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Newsie: Mush

Time Period: Modern AU

Backstory: You and Mush have been dating for awhile now, and you decided to do something special for his birthday. However, he was just being an asshole. But you know better and know that you deserve the respect a queen like you deserve. Know your worth ladies, and don't let anyone bring you down!

A/N: I used Michael instead of Mush here so that it can be more real...? idk, so if it's crappy, sorry about that, I wrote all of this in one go within an hour. and yes, this is not an imagine with a happy ending, decided to change it up a little bit. lmk if there's any corrections i need to make, i didn't proof-read this at all


"Hey Ella, do you mind dropping off the- yes! Perfect, thank you so much girl, you're a freaking lifesaver. Mhmm, just drop it off by Michael's place later today around... two. Cool, see you then!"

Setting her phone down, Y/N quickly got to work on making her boyfriend's favorite breakfast. As she began to finish up the plate that consisted of Dutch pancakes, fruit, and a smoothie, she heard his footsteps coming closer to the kitchen. "Hey honey, just give me sec-"

"Why the hell are you being so loud? I woke up because of all this noise." His voice was a bit raspy due to just waking up moments ago, but that wasn't what made Y/N feel a bit worried. She could tell by his tone that he was a bit frustrated due to waking up a little earlier than usual.

Gently setting down the bowl onto the counter, she wiped her hands on a towel before walking towards a grumpy Michael. "I'm sorry, baby, I didn't mean to wake you up. I just thought that-"

"If you were thinking, you wouldn't be making so much noise."

Well that kind of hurts, Y/N thought to herself. However, she told herself that Michael was just venting due to the high amount of stress from all of the classes he was currently taking. Being a full-time student while also working was no easy task, and Y/N knew that from experience.

"Yeah, right. I'm sorry, I'll try to not be so loud next time." As she leaned up to give him a quick kiss, he turned and walked back to their room in order to get ready for the day.

Feeling a bit hurt, she turned towards the counter to finish up placing the food on Michael's plate. After making sure everything was perfect and grabbing herself a plate, she placed the food and smoothie on the table before waiting for him to come out of their bedroom.

He rushed out of the room before quickly passing by the dining table to get to the door.

Y/N became worried at the sight of his hurried state. "Wait, Michael, aren't you going to eat?"

Rolling his eyes, he tied his shoes before making sure he had his keys, wallet, and phone. Opening the door, he gave her a short, "Something came up, see you later."

The door slammed shut, leaving a stunned Y/N to think about what had just happened. She looked back to the table with the uneaten meal and sighed before grabbing the meal to save it for later.

"He didn't even acknowledge the pancakes," Y/N said out loud to no one in particular.


After the breakfast fiasco, Y/N decided to get ready in order to pick up Michael's gift from downtown. Right as she was getting her favorite pair of Converse from her closet, she heard the door of their apartment open and close rather quickly. Hurrying out of the bedroom, she is met with an even more frustrated Michael.

"Honey, what's wrong?"

"That damn boss of mine decided that he would give the raise to Jerry! After everything I've done for that company, he decided to give it to that stupid newbie who just arrived a couple of weeks ago!"

Running his hands through his hair, Michael tried to not punch the wall out of furry. He looks up for a second to see Y/N looking ready to head out somewhere.

"Where are you going?"

Clearing her throat, she tried to explain her outing without giving away the surprise, "I, uhh, just remembered that I had to pick up a package from, uhh, friend! That's all." Mentally she face palmed herself for sounding so suspicious. Please don't ask, please don't ask...

Not wanting to deal with anymore stress, he waved her off as he went to the kitchen to get himself a glass of water. Taking this as her signal to leave. Y/N got her keys and made her way to the store.


"Thank you so much, Mr. Hernandez, I don't know how I can ever repay you!" Y/N had just gotten her gift for Michael at Mr. Hernandez's watch repair shop. She's known the kind 89 year old man since she was a little kid, and even worked with him until she graduated early from college.

"No worries, hijita," he said as he placed the hand-carven box into a bag, "it should be me thanking you for saving my store all those years ago."

