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Two days had passed since Ryan's birthday and these had been the best two days of my life so far, even better than the ones I had spent in Seattle, maybe because I didn't have anything to fear now. Being fearless and free is the best feeling ever and I think everyone would agree with me on that. 

Michael and Victoria had headed back to Portland a day earlier and even though I had been a little sad about it, I understood they had their own obligations to take care of. Alex and Luna had also left for L.A. with the twins as the poor kids still had two weeks at school before the winter holidays. Luna had made me promise her that I would spend Christmas with her and the family back in L.A. and I had no choice but to agree, not like I didn't want to anyways. Ryan had laughed at our exchange and warned me in my ear about all the crazy family members she was going to introduce me to over the break and had ended up getting a smack in the shoulder from a not-so amused Luna. They were the best, I swear!

Stella and Nora, the two of them had been attached to the hip ever since Nora's arrival here. They had been catching up on their lost years and I was happy to see them giggle like school girls. And now when Nora was ready to head back to LA, Stella had also packed up her bags to go for a long vacation with her. What better place to go on a vacation than your best friend's house, right? Jared, however, had decided to stay back here with me. He said, and I quote, " If they're gonna catch on their lost years, then so are we, EJ! " Yup! Best feeling ever. 

Jenny and Sophia had also had to leave for Seattle to check in with their jobs again. Yeah, I know what you're thinking and the answer is yes. Sophia had agreed to work for me as my manager and I was on the seventh sky ever since. I had very happily signed Alex's resignation letter right after that. Sophia was going back to actually quit her job at the bar and the only one sulky about it was Jenny who was losing her best friend at work.

Mia had decided to stay back in New York with us as she was in love with the kitchen in this house. Her words, not mine. She had just had her first appointment with a doctor here and Aiden had been in love with the ultrasound pictures of his babies and also the recordings of their tiny heartbeats so much, that he carried them around in his pockets. Whoever said Fatherhood changes a man completely was right after all. It had hit Aiden a little too hard though! 

Oops! I said it, didn't I? Oh well, don't tell them that I told you, but the doctors think that Mia might be having twins! Not surprising, I know. I just hoped they would be two little girls! I loved girls!

Talking about the boys and their band, all the formalities and processes had been completed and it was officially announced that the Nightouts were joining me on my world tour starting March next year as the opening stars. All the fans had been in a frenzy ever since and all kinds of theories as to who this new boyband was, were swirling over the internet. Photographs of the band performing in bars back in Seattle had blown up all the social media platforms now. Some of those photos were so old that I hadn't even seen them before. The media had also made the connection between me and Ryan and the public was wild over this 'new man' in my life. It was crazy to the point where two or three news reporters were permanently parked in front of my house ever since the news came out. 

 The management had also agreed to Mr. Foster's idea of hosting a concert on Thanksgiving and New Year's Eve, for the promotion of the tour. I had been shocked beyond my sense to see the tickets to the large stadium venue that we had chosen for the concert, see out in mere minutes. Adrian had suggested I make a public appearance with Ryan's band on the day of the concert just to give them a publicity boost. Huh, as if they needed one. The people, especially girls, had already been going crazy over Ryan's impossible looks and they hadn't even heard him sing yet. Something was telling me, I would have to drive a lot of female admirers away from my man now. So much work!

Since the first concert was scheduled for tomorrow evening in the Concert Stadium, in Queens, I was supposed to go to the studio today and practice with my band for tomorrow's performance. I was feeling all giddy inside at the thought of seeing my musical companions again. I had missed them so much. I was super excited to introduce them to the boys too. 

" You're daydreaming again, babe, " I gasped and my eyes widened in surprise as someone whispered those words in my ear. But before I could have turned back, I felt a pair of hands slip around my waist and I relaxed into his all too familiar touch. Smacking his arm, I pouted slightly, " You scared me! " He chuckled and buried his head into my neck, placing a soft loving kiss at the nape of it. " Not my fault if you were so spaced out in your thoughts that you didn't even notice when I entered the kitchen. " " Yeah, yeah whatever! " I rolled my eyes and pushed him away from me a little. 

