Mount. Ebbot!

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Frisk's POV~

"Come on, little bro!", I called out to Cory as he struggled to catch up to me, I mean... I know he's like 8 and I'm 10 but, he could be a little faster, "I don't know about this, Frisk... This seems dangerous...", I held his hand as we started to climb up the mountain, "Don't worry, Cory! I'll be right next to you all the way! I promise!", Cory did seem a bit unsettled about the idea of going somewhere that people never came back from...

We soon reached the top of the mountain, "Wow.... Look at this view Cory... It's beautiful...", he looked and smiled, "Yeah...", as the sun was starting to sink Cory tugged my sleeve, "Mabye.... We should go home...", I smiled, "Not till we checked out the mouth of the mountain!!", he sighed in defeat as I ran in, "Frisk....", he followed after me slowly... As I looked around, I was amazed by it, "Wow!!! We should have a picnic here!!!", Cory stayed close to me, "I don't know...", I looked down into the whole, "Wait... What is that...?", I could see a bit... Of yellow? I leaned in a little bit when I suddenly lost my balance, "AHH!!!", "FRISK!!!", I felt Cory grab my jumper and he fell done with me!!!!

Cory's POV~

I felt something blow against my face... I opened my eyes to see a... Golden Flower? I sat up and saw that I was in a small area of Golden Flowers, "Wow....", I looked over at my sister and shook her, "Frisk! Frisk wake up!", she woke up and she freaked out, she checked me for any serious injuries, "Thank God...", she looked around, "Alright...", she stood up and took my hand, "We gotta get out of here... It's not safe...", I nod as she pulls me to my feet and we walk down the dark hallway...

We came into a small clearing, we saw a patch of grass and a flower.... With a face??? Frisk quickly put me behind her, "Howdy! I'm Flowely! Flowely The Flower!", I peaked out from behind Frisk, "Oh boy, you must confused!", he went on... And on... Frisk turned to me and we talked about if we should trust this flower with his pellets... We turned back and the flower had creepy eyes, "IN THIS WORLD.....", pellets suddenly surrounded us, "IT'S KILL OR BE KILLED!!!!!!", "DIE!!!!!", I couldn't help but scream as Frisk shielded me...

"What a miserable creature, torturing such poor innocent youths!", I peak... There was a goat lady standing there, "Do not be afraid my children... I am Toriel, your friend and Gaurdien.", Frisk seemed skeptical about her as she explained herself, "Follow me...", I looked Frisk and she sighs, "Stay close, Cory...", I nod as we follow Toriel...

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