Wattpad's "The Wastelands" has been Updated

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I just finished polishing up The Wastelands with some key updates and changes, which means that all systems are go and I can finally move forward with book 3!

I suggest that you check out my last post (titled "Wattpad's 'The Runner' has been Updated") for a list of fixes that have been made, so that you can dive into book 3 without being too confused. The changes to The Wastelands are just a continuation of the more major updates I made to book 1, so there's really no need for you to read the entire book over again.
That said, I do highly suggest that you re-read the final chapter (Chapter 48) because there is one MAJOR GAME CHANGER that you're going to want to know about. I'm not going to post the spoiler here because I don't want to ruin the surprise :) I am dying to know your reactions, however, so please check out the new ending to The Wastelands and comment with your thoughts!

Next up...

The Rain.

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