Shaking her head, she gently took the bag from his delicate hands, "I would do anything for you. Mr. Hernandez, you were and still are truly wonderful to me."

Giving her his signature smile, he waved as Y/N began to exit his store. Once outside the shop, her phone began to ring, so she pulled it our her bag to see that it was Ella. "Hey sis, what's up?"

"So you want Louis to distract Michael while I start decorating the apartment?" Y/N could hear some shuffling in the background, most likely Louis trying to grab something.

"Yep, I should be getting there in 30 minutes, so make sure the boys are gone before I get there."

Hearing a car door shut in the background, Y/N looked up and saw Michael walking towards, his face masking an angry appearance. "On second thought Ella, just go straight in, y'all have the key. Michael is here with me for some reason, I'll call you back."

Not giving her best friend a chance to respond, she ended the call and gave her boyfriend a puzzled look. "Michael, love, is everything alright?"

"Where. Is. My. Watch?"

Scrunching her eyebrows, she decided to act dumb to not ruin the surprise. "What watch?"

Giving a frustrated sigh, Michael ran his hand through his hair, "The watch Poppa Lee gave me."

"Ohh, yeah, I don't know where that watch is. Did you somehow miss place it?"

Eyeing the bag in her hand, Michael gave her a look, "What the hell is in that bag?"

Slightly raising her eyebrows, Y/N opened her mouth a couple of times, trying to come up with an excuse, "Oh, right, umm, this was the, uh, package! Yeah, the package I had to pick up for a friend. I was actually heading over to her place to drop it off real quick."

Seeing right through her lie, Michael just grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the car, "I don't buy it, we're going home to talk. I'm done with your bullshit, Y/N."

Pulling against his grip, Y/N's wrist pulls free and she became upset, "Oh, so you're done with my bullshit, but you don't think I'm done dealing with yours as well?"

Michael just ignored her and motioned to the car. Not wanting to argue even more out in public, Y/N got into the car and stayed silent throughout the entire ride home. Michael did the same.


As soon as he opened the door, they both shuffled in rather quickly. Looking on the ground, he noticed how there were bits of confetti all over the living room. "Ok, first the loud noise in the morning. Then the disappearance of my watch. Now I get home and there is stuff all over the floor? What the hell is up with you today, Y/N?"

"Look, Michael, if you would just let me explain what I was doing today, you would understand! Every time I try to explain something you cut me off! You see, I thought-"

Scoffing, he didn't even bother to look away while rolling his eyes, "All you ever do is think!"

With everything that had occurred that day, Y/N couldn't help but feel herself start loosing her cool. "See! This is exactly what I'm talking about! You didn't let me even finish what I was trying to say! Just give me a damn minute to finish my piece and then you can say whatever your arrogant ass wants to say!"

Slamming his hand against the table behind the sofa, he couldn't contain his frustration anymore. "Damn it, Y/N, would you just be quiet for one second!?"

At the sight of Michael being so upset, Y/N's demeanor quickly changed. He rarely got mad enough to start becoming a little violent, and it was actually starting to scare her. There was nothing Y/N could do to stop her heart from beating so fast. Stepping back for a second, she cleared her throat, not wanting to sound shaky as she spoke, "But I just thought that-"

"No, that's exactly it! You only think and never ask. Hell, if you could've just asked then I would've done it myself, Y/N! Don't be such a hassle!"

That was all she needed to hear from him to confirm her thoughts.

A hassle.

That's all she had been for him that day. A hassle.

Tears immediately started to form in her eyes, but she didn't want him to see that. Quickly nodding, she rushes to gather her coat and slips on her shoes at the door. Grabbing her keys, she opens the door.

"I'm sorry for only being a hassle for you," she said as her voice began to finally crack.

As soon as he heard those words come out of her mouth, he realized what he had just told her. "Honey, wait, I didn't-," tried moving towards her but he only saw her back before the door clicked with a soft 'click.'

Standing there, his eyes solely focused on the now shut door, he didn't realize that someone else had been there the entire time.

"You messed this up big time, asshole."

Turning around, he met the gaze of Louis and Ella.

