Come Back to Bed...

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As promised, a longer, and hopefully better chapter! Thank y'all so much! You are truly the best! Your reads, votes, and comments mean the world to me! I love hearing from you!

Quick question, Do you like me sticking with the early 1900's time frame, or would you like for me to throw in a modern one every once in a while?

Blessings to you!

Without further ado...

Come Back to Bed...Jack

You woke up needing to use the out house that was in the small area behind the tenement building you and Jack had moved into after you got married. You tried to wiggle out of his firm grip, but he groaned and pulled you closer.

"Jack, come on let me go." You whispered into his ear.

"No." He grumbled still sleeping.

"I got to use the outhouse." You told him wiggling some more, but that was a mistake because you felt his little buddy perk up. You groaned. "Jack let me up." He just grunted. You decided to try something else. You blew into his ear, hoping that would work, it worked with dog. But apparently it didn't work on your sleeping husband. So you tickled his nose with your hair, which got him to move a hand up to itch his nose, that gave you the chance to hop off of the bed. You slipped into your nightgown and shoes. Jack muttered something incoherent in his sleep. You couldn't help but giggle at how cute it was, but then you heard him call out,

"(Y/N), come back to bed." He grumbled in his husky just waking up voice.

"I'll be right back." You told him.

"Come back, your so warm and soft." He mumbled.

You rolled your eyes and left to do your business.


"David what's wrong?" You grumbled waking up slightly as you felt your husband's presence leave the bed.

"It's 6:00, I need to get up." David chuckled.

"Come back, It's cold out." You mumbled in a slightly whiny tone.

"Sorry baby." He chuckled putting his clothes on.

"At least give me a good morning kiss."

"You need to get up first." He smiled teasingly.

"Ok." You grumbled getting up.

"Can you make me breakfast?" David asked before he pecked your lips.

"I always make you breakfast." You looked offended.

"But you didn't want to get out of bed."

"No, I wanted you to get back in bed."

"Is there a difference?" David smirked.

"There is a big difference." You smiled.

"Tomorrow's Saturday." He whispered.

"Mhm, I know." You grinned wider.

"Momma!" Your two year old daughter (--) cried out followed by her twin brother (--) crying out,


"Well there they are." You chuckled as David groaned a little.

Kid Blink

"Where do you think your going?" You heard your husband call out as you left the bed at maybe two in the morning to go grab a glass of water.

"I need to get water." You informed hm.

"Come back to me as quick as you can." He said fully awake.

"Why are you so awake?" You giggled a little bit.

"Just woke up from a real nice dream about you." He smirked, his eye on your still bare rear as you had bent over to pick up your night gown from the floor from where it had landed earlier that evening.

You blushed slightly. "Louis, watch it." You slipped the nightgown on and went to the kitchen to get some water. You heard footsteps behind you, but you ignored it, so as not giving Blink the satisfaction of looking at his more than likely naked physique.

As you poured some water, you felt arms snake their way around your waist "Please come back to bed, I need you." He whispered into your hair. You knew exactly what he wanted. You giggled not being able to help it.

"Why should I?" You asked teasingly.

"Come on (Y/N)," He almost whined. You giggled some more.

"Fine." You turned around in his grip and kissed his, as you had suspected, bare chest.


"Spot?" You called out groggily.

"Whadya need?" You heard his voice respond from across the room.

"Where are you going?" You mumbled.

"I need some air." He mumbled. You had only been married for a couple days, so you were very surprised.

"Come back to bed." You yawned.

"Go backa sleep." Spot sighed.

"No, what's wrong?" You asked slipping out of bed.

"Nothin." The stoic man grumbled.

"Let me help, what's wrong?" You wrapped your arms around him, and he inhaled a large breath.

"Bad dream is all." He whispered.

"Want to tell me about it?" You kissed his neck tenderly.

"Do you really wanna hear it?" Spot looked at you shocked.

"Of course I do." You smiled.

"Well it," He started.

"Come back to bed first." You nuzzled your nose into the crook of his neck.

"Ok." He sighed with delight, as the two of you climbed back into bed.


Any time either one of you needs to wake up in the middle of the nigh, the other knows about it almost instantly. So one night, when you felt Mush stirring you groaned, waking up slightly.

"Mush." You grumbled nuzzling his chest with your nose.

"I need to put out the fire." He grumbled. Oh shoot, he was having THAT dream again.

"Shh, baby, there's no fire." You cooed kissing his chest.

"No, there's a fire," He started to get out of the bed.

"Mush, come back to bed, there is no fire." You grabbed his hand. He batted at you hand. You sighed and followed him out of bed. Every once and a while he would do this, you didn't know that he sometimes sleep walked until on the day of your wedding and Jack told you off to the side.

"Gotta put out the fire." He mumbled.

