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Goodbyes can be emotional. More so when you don't when you'll be meeting that person again. And since in the minds of my family members I was going on a suicide mission, this goodbye was even more dramatic.

Yup, I'm shaking my head too.

" You guys seriously need to stop hugging me like you're seeing me for the last time. " I said exasperatedly. There wasn't one person in the room who wasn't crying right now. Well except me and Ryan. He had an amused expression on his face as he stood there watching the scene in front of him. The moments when our eyes would meet for a second among all this emotional chaos, he would wink at me teasingly and I would scowl back. I was still very much mad at him after this morning and that was somehow even more amusing to him.


" Promise me you'll take care of yourself, kiddo. " Michael said in a worried voice. I smiled at him, " I promise, Mike. " He smiled back at me and then turned around to shout at everyone else to stop acting so dramatically. I shook my head and chuckled at his hypocritical words.

After hugging the girls tightly and ensuring them that I would be with them before they even know I'm gonna and after giving my two little midgets a kiss on their heads, I got into the car that was waiting to take us to the airport. Ryan and Evan got in too and I turned away to look outside the window and waved at everyone.

The driver pulled out of the driveway and I sunk back in my seat letting out a deep sigh. I was trying to divert my mind by thinking all sorts of useless things but inside I was freaking out. I was anxious about going back to the place I had run away from almost two months ago. Everything was so different now.

Back then I had left my house in an hope to find out the secrets of my family. Now I was returning with more knowledge than I had expected to find. Back then I didn't have anything to lose but now I did. And that thought was scary. Having something to lose means having a weakness that your enemy can exploit. And when the enemy was someone like Katherine who had been lying to me all these years without failing once, everything was so unpredictable.

And here I was delivering two people that I loved the most, right to her trap. I'm such an idiot, I know, but there is no other way, is there?

The car stopped in front of the airport and we all got out. I pulled out my sunshades and put them on. A man in his late 30's suddenly approached us. He was wearing a formal black suit and his walk was extremely confident. We walked right up to me and held out his hand for me to shake, " Miss. Sandford. It's an honour to meet you. I'm Walter Chase. Mr. Darvis has assigned me to escort you on your journey to New York. Your jet is waiting at the 3rd entrance, Ma'am. "

I frowned, " Rick sent you? " He nodded at me, the polite smile not leaving his face once. " Alright, Mr. Chase. I'm sorry, but let me just confirm with Rick once. Just give me minute please. " " Sure, Ma'am. " He walked a few feet away from us and waited patiently. Ryan looked at me with questioning eyes and I shrugged in response. Pulling out my phone I dialled up Rick's number.

He picked up at the second ring. " Yes, Evelyn. Everything okay? " He asked. I sighed, " Yeah. I wanted to just confirm with you if you were the one to send Walter here. " " Yup. He's trained for this job, Eve. He and five of his team members will be following you at all times. With Stella on the loose, we can't risk anything. I'm trying to find her but she can still attack anytime. "

I sighed, " Yeah you're right. But what's up with him calling me by my work name? " " You don't want him to go out there after the job is done and tell everyone that he worked for the pop star Tiana Sandford and that Tiana is not even your real name, do you? " I scoffed, " Yeah, yeah okay, Smart pants. I gotta go, bye. " He laughed a little and then ended the call.

All three of us then followed Walter to the jet and boarded it. Once the plane was in the air, I pulled out the files on Aunt Stella and went through them once again. I just hoped that she was okay and that I would be able to find her today.

Ryan placed his hand on my thigh and I looked up at his face. Narrowing my eyes at the cheeky smile that he was showing me, I bit my lip to stop myself from smiling too. " I'm still mad at you. " I huffed and looked away from his ridiculously handsome face. " Oh come on, baby. You know you can't resist me. "

I huffed in annoyance and crossed my arms across my chest. " You know you love me. " He said in a sing-song way while burying his face in my neck. I breathed a soft sigh when I felt his lips touch my exposed neck right above my sweet spot. " Ryan, get away from me!" I yelled in a whisper so as not to wake up Evan who was sleeping just a seat away from us.

Ryan chuckled against my skin and placed another rebellious kiss just under my ear. My eyes closed at the sensation and I groaned internally. This man is gonna make me go crazy.

