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I brushed my fingers over the old worn-out shelf, catching some dust on my fingertips in the process.

We were in the basement of my parent's house and according to Michael, nothing had changed here. And by nothing, he meant absolutely nothing!

How was that even possible? I mean this house had caught fire that night as per Mike's words, so how come the basement was in such great shape? He also confirmed that the rest of the house was significantly changed as Mom and Dad had refurbished it before selling it. Then why didn't the basement?

There were so many mysteries surrounding this one night that Mike spoke of, that I found it difficult to keep up.

Sighing, I turned my attention back to my companions. All the three men were standing around an old wooden table over which they had spread out all the contents of Mike's 'memory box' and also of the small steel box that had once belonged to my dad.

I slowly walked over to the table and rounded it to stand behind Ryan. In all honestly, I was too scared to look. I was stalling.

Standing on my toes, I peeked my head over Ryan's shoulder slightly to see what they were looking at. Ryan noticed my move and shook his head at me teasingly. I narrowed my eyes at him in question which made him chuckle a little.

However, he didn't say anything and let me continue to hide behind him. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his abdomen, feeling his muscles clench under my touch. A small sigh left his lips and I was intrigued on seeing the effect I had on him. He turned to shoot me a warning glance but I just grinned back and moved my hands subtly over his ripped muscles of his chest. His breath hitched.

Lost in our own small scandalous moment, we completely forgot about our surroundings. Michael's light laughter about something did the trick though. I quickly unwrapped my arms from around Ryan and he coughed cautiously. Looking up at Michael with a flushed face, I was relieved to find that he wasn't looking at us. Thank God he hadn't noticed our not-so-appropriate exchange. Ryan shot me a stern yet somehow teasing look and I winked back playfully making him chuckle and shake his head lightly.

" Look at you, Evie. You were so small," Evan chuckled in the background. My ears perked up. A picture of baby me? I had never seen one before. There were no baby pictures or albums at the New York house.

" Oh, I wanna see a baby picture of my Sunflower. " Ryan exclaimed excitedly and I laughed at his sudden enthusiasm. We both scooted over to have a look at the pictures. I mean, not to sound cocky or anything but, I sure was a cute baby!

" Aww, look at you, Sunflower. You really were a little ray of sunshine, weren't you? " Ryan said in a loving voice and I chuckled lightly while wrapping my arms around his waist sideways. " Thanks, " I beamed at him.

I looked down at the mess of photos that Mike had created on the table and suddenly one specific photo caught my eye. I lifted it from under the others and angled it under the light to see it properly. I could tell it was an old photograph since its paper had been yellowed over the years. Six figures could be seen standing in the photo, two of which were female and the rest were male.

I gasped and a huge grin formed on my lips as I recognized my parents and Michael in the photo. " Mike, is this a photo of your band?" I asked holding the picture out for him. He took it in his hands, an indulgent smile gracing his features as he gently nodded his head in agreement.

" Let me see, Dad," Evan exclaimed happily. Michael laid the picture down so everyone could see it properly. " You never told me who these other people were and what happened to them, Dad. " Evan mused. Michael sighed and looked between all three of us. " I know, son. I... It's always been a hard topic for me. After Sam and Irena left us, the band fell apart. We were all too heartbroken to even think about continuing without our two best friends. So we split up. Everyone went their separate ways. Alas, we didn't part on good terms either. I wanted them all to stay and do this for Sam and Rena. They didn't want to carry on without them. " Michael smiled sadly. I sighed and placed a hand on Mike's shoulder in solace.

" So you didn't have any kind of contact with them? You never talked to them again? " Ryan asked. Michael shook his head slowly, " I lost contact with most of them. Peter, the bassist of our group, was the only one who maintained touch, the rest of them changed their numbers and I couldn't contact them anymore. Not even Alex, who was my best man. " Michael had a few tears rolling down his cheeks in memory of his long-lost friends.

At first, I didn't pay much attention, but then it suddenly clicked and I whipped my head in his direction. " Alex? " I said cautiously. Ryan's eyes snapped to mine as he probably saw where my imagination was going. " Yeah, Alex. He was our guitarist along with Irena. I swear he had magic in his fingers. The way he used to play the instrument was just mind-blowing. Luna, his girlfriend, was a master pianist. They were the bubbly couple of the group. I wonder if they got married or not. " Michael chuckled. I froze in my place and so did Ryan. What the hell?

