slowly, he walked on and came to a street with a lot 

of theatres. There were a lot of people there, rich 

people in their best clothes. Soapy had to do something 

to get to prison. He did not want to spend another 

night on his seat in Madison Square. What could he 

do? Then he saw a policeman near him, so he began to 

sing and shout and make a lot of noise. This time they 

must send him to prison. But the policeman turned his 

back to Soapy and said to a man who was standing 

near, 'He's had too much to drink, but he's not 

dangerous. We'll leave him alone tonight.' 

What was the matter with the police? Soapy was 

really unhappy now, but he stopped making a noise. 

How could he get to prison? The wind was cold, and 

he pulled his thin coat around him. 

But, just then, inside a shop, he saw a man with an 

expensive umbrella. The man put his umbrella down 

near the door, and took out a cigarette. Soapy went 

into the shop, picked up the umbrella, and, slowly, he began to walk away. The man came quickly after him. 

'That's my umbrella,' he said. 

'Oh, is it?' Soapy replied. 'Then why don't you call a 

policeman? I took it, and you say it's your umbrella. 

Go on, then. Call a policeman! Look! There's one on 

the corner.' 

The umbrella man looked unhappy. 'Well, you 

know, perhaps I've made a mistake. I took it from a 

restaurant this morning. If it's yours, well, I'm very 

sorry . . .' 

'Of course it's my umbrella,' Soapy said. 

The policeman looked at them - and the umbrella 

man walked away. The policeman went to help a 

beautiful young girl to cross the road. 

Soapy was really angry now. He threw the umbrella 

away and said many bad things about policemen. Just 

because he wanted to go to prison, they did not want 

to send him there. He could do nothing wrong! 

He began to walk back to Madison Square and 

home - his seat. 

But on a quiet corner, Soapy suddenly stopped. 

Here, in the middle of the city, was a beautiful old 

church. Through one purple window he could see a 

soft light, and sweet music was coming from inside the 

church. The moon was high in the sky and everything 

was quiet. For a few seconds it was like a country 

church and Soapy remembered other, happier days. He 

thought of the days when he had a mother, and friends, 

and beautiful things in his life. 

Then he thought about his life now - the empty 

days, the dead plans. And then a wonderful thing 

happened. Soapy decided to change his life and be a 

new man. 'Tomorrow, ' he said to himself, 'I'll go into 

town and find work. My life will be good again. I'll be 

somebody important. Everything will be different. I'll . . .' 

Soapy felt a hand on his arm. He jumped and looked round quickly - into the face of a policeman! 

'What are you doing here?' asked the policeman. 

'Nothing,' Soapy answered. 

'Then come with me,' the policeman said. 

'Three months in prison,' they told Soapy the next 

T hat morning my wife and I said our usual goodbyes. 

She left her second cup of tea, and she followed me 

to the front door. She did this every day. She took from 

my coat a hair which was not there, and she told me 

to be careful. She always did this. I closed the door, and 

she went back to her tea. 

I am a lawyer and I work very hard. My friend, 

Doctor Volney, told me not to work so hard. 'You'll be 

ill,' he said. 'A lot of people who work too hard get 

very tired, and suddenly they forget who they are. They 

can't remember anything. It's called amnesia. You 

need a change and a rest.' 

'But I do rest,' I replied. 'On Thursday nights my 

wife and I play a game of cards, and on Sundays she 

reads me her weekly letter from her mother.' 

That morning, when I was walking to work, I 

thought about Doctor Volney's words. I was feeling 

very well, and pleased with life. 

When I woke up, I was on a train and feeling very 

A Walk in Amnesia uncomfortable after a long sleep. I sat back in my seat 

and I tried to think. After a long time, I said to myself, 

'I must have a name!' 1 looked in my pockets. No 

letter. No papers. Nothing with my name on. But I 

found three thousand dollars. 'I must be someone,' 

I thought. 

The train was crowded with men who were all very 

friendly. One of them came and sat next to me. 'Hi! 

My name's R.P. Bolder - Bolder and Son, from 

Missouri. You're going to the meeting in New York, of 

course? What's your name?' 

I had to reply to him, so I said quickly, 'Edward 

Pinkhammer from Cornopolis, Kansas.' 

He was reading a newspaper, but every few minutes 

he looked up from it, to talk to me. I understood from 

his conversation that he was a druggist, and he thought 

that I was a druggist, too. 

