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I was standing in front of the full length mirror admiring the reflection of four strong young women in it. To say that we were looking stunning was still an understatement. We were all glowing and there was no other way to go about it.

Jenny was wearing a baby pink sequinned dress with straps, that reached the middle of her thighs. Her cherry blonde hair were twisted up in a knot with smaller pieces falling around her face in an elegant way.

Sophia was wearing a bright red body-con dress that fit her like a glove. Her long black hair were straightened and pulled back beautifully. She had on, a bold red lipstick which complemented her complexion perfectly.

Mia was wearing a full sleeved shimmering black dress with a daring neck line. Her blonde hair were pulled back and parted in the middle which looked great with her outfit. A pair of silver earrings completed her whole look.

As for me, I was wearing a light white-golden long sleeved dress that reached my mid thigh and had a layered neck line. My blonde highlighted hair were twisted up in a messy bun and some loose strands were fanning across my face. I did a light nude make-up with it which seemed to enhance the overall effect of the dress.

We were all looking like divas and the proud smiles on our faces showed that we knew it.
It was Saturday today. It had been a week since I had crashed that bar. I was happier with these beautiful people around me than I had ever been before.

My nightmares were still haunting me but I didn't try to harm myself again, which was good. Ryan had been extremely protective of me and I couldn't help but be charmed by his thoughtful nature. He was something else, really.

We were all at Jenny and Sophia's apartment and the boys were back at Ryan's place. They were supposed to meet us at the Club and I was driving the girls. And yes, Ryan had made sure that I was the designated driver so I wouldn't drink too much. See, told you something else! I rolled my eyes with a small smile, at the thought.

" Shall we leave? " Jenny chirped, her cheeks glowing with excitement. I had taken the girls for shopping earlier and bought them their dresses and since then Jenny had been on the ninth cloud, turns out she loved dresses. I smiled at her and hooked my arm with hers. " Yup, let's go! "

Sophia walked up to me and said, " Just try to enjoy yourself tonight Eve, don't think about anything else. " That wasn't possible. I nodded at her with a perfectly fake smile and the girls headed out. I stalled back and waited for them to leave.

I pulled out the gun from the bag that I had brought here earlier and slipped it under my dress. If we were going to go out, I might as well be prepared for the worst, right? After all, their safety was my responsibility.

I rushed out of the door with a small sling in my hand and the car keys in the other. " Sorry I had to use the washroom, " I lied when I saw the questioning glares of the girls. Slipping inside the car, I revved up the engine and we made our way to the club.

Club Trinity was a fairly big night club, the loudest in Seattle. Parking the car in the parking lot, we saw the boys getting out of Evan's SUV just as we got out of my car. I gasped at the sight of Ryan.

He was looking freaking hot! He was wearing a black plaid jacket with a low neck white T-shirt under it and black trouser pants. I licked my dry lips as I waited for him to reach me. It's getting hot out here!

His eyed widened once he walked up to me and took a look at my outfit. He trailed his eyes down my body and I felt my cheeks heat up. When his eyes finally landed on mine, he smiled a teasing smile, " You look gorgeous. " I blushed.

To be honest, I had been a little upset with him today for supporting this risky night out, but the sight of him in front of me made me forget all about it. " You don't look so bad yourself, Ryan. " He grinned at me.

Holding out his arm for me, he gestured towards the entrance of the club where the others were waiting for us. I hooked my arm with his and together we walked over to them. Once we all reached the club door, Ryan shook hands with bouncer. Apparently the Night Outs often performed here and so them and their girls were common faces in the club. Unfortunately, I didn't fall into this criterion.

The man's eyes slowly shifted to me and I froze for a moment, afraid that he'll recognize me, " And who is this smoking hot beauty? " Typical! I rolled my eyes and Ryan cleared his throat, as if in warning, " She is with us. " Ryan glared at the man and I placed my hand on his forearm gently before turning towards the man, " Here, you can see my ID if you want. " 

With Ryan still glaring at him, he quickly checked my ID before ushering us inside. I relieved a sigh of relief when he didn't check us for any weapon before letting us enter. That would've been really hard to explain.

The club was jam packed. Too many people were grinding against each other to the loud music blaring through the speakers while the others were busy drowning their sorrows with alcohol. It was a total chaos. One could easily get lost in here.

Ryan slipped his fingers through mine and my heart fluttered at the feel of his hand in mine. "Stay with me, " he shouted over the music. I nodded my head. Jenny tapped on my shoulder and pointed over to bar.

We all made our way to the bar. Me and Ryan ordered light non-alcoholic drinks because we were to drive later, while the others went straight for Tequilla shots. I shook my head and laughed at Jenny as she made a disgusted face while swallowing down her shot.

Mia and Aiden slipped out the back door, hand in hand, after a few drink and I think we all know what they were doing. A group of three blondes walked over to us. They looked like they were hardly over 16. Weren't they too young to be in a club?

Giggling they made their way over to where Ryan and I were standing. Ryan looked over at them with his iconic half grin and I rolled my eyes when I heard the girls squealing. "Hey ladies, how can I help you? " Ryan said while smirking at the teenagers jumping like morons. I chuckled at the display. Here comes the cocky bad boy Ryan! Ryan winked over at me as the girls surrounded all around him.

Shaking my head at him with a teasing smile on my face, I turned around to pull Sophia and Jenny to the dance floor with me and we started jumping to the beat of the music.

Sophia was a shy dancer but Jenny was crazy just like me. We were laughing and dancing around till the boys joined us. For a while we all danced together, laughing like maniacs but then a slow song came up and to my dismay everyone obviously paired up.

I stood there awkwardly, deciding what to do, when I felt a pair of hands snaking around my waist. I looked up to see Ryan looking down at me with his devilish grin in place. " Wanna dance milady? " He asked in a teasing voice and I couldn't help but laugh. He chuckled near my ear and my insides immediately turned liquid at the feel of his hot breath against my neck. He was close. Too close.

His hand trailed down my waist to my hips and a gasp escaped my lips. His touch was confident as if he knew exactly what he was doing. He swayed us both a little to the music. The feeling of his strong ripped chest against my back was making me weak in my knees.

His finger trailed up my arms slowly and I could feel goosebumps following behind them. His hot breath moved from my ear to the nape of my neck and he placed a soft kiss there. A small barely audible moan escaped my lips at the feel of his soft lips against my skin. " Evelyn, " the way he whispered my name made a shiver of excitement run up my spine.

"Turn around, " his voice, though barely a whisper, held a certain power to it. I turned around slowly and placed my hand on his chest lightly. I looked up through hooded lashes into his beautiful eyes which were now clouded with an unknown emotion.

Slowly trailing my hands upwards, I looped them around his neck. He smiled down at me. It was a genuine smile. A loving smile. My featured mirrored his as I got lost in his ocean eyes. He slowly leaned down, his eyes now locked onto my lips. I felt my own eyes closing in anticipation.

But before I could close my eyes completely, something caught my eye. More like someone.

And just like that, the moment was ruined.


• Evelyn's outfit •

• Jenny's outfit •

• Sophia's outfit •

• Mia's outfit •

• Ryan's outfit


• Author's note •

Oooh! It just got a little hot in here ;) Who do you think Evelyn saw behind Ryan?

Much love

M :)

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