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" You look just like your mother. "

It was the first time that someone had said that to me. Michael was the first person that I had met who knew my parents. When he said those words I couldn't stop myself from breaking down into tears myself.

Ryan quickly stepped forward and pulled me into his arms. I hid my face into his chest as I felt him wrap his arms around me. I sobbed silently for a few minutes, mourning the loss of my parents again. I tried to pull myself together. I couldn't break down. Not now. Not when I was mere moments away from knowing everything about them. But it was easier said than done.

I stepped back and looked up into Ryan's eyes. He smiled, leaned his forehead on mine and whispered lightly, " You're strong, Sunflower. And I'm right here for you. You're inches away from getting your closure, don't let yourself get weak now. "

He was my rock. Just like that, with a few simple words, he helped me get back up. I knew he was there for me. I trusted him. I love him. I knew if I lost everything after hearing whatever Michael could tell me, I would still have him. And that thought gave me energy enough to turn back my attention to Michael.

" Did you know my mother? " I asked in the strongest voice I could muster up. I felt Ryan slip his hand into mine and I held onto it tightly.

" Know your mother? I loved your mother, Evelyn. " He said. " Loved my mother? When, Michael? " I asked in a small voice.

" Evie.... Can I call you that? I'm sorry but we all just used to call you that when you  were younger." He asked and I nodded my head weakly offering him a small smile. " Evie, let's go inside. There's a lot of things you need to know about your parents. " I nodded again and he led all of us inside his house.

Just as we were entering, Evan came to stand next to me, and without saying anything he simply held onto my hand firmly. His grip was so firm it felt like he was scared I would vanish any minute. I wanted to ask him a million questions but I stopped myself at that moment. He looked like a small child lost in a crowd. His eyes were bloodshot and his fingers were trembling. I squeezed his hand tightly, silently assuring him that I was right here.

" Come sit down. I'll be back in a minute. " Michael gestured us to sit down on the couch in the living room. " I think this is your family matter Eve. Me, Sophia, and Jack will step outside. Jenny should stay with Evan, he doesn't look good. " Noah whispered in my ear. I nodded and smiled gratefully at him. He smiled back and placed a small kiss on my forehead. " Be strong, sister. " He said. How did I get so lucky in finding such lovely friends?

Noah and Sophia took Jack outside with them. Jenny sat next to Evan and held his hand in hers. He looked so fragile and broken at the moment and I wanted to just wrap my arms around him and hold him. I don't know what it was, but I felt a strange connection to him that made me feel overly protective of him, but I knew Jen could calm him better than I could. I laid my head on Ryan's shoulder to rest my tired brain for a minute.

Michael entered the room five minutes later. He had a small folder in his hand. He moved forward and knelt in front of me. I quickly sat up.

" If I knew you were alive Evie, I would have come to get you after I heard of their deaths but I didn't know. I can't even imagine what you must have gone through for all these years. " He had tears running down his cheeks. I reached out and wiped them lightly. " It's okay, Mr. Anderson. "

He laughed lightly, " Don't call me that, Evie. You don't call your Godfather, Mr. Anderson, now do you? " My eyes widened at his words. " My... Godfather? " He nodded, " Or your stepfather. " I did a double-take at his words. " My what? "

" It's okay Evie. I'll tell you everything from the start. " He said, getting up slowly and sitting on a chair in front of me. He beckoned Evan to come and sit next to me. He didn't say anything and quietly got up and sat near me. Jenny sat next to me.

Michael then showed me a picture. It looked like an old class photograph. " See this, Evie. This is your mom. " He said pointed towards a blonde girl standing in the second row. She had beautiful green eyes and rosy lips that I was very grateful to have inherited from her. Her blonde locks were falling gently across her face making her look like an angel. She was my mom. I traced my fingers over her beautiful face.

" And that is your father. " He said pointing at a well-built guy standing in the last row. He had cropped brown chestnut hair and deep ocean blue eyes. His nose was the same that I had seen in the mirror for years now. He had a bright smile on his face. He was dad. Small tear trailed down my face onto the picture and slide down its laminated surface. " And that is me. " Michael said pointed at a smaller version of himself standing right next to my Dad.

Looking closely, I saw that the young Michael had his arm draped across my dad's shoulders and both of them were smiling brightly at the camera.

" Your mom, dad, and I were best of friends at high school. We were inseparable. Nobody could come in between us. Teachers tried to separate us but they always failed. I loved them both very dearly. I still do, " His voice broke at the end.