'Are all these men druggists?' I asked. 

'Yes, they are,' he answered. 'Like us, they're all 

going to the yearly meeting in New York.' 

After a time, he held out his newspaper to me. 'Look 

at that,' he said. 'Here's another of those men who run 

away and then say that they have forgotten who they 

are. A man gets tired of his business and his family, and 

he wants to have a good time. He goes away 

somewhere and when they find him, he says that he 

doesn't know who he is, and that he can't remember 


I took the paper and read this: 

Denver, June 12th 

Elwyn C. Bellford, an important lawyer in the town, 

left home three days ago and has not come back. Just 

before he left, he took out a lot of money from his 

bank. Nobody has seen him since that day. He is a 

quiet man who enjoys his work and is happily 

married. But Mr Bellford works very hard, and it is 

possible that he has amnesia. 'But sometimes people do forget who they are, 

Mr Bolder,' I said. 

'Oh, come on!' Mr Bolder answered. 'It's not true, 

you know! These men just want something more 

exciting in their lives - another woman, perhaps. 

Something different.' 

We arrived in New York at about ten o'clock at 

night. I took a taxi to a hotel, and I wrote the name, 

'Edward Pinkhammer', in the hotel book. Suddenly I 

felt wild and happy - I was free. A man without a 

name can do anything. 

The young man behind the desk at the hotel looked 

at me a little strangely. 1 had no suitcase. 

'I'm here for the Druggists' Meeting,' I said. 'My 

suitcase is lost.' I took out some money and gave it to 


The next day I bought a suitcase and some clothes 

and I began to live the life of Edward Pinkhammer. 

I didn't try to remember who or what I was. 

The next few days in Manhattan were wonderful -

the theatres, the gardens, the music, the restaurants, 

the night life, the beautiful girls. And during this time I 

learned something very important - if you want to be 

happy, you must be free. 

Sometimes I went to quiet, expensive restaurants 

with soft music. Sometimes I went on the river in boats 

full of noisy young men and their girlfriends. And then 

there was Broadway, with its theatres and bright lights. 

One afternoon I was going back into my hotel when 

a fat man came and stood in front of me. 

'Hello, Bellford!' he cried loudly. 'What are you 

doing in New York? Is Mrs B. with you?' 

'I'm sorry, but you're making a mistake, sir,' I said 

coldly. 'My name is Pinkhammer. Please excuse me.' 

The man moved away, in surprise, and I walked over 

to the desk. Behind me, the man said something about 

a telephone. 

'Give me my bill,' I said to the man behind the desk, 'and bring down my suitcase in half an hour.' 

That afternoon I moved to a quiet little hotel on 

Fifth Avenue. 

One afternoon, in one of my favourite restaurants on 

Broadway, I was going to my table when somebody 

pulled my arm. 

'Mr Bellford,' a sweet voice cried. 

I turned quickly and saw a woman who was sitting 

alone. She was about thirty and she had very beautiful 


'How can you walk past me like that?' she said. 

'Didn't you know me?' 

I sat down at her table. Her hair was a beautiful red-

gold colour. 

'Are you sure you know me?' I asked. 

'No. ' She smiled. 'I never really knew you.' 

'Well, my name is Edward Pinkhammer,' I said, 'and 

I'm from Kansas.' 

'So, you haven't brought Mrs Bellford with you, 

then,' she said, and she laughed. 'You haven't changed 

much in fifteen years, Elwyn.' 

Her wonderful eyes looked carefully at my face. 

'No, ' she said quietly, 'you haven't forgotten. I told 

you that you could never forget.' 

'I'm sorry,' I answered, 'but that's the trouble. I have 

forgotten. I've forgotten everything.' 

She laughed. 'Did you know that I married six 

months after you did? It was in all the newspapers.' 

She was silent for a minute. Then she looked up at me 

again. 'Tell me one thing, Elwyn,' she said softly. 'Since 

that night fifteen years ago, can you touch, smell, or 

look at white roses - and not think of me?' 

'I can only say that I don't remember any of this,' 

I said carefully. 'I'm very sorry.' I tried to look away 

from her. She smiled and stood up to leave. Then she held out 

her hand to me, and I took it for a second. 'Oh yes, you 

remember,' she said, with a sweet, unhappy smile. 

'Goodbye, Elwyn Bellford.' 

That night I went to the theatre and when I returned 

to my hotel, a quiet man in dark clothes was waiting 

for me. 