"Look man, I don't-"

"No, no," Louis quickly cut him off, "You have no idea how much work Y/N put into today so that you would have a great birthday while being away from your family and friends."

Ella quickly stepped in to defend her best friend, "And you've been nothing but an asshole! She's been planning today for weeks, going as far as using up most of her paycheck to get you this."

Louis grabbed a simple box before handing it to Michael, who cautiously took the box. After taking off the bow, he saw a little note scribbled by Y/N.

"It's not a big gift, but I really hope you like it.

I love you so much, Michael.

Your other half,


Opening the box, Michael saw that it was the watch that he was missing this week. The watch that his grandfather had given him when he was younger before he left for Texas.

His voice was barely above a whisper as he carefully inspected his beloved watch, "She... she went to go get my watch fixed?"

Rolling her eyes, Ella became even more upset with Michael, "Why the hell do you think you couldn't find that watch this week, dumbass? What about the breakfast, huh?"

Giving him a puzzled look, Michael set down the watch and the box on the dining table, "What breakfast?"

Widening her eyes, she turned towards Louis who wore a similar shocked expression on his face, "Are you fuc- did you really not see the breakfast Y/N got up super early to do?"

"No..." Michael really had no idea what she was talking about.

Pulling out her phone, Ella showed him the picture Y/N had sent her earlier that day. "She was so excited for you to try it but you completely blew her off to go to some stupid shit with Cameron at work.  

"Her exact words were, 'I don't know, Ella, maybe I made him so mad that he just doesn't want to be with me right now.'" Michael looked at her and saw some tears starting to form. "Everything she did today and for the past weeks have been for you and all she got in return was your stupid ungrateful attitude."

Hearing those words shattered Michael's heart and he couldn't help but feel like a complete asshole.

"Look man," Louis said, breaking the silence between the trio, "Either you can go find her right now and apologize for you stupid behavior from today or let this ruin your relationship. She is probably the best thing that has ever and probably will ever happen to you. So get your shit together and figure out how to fix this."

Grabbing her hand with his own, Louis led Ella to the door so that they could leave Michael alone to think about what will be his next step.

The now mostly empty apartment was now deadly silent, except for the sound of the moving gears in the grandfather clock. With each tik, Michael's composure kept on breaking down until he finally slid down the wall and sat on the floor.

Hands tangled in his hair, he tried to think of different ways to apologize to Y/N. He was no doubt a huge dick to Y/N today. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he dialed her phone number and prayed that she would answer her phone. Four rings later, Michael could only hold his breath as he heard her say, "Hello?"

Clearing his throat, Michael wiped away some tears that escaped his eyes, "Y/N, baby, I'm so so damn sorry... I-"

"Save it, Michael. I'm going to stay over at a friend's house for the week. If there's an emergency, I'll call you. But please, don't call or text me until you figure your shit out. I will not tolerate you speaking to me like that ever again. I deserve more respect than that."

Immediately, Y/N ended the call. 

Not bothering to wipe away the tears streaking his cheeks, Michael decided to send her just one text before giving her space. With shaky fingers, he typed out the short message:

Y/N, love, I'm so, so very sorry. I didn't mean to be such an ass. You've been nothing but wonderful to me today while I kept on disregarding you. Take your time and I hope to talk with you later.

Love, Michael

After hitting the 'send' button, he sent down his phone on the coffee table and just sat there, thinking what he can do to fix this. He has a week to fix this somehow. Right now, though, all he wanted was to hold her and pepper her sweet face with kisses. Instead, he's alone in their apartment on his birthday. 

He really messed up.


Well hello lovelies, long time no see lol. So... I just became lazy with writing, so I want to apologize for that. Tbh, don't be expecting frequent updates, I'm writing whenever I have inspiration. Like I've mentioned before, I have other drafts that I've been procrastinating on, so hopefully I'll get to them at one point. 

Anyways, I hope y'all have a super amazing morning, day, evening, or night wherever y'all are! You guys are amazing and thank you for 13.8K reads!!! I never thought that people would actually read my writing, so thank you so much for proving me wrong!

Again, thank y'all for absolutely everything, each and every one of you is unique and amazing. I wish you all the very best!



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