I grabbed onto Ryan's hand and squeezed it tightly to resist the urge of running away from all this. He squeezed it back and I knew he was here with me. I can do this.

" Your dad, Sam, that asshole was my soul mate. " I chucked through my tears at his words. " I loved that guy. He was a blessing to all of us. Always smiling. Always laughing. He always knew what to say and when. He had the qualities to convince crowds. But he couldn't help but get tongue-tied when it came to your mother. " He chuckled at the memory. I couldn't help but smile at the thought. My dad loved my mom more than anything in the world.

" Your mom was a force to reckon. She was a head-turner and your dad was absolutely in love with her. She was my best friend too. I loved her free-living nature. She was the best guitarist on this side of America for sure. " My eyes almost popped out of my sockets. " My mom played the guitar? " I asked in a choked-up voice.

" Yes, Evie. She played the guitar, I played the drums and your dad had the voice of an angel. We had a band with three other people. We called ourselves 'the Revamps'. " He said with a sad smile on his lips. " You had a band. " I whispered in a shocked voice. My parents were musicians. Of course, they were. I smiled through my tears. I was their daughter.

" Revamps was my parents and your band? I grew up listening to their songs. So all the times that I thought that voice was familiar somehow, I was listening to my dad? " I broke down into tears and Evan and Ryan both put an arm around me.

" Yes, Evie. That was your Dad's band. " Michael scooted closer to me and put a comforting hand on my arm. My heart was physically hurting on thinking how little I knew about them. I had never known that the songs that helped me sleep through a nightmare at night were my Dad's. All these years my dad's voice had been putting me to sleep and I didn't even know it. I cried harder at the thought. Daddy come back.

" Then what happened, Michael? " I hiccuped between my sobs. " Eve, we can continue later if you want to rest for now, " He said carefully. "No! I wanna know everything about them. I want to know them, Michael. You don't know how it feels to know absolutely nothing about your parents. You don't know how it feels when someone tells you that the songs that have been helping you sleep all these years were actually your dad singing to you! " I cried out. My vision was blurred with my tears and my heart was hurting so much. Mom, dad come back.

Michael sighed before continuing where he left, " Your mom and dad had always been in love with each other. They were the high school's hit couple. They had been dating each other since their freshmen year. It was the graduation party in our senior year when they had their first-ever fallout. When we all had a fallout. Your Dad was a very ambitious man. He was insanely talented so none of us were surprised when he got into Julliard. But what shocked us was that he wanted to go. " I furrowed my eyebrows. Why was that shocking?

Evan took my hand in his and squeezed it tightly. I looked over at him to see that he was trapped in a trance. His hands were shaking and he looked like he was on the verge of breaking down.

I turned my attention back to Michael. " So what happened, Michael? " Michael sighed and looked over at Evan as if asking him if he should tell me or not. Evan gently nodded his head. " We had plans for our band. We wanted to continue. We were already very famous. A record label was ready to hire us when we got out of high school. So when Sam up and left for an early summer program at Julliard without telling any of us, we were heartbroken. He broke up with Rena and fought with me on purpose before leaving because he thought that we would miss him less then. We were obviously furious. So in that anger, we drank like there was no tomorrow and made a... I wouldn't call it a mistake, but yeah we did. "

Evan was clenching my hand like his life depended on it. " What did you do, Michael? " I asked in a small voice. He sighed defeatedly, " We.. me and Irena went behind Sam's back and....and I got her pregnant. " My breath hitched. I wasn't liking where this was going.

" Pregnant? " I choked out. He nodded, " Yes. We were both devastated when we found out. I loved your mother but never like that. We didn't know how to tell him. Even though they were broken up at the time it happened, Irena was still very much in love with Sam. We somehow came out clean to him. But your dad was an angel. He never lashed out or fought with me. He just sat down with me and asked me if was willing to take responsibility for the child or not. I wanted to be the responsible dad for my baby but I didn't want to come in between the two of them. He supported us completely. He didn't go to Julliard. We all stayed back. The record label hired us. Irena continued playing with us until she was 8 months into her pregnancy. Sam supported Irena in all the ways that he could. He loved my child like his own. " By this time Michael had broken down into tears. I couldn't stop my own sobs. My dad was a hero. I'm proud of you Dad.

" When our baby came into the world, Sam always acted as his second father. He loved him. He was the one who named him - Evan Anderson. "

And just like that, the whole world came crashing down on me at that moment.


• Author's note • that happened. What are your thoughts? Did you expect that or was were you close, lemme know in the comment section ;)

Much love

M :)

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