Something he teaches you

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Just some short fluff ^^


you have a very thick Italian accent, so over time, Jack slowly teaches you to start to use a New York accent instead mainly because you listen to him talk and rant and rave almost constantly!


as everyone knows, David is more educated than a lot of folks in the poorer areas of New York, but he loved to help others become more educated. David took it upon himself to teach you as much as he could. But the one thing you seemed to pick up on the most were all the Latin phrases he used. You had no idea what most of them meant, but they sure were fun to say! And for some reason the phrase "Im 'pro affectio esuriit" got him to cuddle with you, so you used it a lot!

Kid Blink:

Having spent most of your life on the street, you could do almost everything Kid Blink knew how to do, and were proud to admit that you could do 98% of it better than he could. So you were definitely not one to turn down a challenge. So there was this one annoying weirdo that kept challenging you to do shots but you always had some excuse to get out of it. Blink noticed and asked if you knew how. You admitted you didn't, so your amazing boyfriend thought you How to throw down a shot like a pro.


You have to be rough and tumble if you wanna survive in Brooklyn. It's a well-known fact. And you had definitely gotten better at defending yourself over the years. But your punch was really lousy. When Spot found out, he would have nothing of his girlfriend not being able to throw a right hook. So he thought you how to throw a beautifully perfect right hook.


"Can you make me brownies?" Mush pouted one stormy afternoon as you were cuddled up on your sofa together.

"What are brownies?" You asked never having heard of them.

"They are chocolate and soft, and perfect, how do you not know what they are?!" He asked appalled.

You shrugged. "Do you know how to make them?" You asked eager to find out if they really were as good as he was making them out to be.

"Yes! David taught me!" Mush grinned.

"Then teach me!" You giggled.

And so Mush taught you how to make brownies, and sure enough, they were to die for! All chocolaty, gooey, soft, warm, and utterly delicious!


One Saturday afternoon, when you and Crutchy were playing old maid with each other and a few of your siblings, Crutchy announced that he needed a haircut, then all your brothers decided they wanted haircuts too. Because any time Crutchy did anything, it instantly became cool and the boys wanted to do it. The only downside was you had no idea how to cut hair. That was your mother's realm of expertise. Besides, you only had one good hand. But Crutchy taught and aided you as you cut your brother's hair. Then you gave him a haircut and that's how you came about being able to cut his hair whenever he needed a trim.


You love to dance, and one cold winter night, when you were listening to records on the phonograph. You were snuggled up in your house together by the fireplace sipping hot apple cider. Then a lively song played and Race grinned. "I wanna teach you to tap dance!" He announced. You giggled and got up with him and stumbled all over yourself until you could finally shuffle around as good as your husband. You had a marvelous time laughing to your heart's delight.


You loved games of all kinds, both in and out of bed. And Boots always would go to a tavern on Tuesday nights to meet up with old friends to play poker. You kept insisting he take you along, so one day he caved and sat you down to teach you how to play poker. You caught on very quickly, and Boots was surprised at your smile. So you came up with some signals between the two of you then went to the bar. The two of you mopped the floor with anyone you played!


Thanks to your brothers constantly tagging on you about everything, from your glasses to your face, to your brains, you'd unintentionally developed a low opinion of yourself. You didn't even realize it until Specs came along and showered you with compliments and affection. You found it hard to accept them and rarely believed him. But as time went on, with his love and encouragement, you grew to love you for you again!


"What do you mean you don't how to make a jack-o-lantern?!" Skittery asked in shock.

"What even is a Jack-o-lantern?" You giggled at the silly word.

"It's a pumpkin with a face carved into it!"

"What's the purpose?"

"To have fun." He responded like it was a no-brainer.

"Ok, teach me to make one!" You prompted him. You're not one to turn down fun.

"First we need to get pumpkins." Skittery kissed your cheek.

"Where are we going to find those in New York City?" You asked your boyfriend.

"I'll figure it out." He assured you.

"Well you'd better." You teased him.

So true to his word before Halloween, he had procured 2 pumpkins and he taught you how to make a fantastically scary looking Jack-o-lantern.


You would like to say that your husband Bumlets was a good influence, and in most instances he was. But when it came to swearing he could get pretty bad. He was good around you and any women and children. But when it was the worst was either in bed, or with his friends. The former of the two had thought you many a dirty word. The most impressive in your opinion was the f-bomb. And the day that you first used it while having sex, was the day you almost gave him a heart attack. He just never expected you to be able to say such a word!

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