The Way of the Woods Pt. 1

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"Wow! That was a great training session!" Emma smiled. She not only stretched but got to try a few moves out with Black Canary's instruction. 

"Really? Cause I feel a bit sore." Kid Flash said, rolling his shoulder, trying to get some tension out from it. 

"I mean, it was pretty cool getting to try out some superhero moves!" Mike smiled. 

The Team was making their way back to the living room after their training session. 

Miss M started to pass out bottles of water, telepathically to everyone. 

"Thanks, Miss M!" Robin smiled. 

"So, is there anything on the agenda for today?" Emma asked, looking around at the Team. 

Everyone was in various positions, sitting and some standing.

"Well, since it's Friday, and I okayed it with Batman, want to retry the camping trip?" Robin asked. 

"That sounds pretty nice." Artemis said, finishing her bottle of water.

"Oh! Where are we camping at?" Kid Flash asked.

"Oh, a place." Robin smirked.


"Wow. This looks so cozy!" Emma smiled as they reached their destination from the Bioship.  

A big, beautiful log cabin in the middle of the Smokey Mountains was their destination.   

"I know it's not like actual camping but with Artemis still injured, I thought a cabin might be best. Plus, if you do feel up for actual camping, we do have tents and backpacks! The cabin is fully stocked with enough food to feed two Flashes for a year. There is internet, but it does get spotty. We're in the mountains, so good luck with the signal. There is also a hot tub on the back patio that overlooks the mountain range. There's a pool in the basement and an actual pool and gaming room down there too. But everyone can get their own bedroom!" Robin explained as they all walked off the Bioship. 

 "So, glamping for now?" Roy smirked.

"For now. If Artemis feels up to it, we can try actual camping." Robin said.

"I'm okay with glamping for now. We'll try actual camping tomorrow." Artemis said, smiling in awe as she looked at the cabin. 

Kid Flash zoomed into the cabin to find the kitchen, quickly searching through the cabinets. 

He ran back to the Bioship, "So, should we use the fake campfire now or wait for an actual campfire?" Kid Flash asked, holding up a bag of chocolate, marshmallows, and graham crackers. 

Artemis looked at the fake campfire that was on the balcony as well, "Let's wait. S'mores are better on an actual campfire." 

"Okay!" Kid Flash said before returning to the kitchen. 

"What are s'mores?" Superboy whispered to Miss M.

Megan gasped, "They are a human treat. You cook the marshmallow over an open fire and then put it between chocolate and graham crackers. I heard they're delicious!" 

"Wait, you haven't had a s'more before?" Mike was bewildered, turning the camera to Megan quickly. 

"Uhm, no I haven't. But we get to try them tomorrow!" Megan smiled. 

"Wait, wait! You have to try them with Reese's!" Artemis said. 

"We got a bag in here, babe!" Everyone heard Kid Flash yell from the kitchen. 

"We should go stop him from making a mess." Roy frowned before he started making his way to the cabin.

"I do not believe I have been in a cabin before." Aqualad said, making his way to the cabin as well.

"Everyone in!" Robin bounced a bit. 


After everyone had chosen their rooms and settled in, they all came down to the first floor.

The first floor was open concept between the living room, dining room, and kitchen. 

"So, Batman said there was food provided, but we had to cook it ourselves." Robin said, pulling out some ingredients. 

"Oh gosh! Wait, Agent A didn't make us anything?" Red Arrow asked. 

"No. It's a, and I quote, 'This will be a good survival exercise. Don't die. Growl.' Unquote. Batman." Robin said. 

Artemis eyed the ingredients that Robin pulled out, "What exactly are you planning on making, Robin?" 

The counter held chili, hot dogs, cashews, spaghetti noodles, and hashbrowns. 

"I don't know, I was hoping if I put things on the counter that it would come together." Dick sighed.

"Maybe we just do hot dogs for tonight?" Megan suggested. 

"And not do them over an open fire?! While we're camping?! Are you insane!" Wally gasped, looking very offended. 

"No! I just thought we could do hot dogs-something easy for our first day! Wait, you can do hot dogs over a campfire?" Megan asked.

Wally let out a dramatic gasp, "You didn't know you could do hot dogs on a campfire?! Why has the public school system let you down?!!!" 

"I'm...sorry?" Megan was more confused than anything else.

"We'll teach you the ways of the woods!" Wally held her shoulder lightly and moved his other hand, like he was going to show her the world. 

"Uh... thanks Wal-KF!" Megan caught herself before she slipped. 

Just then, Superboy dropped a large, fluffy blanket on the living room floor, which Wolf immediately took as his bed.

"I might take Wolf for a run in the morning." Superboy said.

"Okay! How early?" Megan smiled.

Emma carefully got next to Zantanna, "Are those two a thing?" 

"If they aren't yet, it will happen soon." Zantanna said. 

"Pht. You just say that because you don't want to lose the bet!" Artemis whispered at Zantanna. 

"Doesn't he have super hearing?" Mike asked, camera focused on the 'soon-to-be' couple.

"Yeah, but he doesn't need it with how bad you guys suck at whispering." Rocket had a hand on her hip. 

"Oops!" Emma bashfully smiled.

Robin laughed his crackle laugh. 

"What's so funny, Boy Wonder?" Zantanna asked.

"Nothing, nothing." Robin shook his head, still smiling widely, "Anyways! Spaghetti! Who's cooking?"

There was a bit of silence. 

"Do any of you know how to make spaghetti?" Emma asked. 

"I'm a superhero, not a chef." Roy huffed.

Superboy shrugged his shoulders.

"I can try, but I haven't made spaghetti yet." Megan offered.

"Emma, want to trade?" Mike asked, handing the camera over.

"You know how to cook?" Emma asked.

"Yeah, my mom taught me." Mike said, and started cooking. 

"Well, that's cool!" Emma smiled from behind the camera.  


Thank you for waiting! ^.^

Any suggestions on what you'd like to see as they go camping/glamping? 


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