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My eyes flickered open and a loud yawn escaped my lips. It felt as if it was afternoon. The sunlight was coming into the room through the large glass window on the left side of the couch. I stretched out my limbs slowly and looked at my unfamiliar surroundings and for a moment I panicked but then I remembered the events of the morning and calmed myself down.

I looked around Ryan's living room and noticed that there were very few things around in the room, just the basic possessions one requires... a TV, a small table in front of the couch, two chairs on each of it's sides and one lying in the center where Ryan had sat in the morning. There was an old rug lying on the floor.

There were no photo frames, no trophies or prizes to tell me something about the people who lived here. It didn't feel like a home. It was cold and distant with no good memories hanging from the walls.

I twisted my head up to look at my comfortable man cushion. Ryan was asleep with his head slouched against mine. Locks of hair were falling on his face and I gently pushed them back not wanting to wake him up. He was beautiful and I could tell that it wasn't just on the outside. He had a beautiful heart and I could feel that he hid a lot of pain in there too, just like me.

He was alone and sad, like me, the room said volumes about it and that made my heart hurt for him. I wanted to know him, find out about his deepest and darkest secrets. Call me crazy, but it felt like we were very similar. Both hid a world of emotions under our fake smiles.

As if sensing my intense gaze, Ryan opened his eyes slowly and stretched his limbs. "Hey", he whispered looking down at me. I smiled up at him. " Looks like we both dozed off, huh? " He said, humour dancing in his eyes. I giggled, " You're quite comfortable a cushion you know. " "Am I? Well Miss. Johnson don't you make it a habit okay? I work for a living and I don't like side businesses! " I laughed at his playfulness.

I looked up at him with a serious look and his eyebrows scrunched up at the sudden change of my expressions. "Umm....about earlier Ryan, you can't tell anybody who I really am. Those killers I was talking about are very professional. As soon as they'll get to know about my whereabouts, they'll kill me and anyone else who'll come in between so please this remains between the two of us okay?"

I was starting to panic again. If those people got to know about this place, Ryan's life was in danger too. Who was I kidding? I couldn't put his life in danger like this. I opened my mouth to tell him that I had to leave this place but he silenced me by lifting a finger to his lips, " Shh, I know what you're gonna say now. You think you have to leave so that those people don't get to me too, right? But listen to me, Evelyn, looking at your state last night I had promised myself to save you with everything I had and I'm not backing down now. We do this together, okay? " In his eyes I could see genuine concern for my safety so I did not argue with him. After all I could use some help right? I was tired of running alone to save my life, for once I wanted someone else to save me. I sighed and nodded.

" Where is my car? " I asked him obviously trying to change the topic. I also wanted to get rid of these filthy clothes I had been wearing for days now, so it was a good excuse. " Now that's a question I can answer! I left your car in Joe's parking lot. Let's go get your car then we can go meet the guys. " He said excitedly now that I had dropped the topic of leaving.

" What is Joe's? " I asked. " The bar you crashed in last night. Joe's bar is home to me and the boys. " he said, his eyes shining. "You mean your friends?" I asked. " Yup my bandmates! " he said. " You're in a band? " I asked excitedly as my eyes widened. I have always had a thing for bands.

" Yes Miss Johnson, like you I'm a singer too and I have a little band of my own. Not as talented as you obviously, but I do a good job too. " He said his playfulness back in his voice. " I'm sure you do Mr. Matthews" I smacked his chest playfully and he chuckled. God, I already loved that sound.

" What do you call yourselves? " I asked. He grinned, obviously excited to talk about his band. Anyone could tell he loved his job. " We call ourselves 'The Night Outs'. " I smiled, " That's a very unique name. Any special reason behind it? "

" Nah, we all just love staying out most nights so we figured it would be the best name. " I laughed at his casual answer. I noticed that I have laughed more in the short amount of time I've spent with him than I ever have in my life, and that's saying something.

"So, what do you say, we go get your car, yeah? " He asked and I nodded my head.

We headed out of the door to his driveway to see a sleek muscle car standing there. It was a 1969 Chevelle with a smooth styled black exterior and sleek and strong wheels. It was lean and sexy as hell, just like it's owner.

I whistled as we approached the wonder ride. Ryan laughed as I gently stroked the smooth metal exterior of the car. " This is my baby! " Ryan proclaimed like a proud father. " Hell if she isn't! Damn Ryan where did you get her from? "I asked, completely in awe of the antique beauty in front of my eyes.

" Let's just say I rescued her in LA. Long story, I'll tell you some other day. " "You've been to LA? " I asked excitedly. "Yeah, I lived there for 18 years of my life before I came to Seattle. " He winked at me. I smiled at the information. I loved L.A. from all the times I visited it to record albums and stuff there. As I said before, I love warm weather.

" Can I drive, please", I cooed. Ryan's eyes turned mischievous, " Nuh uh, young lady, I don't share my baby! " I pouted and he laughed. We got in the car and Ryan drove us to the Joe's bar.

Seattle was a beautiful and intimate place. It wasn't as crowded and busy as New York, where I had spent most of my life. I already loved it here, however it made me almost sad to think that I couldn't possibly stay here forever.

When we pulled into the parking lot I spotted my silver beamer parked near the entrance. My car was a 3rd gen BMW stick drive with a sleek retro design. She was my baby.

We found a spot for Ryan's Chevelle and then walked over to my car. I walked around it to look for any damage signs. Thankfully there were none. " This is a beautiful ride too, Evelyn, " Ryan said looking over at the beamer. " Thanks! " I beamed up at him.

" So let's go meet the guys shall we? " Ryan asked me when I was finished examining my car. " Actually there's just one more thing I need to do, " I said awkwardly. " And, what's that? " he asked amused. I indicated my clothes with my hands and he agreed that I needed to change. We headed back to his house. I followed him in my beamer.

After changing into a pair of white skin fit jeans and a loose high necked light brown cardigan and picking up something to eat quickly, we both drove to meet Ryan's bandmates. Ryan was driving my beamer and I could see he was enjoying the ride.

The radio was on but I wasn't paying attention to the song. Ryan however, was singing along. " You really are a wonderful singer! " he suddenly said. I realized the song playing on the radio was from my newest album that I had released on the day that I ran away. The reviews of the album were good but the people were wondering where in the name of hell had I disappeared.

" You really think so? " I asked him taking in the look of admiration on his face. He wasn't faking it. " Yup I think you're totally awesome. Would you want to sing with me some day, you know, just one song? " he asked me. I was sold on the idea.

" I'd love to! " I clapped my hands together excited about the idea and Ryan let out an amused laugh. " You haven't even heard me yet! " he said. " Nah, I don't even need to. I know you'd be awesome. " Ryan smiled at me and I relaxed back into my seat.

For the first time in over 2 weeks I wasn't running from someone in this car and it felt good.


• Evelyn's outfit


Author's note •

Oof, two updates in a day, that's a lot of work. Do tell me your thoughts about this one <3

Much love

M :)

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