He trailed soft butterfly kisses down to the edge of my collar bone and I sucked in a breath. My eyes snapped to Evan just to ensure that he wasn't watching. " Ryan! Evan's sitting right there. " I whispered. He pulled back just enough so that our faces were mere inches away now. " He's sleeping. "

My breath hitched as he leaned forward, closing the already narrow space between us. Our eyes locked onto each other and he sighed, " I don't like fighting with you. " I grinned at his words, " But, I think it's so hot. " I whispered slowly. His eyes turned a couple shades darker at my words, " Do you, now? " I bit my lip in anticipation and nodded my head slowly. He groaned softly, " Don't bite your lip, babe. You're killing me. " I smiled mischievously and closed the distance by placing my lips onto his. He kissed me back with equal passion and I could feel all the words that he hadn't said verbally.

I knew he had fought with me because he loved me. He didn't want to lose me just like I didn't want to lose him. It was a risky mission but maybe he was right. Maybe three was better than one. However, I didn't want to think about it anymore. I closed my eyes and lost myself into his kiss. What good was thinking over all these unnecessary details, bringing me? If this was the end, I was happy to have him here with me and that was all that mattered in that moment.

I pulled back and giggled at the dazed look on his face. He sighed, " I wish we were alone. " I grinned, " I almost always wish that. " He chuckled and pulled me into his side. I laughed and laid my head on his chest. " I love you. " We both said at the same time which made us laugh again. For the next two hours we remained like that, talking about all the useless things we could think of and laughing at each other's lamest jokes. Evan slept like a log throughout the flight.

Finally, the plane landed at the New York airport and we unboarded the jet. Once we reached the exit door of the airport, I stepped outside and breathed in the sweet air of my home city. I looked around at the huge buildings in the distance and an enormous smile made its way across my face.

Ryan and Evan came to stand next to me and I beamed at the both of them. " Guys, welcome to New York. " They laughed at the goofy smile on my face.

People walking across the sidewalk were stopping to stare at me. Many were smiling at me in recognition while the others looked shocked to see me. I smiled back at these familiar strangers I was so used to seeing by now. " Tiana! Is that really you? " Some stopped by to ask me. I simply nodded and smiled in return.

" I keep forgetting that you're so famous. " I laughed at Ryan's words and took his hand in mine. " No, I'm not. Tiana is. I'm just Evelyn for you. " He smiled back, " Always. "

I then turned towards Walter with a serious look on my face. " Walter, we'll be taking the taxi to that place. You take one of the cars and follow us from a little distance. The woman Rick warned you about could be waiting to follow me. Send the other cars back to my house so as to divert her attention. " Walter quickly nodded in understanding and alerted his team mates about the same.

Turning back I smiled at the boys. " C'mon let's go. " After halting a taxi, we quickly got in and gave the driver the address that Rick had given me. The driver stared at me for a few minutes and then pulled out a notepad and a pen. I frowned in confusion. " Can you sign this. My little boy is a big fan of yours, it'll make his day. " I smiled back at him and quickly took the pen from his hand and signed down my initials. The grin he passed me after that made me extremely happy.

Turning my attention to the window, I watched as the familiar city passed in front of my eyes again. I happily pointed out things for Ryan and Evan and they looked around in fascination too.

After a 20 minute drive, the car stopped in front of a rather old-fashioned Manhattan house. I paid for the ride and we all got out of the car. I looked up at the house, in awe of it's vintage style. The walls of the house were painted a dull shade of red which seemed to be complimenting the large beautiful garden in front of it well.

Taking a deep shaky breath, I glanced at both the boys once before walking forward and knocking at the front door with trembling hands. After knocking for almost five minutes, I had started to think that nobody was home, when the door suddenly cracked open. My breath hitched as it creaked loudly and a small old woman popped her head from behind it.

My eyes widened as the familiar face frowned at me and looked between me and Evan before shifting to Ryan. Her eyes were the same ocean blue that my dad had. Her hair was the same shade as mine. Her wrinkled eyes crinkled as a wide smile made its way onto her lips.

" You found me, Rose. "


Author's note •

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter. You know the drill by now, drop a vote and a comment if you did like it. Have a wonderful day!

Much love

M :)

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