'Mr Pinkhammer,' he said, 'can I speak with you for 

a minute? There's a room here.' 

I followed him into a small room. A man and a 

woman were there. The woman was still beautiful, but 

her face was unhappy and tired. I liked everything 

about her. The man, who was about forty, came to 

meet me. 

'Bellford,' he said, 'I'm happy to see you again. 

I told you that you were working too hard. Now you 

can come home with us. You'll soon be all right.' 

'My name' , I said, 'is Edward Pinkhammer. I've 

never seen you before in my life.' 

The woman cried out, 'Oh, Elwyn! Elwyn! I'm your 

wife!' She put her arms round me, but I pushed them 


'Oh, Doctor Volney! What is the matter with him?' 

the woman cried. 

'Go to your room, ' the doctor said to her. 'He'll 

soon be well again.' 

The woman left, and so did the man in the dark 

clothes. The man who was a doctor turned to me and 

said quietly, 'Listen. Your name is not Edward 


'I know that,' I replied, 'but a man must have a 

name. Why not Pinkhammer?' 

'Your name', the doctor said, 'is Elwyn Bellford. 

You are one of the best lawyers in Denver - and that 

woman is your wife.' 

'She's a very fine woman, ' I said, after a minute. 

'I love the colour of her hair.' 'She's a very good wife,' the doctor replied. 'When 

you left two weeks ago, she was very unhappy. Then 

we had a telephone call from a man who saw you in a 

hotel here.' 

'I think I remember him,' I said. 'He called me 

"Bellford". Excuse me, but who are you?' 

'I'm Bobby Volney. I've been your friend for twenty 

years, and your doctor for fifteen years. Elwyn, try to 


'You say you're a doctor,' I said. 'How can I get 

better? Does amnesia go slowly or suddenly?' 

'Sometimes slowly. Sometimes suddenly.' 

'Will you help me, Doctor Volney?' I asked. 

'Old friend,' he said, 'I'll do everything possible.' 

'Very well. And if you're my doctor, you can't tell 

anybody what I say.' 

'Of course not,' Doctor Volney answered. 

I stood up. There were some white roses on the 

table. I went over to the table, picked up the roses and 

threw them far out of the window. Then I sat down 


'I think it will be best, Bobby,' I said, 'to get better 

suddenly. I'm a little tired of it all now. Go and bring 

my wife Marian in now. But, oh, Doctor,' I said with a 

happy smile. 'Oh, my good old friend - it was 


Bogle's Family Restaurant on Eighth Avenue is not 

a famous place, but if you need a large cheap 

meal, then Bogle's is the place for you. There are 

twelve tables in the room, six on each side. Bogle 

himself sits at the desk by the door and takes the 

money. There are also two waitresses and a Voice. The 

Voice comes from the kitchen. 

At the time of my story, one of the waitresses was 

called Aileen. She was tall, beautiful and full of life. 

The name of the other waitress was Tildy. She was 

small, fat and was not beautiful. 

Most of the people who came to eat at Bogle's were 

men, and they loved the beautiful Aileen. They were 

happy to wait a long time for their meals because they 

could look at her. Aileen knew how to hold a 

conversation with twelve people and work hard at the 

same time. And all the men wanted to take Aileen 

dancing or give her presents. One gave her a gold ring 

and one gave her a little dog. 

And poor Tildy? 

Tildy's Moment In the busy, noisy restaurant men's eyes did not 

follow Tildy. Nobody laughed and talked with her. 

Nobody asked her to go dancing, and nobody gave her 

presents. She was a good waitress, but when she stood 

by the tables, the men looked round her to see Aileen. 

But Tildy was happy to work with no thanks, she 

was happy to see the men with Aileen, she was happy 

to know that the men loved Aileen. She was Aileen's 

friend. But deep inside, she, too, wanted a man to love 


Tildy listened to all Aileen's stories. One day Aileen 

came in with a black eye. A man hit her because she did 

not want to kiss him. 'How wonderful to have a black 

eye for love!' Tildy thought. 

One of the men who came to Bogle's was a young 

man called Mr Seeders. He was a small, thin man, and 

he worked in an office. He knew that Aileen was not 

interested in him, so he sat at one of Tildy's tables, said 

nothing, and ate his fish. 

One day when Mr Seeders came in for his meal, he 

drank too much beer. He finished his fish, got up, put 

his arm round Tildy, kissed her loudly, and walked out 

of the restaurant. 

