"Camping" Part 2

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WARNING: Dark, Guns, Emotional, Bad Language, Blood, Gore

Artemis fell to the ground, clutching the wound in her abdomen, pain coursing through her. 

Robin turned around, watching Artemis fall to the ground.

His eyes quickly turned to find the shooter.


Robin quickly melting into the shadows so that he could get away.

This shooter wasn't going to get away.

Robin promised that. 


Wally, fighting off some goons, saw it happen.

He heard the gunshot and then immediately turned to see the bullet go through the air slowly.

Wally realized that he couldn't take down the goons and save Artemis in time. 

He just wan't that fast yet.

Wally had to literately choose between his team mate and the mission.

Batman's rules suck.


Aqualad was swamped with goons trying to overthrow him in a fight.

When he heard the gunshot, he immediately stopped.

With the intention to go and see what had happened, Aqualad forgot the most basic rule of hero'ing. 

Never turn your back on an opponent. 

The goons immediately took advantage, several jumping on his back to bring him crashing to the ground.

Superboy was in a similar situation.


Megan gasped as the bullet went in.

Since she was connected with all of them, she could feel all their pain and emotions. 

Miss Martian dropped to the ground, clutching at the non-existent wound on herself. 

Then, she felt the mother of all fury coursing though her. 

And then she fell into darkness.


Well trained eyes followed the shooter from the treetops.  

He just had to wait for the perfect time. 


Robin, meanwhile, ran through the shadows, catching up to the shooter quickly. 

He threw a perfectly aimed birdarang that hit a tree about an half inch beside the shooter's head. 

He meant business.


Red Arrow ran, watching Robin, knowing that he had the shooter's position.

Artemis may be his replacement, but he wasn't going to let her shooter get free.

Red Arrow readied one of his arrows, pulling back the tight string of his bow. 


"ARRRR!" Superboy yelled as he knocked all the goons off of him. 


He had to help her. 

She needed medical attention. 

But these stupid GOONS!

Superboy didn't mind that whatever he punched cracked. 


Aqualad quickly finished off the last of the goons. 

He immediately went to Artemis' side. 

Superboy joined him a few moments later.

"I am not too familiar with human physiology. While I started reading about it, I have not gotten far. Have you anything, my friend?" Aqualad asked.  

"Yes. I need to know if there's an exit point though." Superboy said. 

Aqualad frowned.

Artemis was laying on her back, passed out. 

They would have to move her if they wanted to know, thus aggravating the wound further. 

"No. Do what you can. Every second counts." Aqualad instructed. 

Superboy looked at him before nodding. 

He got to work using what they had.


Robin yelled as he punched the shooter in the face.

"Uh!" the shooter fell to the ground.

"How dare you." Robin whispered, deadly and a promise full of pain. 

The shooter's eyes widened. 

He knew he fucked up.


Soon, Superboy's shirt was torn apart, made into make-shift bandages. 

He tied the final knot.

"There. That's all I can do for her." Superboy said. 

"Thank you, my friend. You probably saved her." Aqualad said, putting a hand on Superboy's shoulder and smiling. 

Suddenly, the shooter was thrown into the clearing. 

Robin came out of the trees, attacking the shooter. 

"We should have stayed in the Bioship." Emma said.

"But this is epic!" Mike said, camera pointed at the fight. 

Robin somehow managed to get the shooter onto the ground.

Robin was holding a Baterang above his head, ready to bring it down.

A red arrow shot out, hitting the Baterang from Robin's hand. 

"No. Killing." Roy growled.

"He might have killed Artemis!" Robin growled back.

"No killing. We don't have that right. It's not our choice." Red Arrow said.

"Fi-" Before Robin could finish, a second shot rang out, killing the first shooter in Robin's hands.

Blood sprayed out, landing all over Robin. 

Robin looked in shock at the body below him.

Red Arrow immediately put down his weapons and ran over to Robin, pulling him with him to the cover of the forest. 

"He just- I didn't-" Robin gasped.

"I know. I know." Roy held Richard close.

"I-I-I d-d-din't-" Richard tried to explain, but he couldn't get the words out. 

"It's okay. I got you. I got you." Roy held Robin tightly to his chest.  

 "Clear!" Aqualad called out. 

Roy sighed, picking Robin up into his arms, and walked out to meet with the rest of the Team. 

"Superboy and I are going to move Artemis into the Medical area of the Bioship. Kid Flash is getting some supplies. We're going to get Miss Martian on the ship and then I'll drive everyone home." Aqualad said. 

"Home?" Robin immediately picked up on.

Aqualad winced a bit, "I meant the Mountain, Robin."

Robin went back to hiding in Red's chest. 

Red Arrow took Robin onto the Bioship and took a seat, holding his precious cargo. 

Wally soon joined them, sitting next to Red Arrow.

He had a wet washcloth. 

Wally started taking the blood off of Robin's exposed skin. 

Aqualad and Superboy joined them shortly. 

"I didn't want him dead. I was just angry. I didn't mean to kill him. I was only angry, I promise." Robin said.

"It's not your fault. You didn't kill him; you didn't pull the trigger." Roy said.

"I wanted him to, but I was just angry 'cause he hurt Artemis.. I didn't actually want him dead. I didn't!" Robin said.

"We know." Wally said, brushing through Robin's hair. 

"We're going to go back to the Cave and Batman will be there and you can hide in his cape. You know he loves it when you do. He always likes it when he knows his Robin is safe under his cape." Red Arrow said.

Robin cuddled closer. 


"Get Artemis and Miss Martian to Medical. We will have a long talk tomorrow." Batman growled as Robin hid in his cape. 

Recognized: Batman 01, Robin B-01

"What's with the cape thing?" Emma asked Red Arrow. 

"When he was younger, Robin liked to hide in Batman's cape. It calms him down and makes him feel safe. I thought the best way to go about this was to make him feel safe first so that he'd talk later. Or at least feel a little better." Red Arrow said, helping Aqualad lift Artemis carefully onto one of the beds in the Medical Bay.  

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