He laughed and kissed my cheek affectionately, " You're so adorable, Eve. " I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted at him. With amusement dancing in his midnight eyes, he leaned down and pecked my pouting lips softly but pulled back before I could even react. " Hey! That's not fair! " I protested but he laughed it off, " Love's not fair, baby. " 

Chucking, he made his way over to the fridge to take out a bottle of water and I stood there admiring his physique and his defined back. He leaned against the door of the refrigerator and opened the bottle, bringing it to his lips. My eyes fixed upon his long neck and his bobbing Adam's Apple, as he gulped down half the bottle. Damn!  Lowering the bottle, he smirked and lifted his t-shirt to wipe his mouth. My eyes widened a little as his smooth torso came into view. Furrowing my eyebrow at him and I strode forward and tugged his shirt back down quickly, " Can you not do that, please. " 

An amused smirk worked its way across his features as he cocked an eyebrow at me, " Why, you don't like the view. You weren't complaining last- " My eyes widened and I quickly slammed my hand around his mouth. His eyes twinkled with mischief. He winked at me and licked the inside of my hand that was clamped over his mouth. I glared at him, " Shut up. Evan's sitting right there. He'll cut your head off if he learns that you..., " I trailed off as my cheek flushed with embarrassment. He chuckled and pried my hand away from his face and then leaned forward to place a cute little kiss at the tip of my nose, " I love making you blush like that. " 

Still glaring at him, I tried to hold back the grin that was pushing at the sides of my lips, " Shut up, Ryan. And don't lift that shirt again. There's staff here. " He laughed and pulled me closer, " Oh, Sunflower. Don't be like that. I only have eyes for you, my love. " A tiny smile slipped through my composure before I quickly schooled my features. " Yeah, whatever but I don't want them staring at you like hawks. Seriously, I think I even saw Rebecca drooling the other day. " I said in a serious tone and he threw his head back with laughter. " Oh, my innocent flower, what am I gonna do with you. " I scoffed, " I'm not innocent! " He looked at me with humoring eyes and chuckled, " Whatever you say, babe. Whatever you say. "

Just as I was about to retort with some smartass comment, I saw Evan entering the kitchen. His eyes narrowed at us and he shook his head dramatically while clicking his tongue for extra effect. " How many times do I have to tell you, kids? Five feet apart at all times. " Ryan chuckled and I rolled my eyes at my brother's dramatic ass. " Sorry, Dad. " He snickered and threw an arm around my shoulders, and ruffled my hair playfully. I groaned in frustration and he simply laughed back. " What time do we leave? " Evan asked. I was still throwing daggers at him while attempting to straighten my hair a little. " In five. The cars are ready outside. " Evan smiled excitedly, " I'm so looking forward to seeing the studio! It would be so much fun! " He clapped his hands together and I laughed, " Oh brother, I think Jenny's over-enthusiasm is rubbing onto you a little too much. " He laughed at my words and we all made our way out of the kitchen and towards the main door. 

The minute we stepped outside the house, Me and Ryan right in the front and the other boys trailing behind us, busy pulling each other's legs, I heard the sound of cameras going off. Ryan turned to look at me with a frown on his forehead, " Is it always gonna be like this? " I sighed, " I hope not. " He nodded his head and then opened the door of the black Jeep for me. I smiled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before sliding into the car. With a smile on his face, he slid in right after me and scooted near to make space for Noah. Aiden and Evan slid into the back of the jeep. After checking everything and warning the paps to not step foot on the private property, Rick entered the vehicle too. " Hey, people. Hi Tiana, how's my favourite girl? " I smirked at him, " Rick, brother, if you don't want them to know your work name, don't call me by mine. " His eyes widened and I laughed at his expression. 

" Wait, Rick has a work name too? " Evan asked surprised, making me laugh again. " Not really, no. But he is..., " Rick threw me a warning look and I giggled mischievously but decided to keep my best friend's secret. Oh, the things you do for your best friends. 

Soon the cars came to a halt in front of the large studio building that I had hired for today and we all quickly stepped out of the vehicle and made our way over to the entrance before any of the paps could've stopped us. After verifying our booking at the reception and exchanging a few pleasantries with the manager of the studio who happened to be standing there too, we made our way over to the rehearsal room. Just as I rounded the corner in the hallway, my eyes landed on four figures standing outside the room I was supposed to use and my lips stretched into the happiest smile ever.

I missed these people so damn much! 


• Author's note •

Hey, beauties. These last few chapters are pretty normal, sweet and short and are slowly adding up to the end of this story, which is beautiful in it's own way, if you ask me. There are probably gonna be two more chapters and then an epilogue so hang on just a little bit longer. Thanks for coming with me so far and giving my story a chance, I really appreciate your constant love and support! 😊💕 I hope you liked it and I was able to make it worth your while! 

Much love

M :)

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