For a few seconds Tildy just stood there. Then 

Aileen said to her, 'Why, Tildy! You bad girl! I must 

watch you. I don't want to lose my men to you!' Suddenly Tildy's world changed. She understood 

now that men could like her and want her as much as 

Aileen. She, Tildy, could have a love-life, too. Her eyes 

were bright, and her face was pink. She wanted to tell 

everybody her secret. When the restaurant was quiet, 

she went and stood by Bogle's desk. 

'Do you know what a man in the restaurant did to 

me today?' she said. 'He put his arm round me and he 

kissed me!' 

'Really!' Bogle answered. This was good for business. 

'Next week you'll get a dollar a week more.' 

And when, in the evening, the restaurant was busy 

again, Tildy put down the food on the tables and said 

quietly, 'Do you know what a man in the restaurant 

did to me today? He put his arm round me and kissed 


Some of the men in the restaurant were surprised; 

some of them said, 'Well done!' Men began to smile 

and say nice things to her. Tildy was very happy. Love 

was now possible in her grey life. 

For two days Mr Seeders did not come again, and in 

that time Tildy was a different woman. She wore 

bright clothes, did her hair differently, and she looked 

taller and thinner. Now she was a real woman because 

someone loved her. She felt excited, and a little afraid. 

What would Mr Seeders do the next time he came in? 

At four o'clock in the afternoon of the third day, Mr 

Seeders came in. There were no people at the tables, 

and Aileen and Tildy were working at the back of the 

restaurant. Mr Seeders walked up to them. 

Tildy looked at him, and she could not speak. 

Mr Seeders' face was very red, and he looked uncom-


'Miss Tildy,' he said, 'I want to say that I'm sorry for 

what I did to you a few days ago. It was the drink, you see. I didn't know what I was doing. I'm very sorry.' 

And Mr Seeders left. 

But Tildy ran into the kitchen, and she began to cry. 

She could not stop crying. She was no longer beautiful. 

No man loved her. No man wanted her. The kiss 

meant nothing to Mr Seeders. Tildy did not like him 

very much, but the kiss was important to her - and 

now there was nothing. 

But she still had her friend, and Aileen put her arm 

round Tildy. Aileen did not really understand, but she 

said, 'Don't be unhappy, Tildy. That little Seeders has 

got a face like a dead potato! He's nothing. A real man 

never says sorry!' 

T he window of Miss D'Armande's room looked 

out onto Broadway and its theatres. But Lynette 

D'Armande turned her chair round and sat with her 

back to Broadway. She was an actress, and needed the 

Broadway theatres, but Broadway did not need her. 

She was staying in the Hotel Thalia. Actors go there 

to rest for the summer and then try to get work for the 

autumn when the little theatres open again. Miss 

D'Armande's room in this hotel was a small one, but in 

it there were many mementoes of her days in the 

theatre, and there were also pictures of some of her 

best friends. She looked at one of these pictures now, 

and smiled at it. 

'I'd like to know where Lee is now, ' she said to 


She was looking at a picture of Miss Rosalie Ray, a 

very beautiful young woman. In the picture, Miss Ray 

was wearing a very short skirt and she was sitting on a 

swing. Every night in the theatre she went high in the 

air on her swing, over the heads of all the people. 

The Memento When she did this, all the men in the theatre got very 

excited and stood up. This was because, when her long 

beautiful legs were high in the air, her yellow garter 

flew off and fell down to the men below. She did this 

every evening, and every evening a hundred hands 

went up to catch the garter. She did other things. She 

sang, she danced, but when she got onto her swing, all 

the men stood up. Miss Ray did not have to try very 

hard to find work in the theatre. 

After two years of this, Miss D'Armande remembered, 

Miss Ray suddenly left the theatre and went to live in 

the country. 

And seventeen minutes after Miss D'Armande said, 

'I'd like to know where Lee is now' , somebody 

knocked on the door. 

It was, of course, Rosalie Ray. 

'Come in,' Miss D'Armande called, and Miss Ray 

came in. Yes, it was Rosalie. She took off her hat, and 

Miss D'Armande could see that she looked very tired 

and unhappy. 

'I've got the room above you,' Rosalie said. 'They 

told me at the desk downstairs that you were here.' 

'I've been here since the end of April,' Lynnette 

replied. 'I begin work again next week, out in a small 

town. But you left the theatre three months ago, Lee. 

