Chapter 2

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Olivia POV
I awoke from my terrifying nightmare memory in sweat and tears. I once again start sobbing into my hands. "Olivia?" I look up and see my friend Brooklyn. "Are you okay?" She asks me with concern in her eyes.

"Y-yeah" I wipe the tears that I just noticed where running down my checks. "I'm fine" I say while flashing a fake smile at her. She starts to ask me again but I cut her off and start to get ready for the day. "It's gonna be a long day" I think to myself not only is it my first day of sophomore year at a new school,World High. I'm also meeting my new foster family today after school and all I know is that the lady's name is Medda Larkin and she has 4 other kids, three sons named Jack,Sean, and Charlie and one daughter named Lily, who are all also adopted.(little quick author note remember she doesn't know her brother now goes by Jack)

I glance at my phone and realize I'm going to be late if I don't leave now. I rush downstairs grab a granola bar and me and Brooklyn head out to the bus stop. On are way we meet up with my best friend Lucas,who's a freshman, we then wait for the bus.

Race POV
"First day of junior year and it already sucks" I mumble to my self while walking out of my room.

"And why would that be?"

I look to my right and see my sister Katie,my parents started fostering her and are in the process of adopting her because her parents died in a tragic car accident her parents where best friends with mine so they thought they should take care of her. She's honestly become like a little sister to me even though she's older. I then show her the text I sent to Spot,my boyfriend well ex boyfriend now,

She gasp "Race! Why would you break up with him especially on the first day of school!?"

"I-I don't know I feel like we need a break" I try explaining and can tell she's not buying my bullshit. Truth be told me and Spot have been fighting a lot more then normal-

"Kids! It's time to go your gonna be late!"

I sigh while Katie pats my back and we walk downstairs. Well good morning time to start the day.(anyone who gets that reference I love you)

Jack POV
I'm currently sitting on the bus next to a grumpy,sad,pissed off Spot,and to think I thought the nightmare I had could be the worst thing to happen well boy was I wrong. As we where getting ready to head out Spot gets a text from Race not just any text a break up text. Today is going to be a long day.

The only good things I can think of today are getting to be in class with Race's sister Katie,who's also a senior and has become one of my closest friends. Then after school I get to meet my new foster sister,her name is Olivia something it starts with an S I think I don't remember.

To be honest I'm kinda hoping on some crazy miracle that it ends up being my sister Olivia. I start to get a little sad at the thought of never seeing her again.

"What are you getting all sad for I'm the one who got broken up with here!" Spot pats at me while also elbowing me in the ribs.

I roll my eyes and as I start to respond the bus suddenly stops and everyone moves forward and slams there face to the seat in front of them. I turn to Crutchie to make sure he's all right. Then about 5 kids walk on. Two being Race,who avoids eye contact with Spot, and Katie who I smile and wave at.

Then three kid's who've I never seen before walk on one had wavyish pretty red hair and was talking to this short boy with skin that reminded me of dark chocolate and the other girl who looked familiar had messy wavy brown hair with highlights in it.

"What are you lookin at Jack?" Spot asks me

"Oh nothing it's-it's just that girl up there looks like my sister?"

"Your crazy" Spot says while rolling his eyes and putting his ear buds back in. I see Oscar board the bus and start to talk to Katie. "Oh that's not gonna end well" I think as we then pull up in front of the school

Olivia POV
Ever since I saw that boy I saw on the bus I can't stop thinking how much he looks like my brother. I then walk into Ap history my last class before lunch. Since I'm taking Ap I'm in class with mostly seniors even though I'm a sophomore. I enter the class room and see the boy from the bus,hmm weird, I think as I take my seat in the back next to my friend Brooklyn.

Katie POV
As I'm sitting in Ap history I notice the girl who took the seat behind me looks a lot like Jack like they could be related. I turn around and interdouce myself to her. "Hi I'm Katherine but everyone calls me Katie"

"Hi Katie I'm Olivia and that's my friend Brooklyn" She says while pointing to the girl next to her while smiling.

"Oh my gosh her and Jack even have the same smile!" I think to myself we talk for a little longer,I learn that she's a sophomore and does intact have a brother! Mr.Seal then comes in to do attendance and start class while at the same time Oscar comes in and sits right next to me not before flashing me a big smile.

Jack POV
I ignore Oscar sitting next to Katie and just focus on attendance when suddenly I hear "Olivia Sullivan" then a weak little voice call out "here" my heart stops. I know that voice there's no way that's not my sister. I'm about to turn around and see if I'm right but then Mr.Seal calls on me.

"Kelly why didn't you tell me your name wasn't on the list. Good thing I recognized you from detention most of last year." I hear Oscar Delancey silently chuckle when he knows damn well those detentions where his fault.

"Um sorry Mr.Seal I wasn't paying attention won't happen again."

Suddenly it's time for lunch before I can turn around to talk to who I think is my sister Katie pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Hey how's Spot?" She ask while we walk to the lunch room

"Not to good but I think he'll get over it I sure hope he does. How's Race is the question though?"

"He's Race" she says while shrugging we continue to walk and talk until we reach are lunch table where I see Crutchie,Smalls,Katherine,and Albert already talking. As soon as we sit down everyone starts talking.

As soon as lunch started it ended before I knew it I was in my last three classes where I listened to Spot complain about Race, then Race complain about both Spot and that Oscar was talking to Katie this morning. Then it was finally time to go home and meet are new foster sister.

Look who finally updated😂 anyway I hope this was somewhat decent. Please let me know what you think I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy! Oh and also I'm pretty sure that the chapter about this is still up but incase it's not the character Katie belongs to BeckyMerari1808 so yeah that's all ig I have no clue when the next chapter will be out so until then bye!!!

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