" Mike, you... you don't mean, Alexander Matthews, do you? " I asked in a skeptical voice. Hearing my words even Evan froze in his spot now. Michael was however completely oblivious of our doubtful glances. He was lost in the memories of his past and his band. " Yeah, that's him, Eve. "

Ryan, Evan, and I took in a sharp collective breath. My eyes snapped over to Ryan's to see that his mouth was wide agape. My features mirrored his. " You mean to say that your long-lost friend is Ryan's dad? " Evan muttered in shock. His words snapped Michael out of his trance and he quickly looked at all of us.

A look of pure shock and surprise clouded his face, " What are you kids saying?" I gulped slowly to provide some relief to my dry throat. " Mike, you didn't know Alex is Ryan's Dad? " Mike shook his head wildly before a huge grin appeared on his lips. " Holy crap! I just found my best man!" He gasped and we all laughed.

" Oh, man! Now I understand why Alex said I reminded him of someone that day. He must have meant my mother!" I exclaimed. " But, I'm surprised he never saw that in Evan's face. " Ryan shook his head, " My dad hasn't met Evan yet. " I cocked my head to one side, " You're telling me your dad hasn't met your best friend. Ever. That's weird. " Evan and Ryan both laughed. " You consider Jenny, Soph, and Mia your besties now, have you met their parents, babe?" Ryan cocked an eyebrow at me. I narrowed my eyes, " There's a huge difference here, silly. You and Evan have been best friends for years now. I just met the girls!"

" Hey kids, you gotta look at this, " Michael called out then, diverting my attention from the two stupid fools. I sighed and walked over to Mike's side. He handed me a piece of paper. Looking down I saw that there was a number scrambled on it, and under it was a name. Nora Smith. There was also a small address scribbled under it but most of it was smudged over. The only thing visible was, L.A. Who was this Nora Smith? Could she know something about this mystery?

" Who is this, Nora lady? Do you know her, Dad? " Evan asked with a confused look. I scrunched my eyebrows. Nora Smith. I had seen this name somewhere before... but where?

" Do you think it's even an important detail?" Ryan said. Michael nodded his head and replied in a serious tone, " It is, son. This piece of paper was hidden inside this secret back pocket of Evelyn's Dad's steel box. If Sam hid something then it must have been something really important." 

" There's only one way of knowing," I said looking over at each of them. " And what's that Eve? " Evan asked. Without answering his question, I quickly pulled out my phone and dialed a number. After four long agonizing rings, he picked up.

" Miss. Johnson? Evelyn, is this really you? " the voice asked.

I sighed a breath of relief and a wide smile appeared on my face at hearing the familiar voice of my old friend.

" Yes, Rick, this is really me!" I exclaimed laughing. A small worried sigh of relief sounded through the speaker. " Eve, you had me so worried. Where have you been, girl? " His voice broke at the end and I smiled seeing the selfless concern in his words.

" I am okay, Rick. I promise. However, I do need a favor from you. " I said stealing a glance at the others. They were all listening carefully. " You name it, Johnson. " I smiled. " Rick, I need you to find someone for me. I have this lady's phone number which most probably is too outdated by now but it's the only thing I have. Think you can do it?" I asked even though I already knew his answer. " Of course, I can do it, Johnson. Anything else you need?" He asked.

" Yes, I need you to arrange my private jet for an early flight to L.A. from Portland tomorrow. Make it as early as possible. " I said. I could almost feel Rick nodding along with my words. " Alright Miss Johnson. I'll get your plane ready. How many people will be accompanying you, or will you be flying alone?" Rick slipped back into his professional role.

" Seven others will be flying with me, Rick. Also, I need one more favor. " " Of course, what is it, Miss?" Rick asked.

My hands clenched into fists and my face steeled over, " I need you to locate Ka- Stella for me and I need you to assign your security team on her. I need her under a gunpoint at all times now, without her knowing. Some tables are about to turn here, Rick and I need you as my wingman. "

A low deep chuckle vibrated through the speaker, " Thought you'd never ask, best friend. Don't worry Eve, I've got your back, always. " I smiled as my best friend Rick showed himself from under his professional layer. I knew he always had my back.

" I know, Ricky. " With that, I ended the call and looked up at the amused faces of family members. " Shit's about to go down now, isn't it?" Evan asked, grinning at me mischievously. I smirked back.

" Game's on Katherine, and I'm coming for your soul. " I whispered while clenching the worn paper in my hand.

Nora Smith was the last piece in this puzzle.

She was the answer to all my questions.

I'm gonna end this. Soon.


• Author's note •

Let's go!! This is getting interesting, don't you think? What are your thoughts about Nora Smith? Who can she be according to you? Do share your thoughts and theories in the comment section and drop a vote if you liked the chapter.

Much love

M :)

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