Why are you here?' 'I'll tell you, Lynn, but give me a drink first.' Miss 

D'Armande passed a bottle to her friend. 

'Ah, that's good!' said Rosalie. 'My first drink for 

three months. Yes, Lynn, I left the theatre because I 

was tired of the life, and because I was tired of men -

well, the men who come to the theatre. You know we 

have to fight them off all the time. They're animals! 

They ask you to go out with them, they buy you a 

drink or two - and then they think that they can do 

what they want! It's terrible! And we work hard, we 

get very little money for it, we wait to get to the top -

and it never happens. But most of all, I left because of 

the men. 

'Well, I saved two hundred dollars and when 

summer came, I left the theatre and went to a little 

village by the sea on Long Island. I planned to stay 

there for the summer, and then learn how to be a better 


'But there was another person who was staying in 

the same house - the Reverend Arthur Lyle. Yes, Lynn, 

a man of the church! When I saw him for the first time, 

I fell in love with him at once. He was a fine man and 

he had a wonderful voice! 

'Well, it's only a short story, Lynn. A month later we 

decided to marry. We planned to live in a little house 

near the church, with lots of flowers and animals. 

'No, I didn't tell him that I was an actress. I wanted 

to forget it and to put that life behind me. 

'Oh, I was happy! I went to church, I helped the 

women in the village. Arthur and I went for long walks 

- and that little village was the best place in the world. 

I wanted to live there for ever . . . 

'But one morning, the old woman who worked in 

the house began to talk about Arthur. She thought that 

he was wonderful, too. But then she told me that 

Arthur was in love once before, and that it ended 

unhappily. She said that, in his desk, he kept a memento - something which belonged to the girl. 

Sometimes he took it out and looked at it. But she 

didn't know what it was - and his desk was locked. 

'That afternoon I asked him about it. 

' "Ida," he said, (of course, I used my real name 

there) "it was before I knew you, and I never met her. 

It was different from my love for you." 

' "Was she beautiful?" I asked. 

' "She was very beautiful," replied Arthur. 

' "Did you see her often?" 

' "About ten times," he said. 

' "And this memento - did she send it to you?" 

' "It came to me from her," he said. 

' "Why did you never meet her?" I asked. 

' "She was far above me," he answered. "But, Ida, 

it's finished. You're not angry, are you?" 

"Why, no. I love you ten times more than before." 

And I did, Lynn. Can you understand that? What a 

beautiful love that was! He never met her, never spoke 

to her, but he loved her, and wanted nothing from her. 

He was different from other men, I thought - a really 

good man! 

'About four o'clock that afternoon, Arthur had to go 

out. The door of his room was open, his desk was un-

locked, and I decided to look at this memento. I opened 

the desk and slowly I took out the box and opened it. 

'I took one look at that memento, and then I went to 

my room and packed my suitcase. My wonderful 

Arthur, this really good man, was no different from all 

the other men!' 

'But, Lee, what was in the box?' Miss D'Armande 


'It was one of my yellow garters!' cried Miss Ray. GLOSSARY 

actor/actress a man/woman who works in a theatre, and acts, 

sings or dances 

amnesia forgetting everything; not knowing your name, your 

family, where you live, etc. 

beer a drink with alcohol in it 

cards (playing cards) a set of 52 cards used to play games 

chain (n) a lot of very small metal rings joined together 

choice something that you choose or decide 

comb (n) a. piece of metal or wood with long 'teeth' which 

women use to put up their long hair 

curl (n) a little ring of hair 

druggist American word for a person who makes and sells 


fall in love with to begin to love somebody very much 

garter something worn by women round the top of the leg (not 

usually seen because it is under the skirt) 

kiss (v & n) to put your mouth on the mouth of another 

person to show love 

lawyer a person who has studied the law and who helps people 

or talks for them in a court of law 

lovely very nice; beautiful 

memento something which helps you to remember somebody 

moment a very short time 

pick up to take something in the hand 

Reverend a name given to a man of the church 

rose (n) a summer flower with a sweet smell 

sir a polite word to say to a man when you don' t know his 


swing (n) a seat on the end of two long ropes, which moves 

backwards and forwards through the air 

throw (past tense threw) to move your arm quickly to send 

something through the air 

umbrella a cover on a stick that you hold over you to keep the 

rain off 

waiter/waitress a man/woman who works in a restaurant and 

brings food to the table 

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