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There comes a moment in everyone's lives, where after you've done your share of work, you stand back and admire your creation while basking in the happiness of your success.

For most people, that moment arrives at a later stage of their lives, when they sit on their children's porches and watch their grandchildren run about in the backyard, thinking what exactly did they do right to deserve such immense satisfaction and happiness at the end of it all.

For me, however, that moment had come much earlier than I had anticipated. Standing there, behind the kitchen counter with an indulgent smile on my face, watching my beautiful yet unique family laugh and enjoy among themselves, I wondered what I had done right to deserve them.

Then again, maybe this was just one of many such moments that I was going to experience in my lifetime.

Maybe this was just the beginning of happier times.

Maybe every single person in this world experiences these small little achievements every now and then, but fails to acknowledge their beauty.

Take it from me, a girl who had spent 18 years of her life without knowing what a family felt like, this was my heaven right here. Seeing them all here with me, was everything I could have ever asked for and more.

Two months ago, I had sat at that very dining table wondering why we needed so many seats when nobody ever visited us or lived with us, but now seeing them being occupied by the people I loved the most in the world, filled my heart with love and happiness to its brim. My world was complete now.

I wanted to live now. For them, for myself, and for all the other beautiful experiences that were yet to come my way. I was hopeful, something I had always stopped myself from being before. I was happy and there really wasn't any other way to go about it. 

I had started out alone on this journey but now I wasn't alone anymore. I had a Godfather who loved me maybe even more than he loved his own son. I had an amazing brother. I had beautiful friends who would do anything for me. I had my parents in my heart and I had an aunt who was a walking memory of my Dad.

I had him. My love. My life.

And that was all that I needed. They were all that I wanted and more.

My family.


And so the Sunflower had finally found her sunshine again. After a long wait, the dark clouds had finally lifted and now all there was love and happiness.

Everything was Golden again.

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