"Michael Danial Meyers, listen to me, there is no fire." You pleaded with the man, trying to shake him.

"Hu?" He woke up startled. "Why are you out of bed?" He looked at you confused. You chuckled and shook your head, this man.

"You were sleepwalking again." You told him.

"Oh, well let's go back to bed, it's cold out." He mumbled pulling you back into bed.

"What am I going to do with you?" You mumbled into his chest.


It was early in the morning, too early for Crutchy to be up, but you felt his absence and you padded out of bed to figure out if he was ok.

"Crutchy?" You questioned going into the kitchen. He stood by the stove.

"Hey, whad are ya doin up?" He turned around.

"I could ask you the same question Mister O'Myer." You smiled at him softly.

"I ast you first Mrs. O'Myer." He hobbled over to where you were.

"Come back to bed." You giggled at him calling you Mrs. O'Myer.

"I was makin some tea foa you an da baby." He placed a hand on your still pretty much flat stomach.

"That's so sweet." You stoked his cheek, smiling up at him lovingly.

"Now go back ta bed sos I can bring you da tea." He made shooing motions.

"Yes sir," You giggled, scampering back into bed, burring your nose into Crutchy's pillow to breath in his sent.

Maybe five minutes later, he came back, hobbling on his crutch with one arm, but a mug of tea, in his free hand. "Hea." He said handing it to you.

"Thank you." You sat up and took the mug. "You are so amazing." You smiled wider as you blew at the steam.

He climbed onto his side of the bed and wrapped an arm around your waist. "I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." You giggled, before taking a sip of the tea.


You were struggling to get comfortable, being seven months pregnant was wonderful, but sleep was scarce, so you decided to get up and go sleep in the rocker. You had seen your mother do it when she was pregnant with your younger siblings, so you figured it must work. Determined to give it a try, you got out of bed.

"(Y/N), come back!" You heard racetrack call out groggily

"I am trying to see if I can get some better sleep in the rocking chair." You replied.

"But I'll be lonely." Your husband grumbled.

"Race, I can't get comfortable enough to sleep." You pouted.

"Fine, leave me alone then." He sounded hurt.

"Anthony, you better be faking that hurt." You were concerned.

"I am dear, go get some sleep." He chuckled.

You rolled your eyes and went over to the rocking chair in the corner of the room, you fell asleep quickly, but not before hearing Racetrack's light snores.


"Come back ta bed." You heard Boots say as you climbed out of bed to feed your three month old son.

"I need ta feed (--)." You told him.

Fine, but be back quick." He grumbled sleepily.

'Yus suh," You smirked a little.

You went over to the corner of the room where the cradle was to pick up and feed little (--).

"Have I ever told you that you doin dat turns me on?" Boots near growled from his place on the bed, clearly awake now.

"Only every time you've seen me do this the last three months." You rolled your eyes.

"Really?" He questioned, humor evident in his voice.

"Yup."You grinned cheekily.


"Gregory." You called out as you woke up missing your husband's warm embrace.

"Yes dear." He replied.

"Come back to bed. I only get to see you every once and a while." You stated.

"I need to go put out the milk bottles, we forgot to do that last night." He stated.

"We did?"

"Yeah, we did."

"How'd you remember?"

"Funny thing, I dreamed about you baking a cake with just an apron on, and then I realized last night we'd forgotten to put out the milk bottles."

You had no words, so chuckling; he left to do the job.


"Skittery, come back to bed." You called out sleepily.

"Someone just fell down the stairs." He said hurriedly.

"What?" You bolted out of bed and threw on your nightgown as fast as you could then the two of you left the room, to see what had happened.


"At least no one was hurt." Skittery grumbled as you both climbed back into bed.

"Stupid kid." You chuckled.

"I can't believe that kid used a crate to sled down the stairs in our hotel." Skittery huffed, still kind of angry.

"At least we have another thing to add to the do not do list." You tried to be positive.

"Why'd you keep your night gown on?" Skittery asked suddenly changing the conversation.

"Really?" You chuckled rolling your eyes.


"Where do you think your going?" Bumlets asked his voice still laced with sleep.

"I need to make breakfast before heading out to the market." You giggled one Saturday morning."

"Not this early, come back to bed." Bumlets near whined.

"You are so lazy." You told your husband of a few days.

"I just go married, I'm allowed to want to be lazy with my wife." He stated firmly and proudly.

"But I need to fulfill my wifely duties and get us food from the market before all the good deals and food are gone."

"Come on, your wifely duties also include helping me break in this bed." He smirked.

"I'll help you with that after I get back from the market." You rolled you eyes.

"But." He pouted.

"No buts." You stated firmly.

"You have a nice butt." He smirked.

"Goodby Bumlets." You rolled your eyes and left the bedroom and after cooking breakfast, leaving it on the stove for your husband, you left for the market.

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