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Things get crazy.


"So, what do you guys wanna watch?" Kid Flash asked looking through the movie collection.

"We've already seen everything in here like, 10 times." Artemis sighed.

"I could go get some stuff from my collection." Robin offered.

"Dude! YES!" Kid Flash smiled brightly.

"Okay. What do you guys wanna watch? Like, genre?"Robin asked.

"Adventure!" Megan smiled.

"Action." Red Arrow and Kid Flash answered.

"Comedy." Artemis said.

"Whatever." Superboy said.

"Adventure sounds good." Aqualad said.

Zantanna and Rocket nodded after Aqualad.

"Okay then!" Robin smirked and then left.

Recognized: Robin B-01 

"So...what do you think he'll bring back?" Artemis asked.

"How should I know? He has a HUGE collection." Kid Flash said.

"Seriously?" Superboy asked, a bit curious. 

"Yeah, he has like, a whole room devoted to just movies." Kid Flash said.

"What?" Artemis asked.

"Yeah, if you think that's big, you should see his library. Or his game room. He has a movie theater for his movie/game setup." KF said.

"No way!" Artemis didn't believe him.

"I'm serious! He has an actual movie theater. But instead of seats, there's just a bunch of fluffy pillows and blankets and bean bag chairs. He even has fully stocked concession stands. Slushies, pop, candy, popcorn, corn dogs, anything you can think of." Kid Flash said.

Everyone's eyes went wide.

Recognize: Robin B-01

"Okay, I brought a variety of movies, some popcorn bags, some candy, and I grabbed a case of pop. Sorry, guys it's all I could carry." Robin had a slight blush.

His arms were full, carrying a pile that went clear past his head.

"I'll help!" Megan used her telekinesis put the movies on the coffee table, the popcorn bags on the counter in the kitchen, along with the pop and candy. 

"Thanks, Miss M!" Robin smiled.

"Hey, Rob, catch!" Wally threw a can of Coke-Cola at Robin. (Not sponsored! But I do love Coke-Cola! :D )

"Uhm...but, sugar." Robin said.

"You'll be fiiiiiiine!" Wally smiled, "Besides, Batsy isn't here."

Robin shrugged and smiled as he popped the top off.

"I'm going to start some of the popcorn." Megan said.

"'Kay, we'll vote for the movies. You can hear us in there right?" Artemis asked.

"Loud and clear!" Megan smiled.

"Okay, so we have... Kick-Ass, Ghostbusters, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Die Hard, Flaming C-" Robin started going through the movies.

"Wait a minute! Flaming C? Isn't that movie supposed to be out in theaters two weeks from now? How do you have it on DVD?" Wally asked.

"Uhhhhh... no reason!" Robin smiled.

"NO! Don't hold back on me. How do you have this? No one has seen it except the directors and actors!" Wally demanded to know.

"I know a guy. I know a few guys actually." Robin said.

"You're unbelievable." Roy said.

"I know!" Robin smiled cutely. 

"Anyways, what else is there?" Rocket asked.

"Hum? Oh! There's Grown Ups, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, and the Lion King." Robin frowned slightly.

"The Lion King?" Roy asked, while most of the girls squealed and voted for the Lion King. 

"I thought for sure I didn't have the Lion King." Robin said, a bit confused.

"Why wouldn't you have the Lion King? You have all the other Disney movies." Wally said. (NOT SPONSORED!) 

"No reason!" Robin just shook his head.

Roy's eyes narrowed.

"So, I guess the Lion King is in favor." Aqualad said.

"Okay! I'll just go put these other ones back, one moment!" Robin said, picking up the other movies.

Recognized: Robin B-01

A few moments passed; Megan was putting bowls of popcorn on coffee table.

Recognized: Robin B-01

"Hey, guys! Cookies!" Robin yelled, skipping over to the couch.

Roy and Wally were by Robin's side in a second.

Robin laughed loudly.

"Everyone gets three!" Robin said.

Everyone, even the reporters, got three cookies.

That movie selection? I just pulled out whatever came to my mind.

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