Something Old, Something New...

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...Happy New Year!!!...

Ok, so I really love this idea and I've been hatching it since the fall semester of 2016! So I really hope it's as good as I think it is! 

I have another wedding themed one requested and I should have that up sooner rather than later preferably. This just fit better first! 

---Enjoy folks!---



-Something Old-

"Nonna, grazie! Non avete idea di che cosa questo significa alla me!" (Grandmother, thank you! You have no idea what this means to me!) you exclaimed as your grandmother pinned the veil she'd worn many many years ago at her own wedding back in Italy to your hair as you got ready to walk down the aisle to finally marry the love of your life Jack Kelly. 

"Sei molto gradito, cara ragazza!" (You are very welcome, dear girl!) She kissed both of your cheeks before pulling the veil over your face, both of you grinning from ear to ear. 

-Something New-

"Momma, this dress is beautiful, thank you so much for helping me with this!" you were wiping away tears that were running down your cheeks from pure joy as you looked down at the simple dress you and your mother had sewn together. 

"You are so welcome, it makes me proud that you have found yourself such a fine young man to settle down with!" She took your hands into hers giving them a loving squeeze. You couldn't be happier that your family so readily approved of Jack. Just then, your mother started to let tears of her own slip from her eyes. "My baby girl's all grown up now." She hugged you closely. 

-Something Borrowed-

"Why do I have to wear Margarite's slip?" You questioned the long-standing tradition as your mother handed you your sister-in-law's slip. 

"Because you don't want the attention of the evil eye, do you?" Your mother glared at you.

"How does wearing her slip manage that hmm?" You gave your mother a bit of your Italian sass.

"Is she barren?" She sassed you right back not one to take any of anyone's sass. 

"No." you replied glancing at Margarite who was heavy with her fourth child. All of whom were miraculously still alive.

"That is why, so hopefully your marriage will be just as fruitful, giving you many children to comfort you in your old age." Your mother grinned knowing she had won the conversation as you put on the borrowed slip. 

"momma va bene." (alright momma.) You conceded not wanting to take any chances.

-Something Blue-

"Here." Your twin brother thrust a blue bandana into your hands.

"What is this for?" You chuckled. 

"Your something blue." He winked "Cravatta esso intorno tua coscia per la tua cowboy." (Tie it around your thigh for your cowboy.) He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. 

"Grazie!" (Thank you!) You gave him a big hug before whispering in his ear, "Even if, tuo mente è con le immondizia in grondaia." (your mind is with garbage in the gutter.) You poked at his ribs. He laughed, winked at you again and walked back into the living area leaving you chuckling in the kitchen. Oh, Jack was going to love this!


-Something Old-

"This was your mother's" Your father said unlocking a trunk everyone typically used as additional seating. He pulled out a simple yet elegant white dress. "I know she would have wanted you to wear this." Your father handed you the dress that only had slight yellowing from the years of storage.

"Oh, you really think so?" you asked holding it close fighting back tears.

"Yes, and it will be like she is here on your big day. If she were still here, I know she would have helped you make one of your own, but since she's not..."

"This is so perfect! Thank you so much!" You hugged him, the dress between the two of you, making it feel like your mother was in the hug too causing tears to slip from your eyes.

"I'm so glad you think so!" Your father hugged you tighter.

-Something New-

"Sara, what are you doing here?" You asked shocked as you opened the door to your almost sister-in-law.

"I just wanted to come and give you a gift for your wedding to my baby brother." She smiled softly.

"Oh Sara, you didn't have to!" You exclaimed as she handed you a neatly wrapped package.

"Oh, I know, but one of your sisters mentioned you didn't have everything you needed for your wedding yet. Since David can't assist in any of that, and you are as poor as a church mouse, I figured it was the least I could do. Go ahead, open it." Though you resented her calling you 'poor as a church mouse' you opened the package, knowing she was right.

You gasped. "Oh, Sara, its beautiful!" You held the veil in your hands gingerly, you'd never seen anything so delicate and wonderful!

"So you like it?" She asked smiling happily.

"I love it! You are such an angel!" You hugged her, something you seemed to be doing a lot lately.

"It's nothing really." Sara couldn't help but blush.

"It means the world to me!" You told her almost bouncing with glee.

"And you mean the world to David, so take good care of him."

"Oh, I will!" You beamed grinning from ear to ear.

-Something Borrowed-

"Kristian, can I ask you a favor?" You asked your neighbor who was only a few years older than your 18 years of age, when she opened the door with her 6 months old baby boy Ethan on her hip.

The young woman who was one of your closest friends smiled brightly, "Yes, anything you need! Please come in!"

"Thank you so much!" You followed her in and baby Ethan reached out his chubby baby arms for you.

Kristian laughed handing her baby to you. The boy started cooing and you cooed back almost getting distracted from why you'd initially come over. "I bet you can't wait until you have one of your own with that handsome Davey!"

You blushed, but couldn't deny it. "I actually wanted to ask if I could borrow one of your slips" You said before rubbing noses with Ethan.

"Oh, yes of course! I would be honored! But bring it back please." She grinned.

"I will, I promise!" You giggled.

"If he rips it, please mend it." She winked at you making you blush a crimson shade of red.

"David would never do that!"

"He's a man, it's always a possibility." She giggled grabbing the garment out of her trunk and handing it to you.

"oh, ok." You said wondering if she was serious. "Thank you again!" you added before staying longer to play with baby Ethan.

-Something Blue-

It was the morning of your wedding and you had everything in order. Your dress was on, your veil secured to your hair, and all but 2 of your siblings were dressed in their Sunday best. It was next to a miracle! All you were missing was something blue. You had no idea what you were going to use. And it was too late to get anything or knock on another neighbor's door. All the sudden the two straggling kids that had yet to get cleaned up came barging through the door.

"Sissy! Sissy! Look what we found for you!" One of them, Fernando exclaimed handing you a handful of blue flowers that they had found from only who knows where.

"Oh, they are just lovely! Thank you both so much!" You kissed both of their foreheads.

"We heard you tell daddy last night you needed something blue!" Gracey giggled.

"You two saved the day! Now go get cleaned up!" You grinned as they both scurried to the task.

---Kid Blink---

-Something Old-

"I do not approve of you marrying that urchin." The mayor, your adopted father, grumbled over dinner.

"In all honesty sir, I really don't care about what you have to say on the matter because if you can't look past his rough exterior, that's a lack of character on your part." You said evenly.

"You are still my ward and I shall decide who you marry." He frowned, brow furrowed.

"I'm already engaged to him you snotty pig!" You slammed your hands on the table.

"You are a girl, what do you know of these things?"

"I know more than you do apparently." You spat out bitterly. "I am going to marry him."

"You are a pig-headed girl." The man grumbled before thinking of an idea. All that he really wanted was for you to be well taken care of. "How strong is this boy of yours?"

You blushed thinking of all the times he's wrapped you so tight in his muscular arms making you feel safer than you'd ever felt before. "He is very strong." You told the mayor slightly confused by the sudden change in his attitude.

"We need more guards for the city jail. Do you think he would like one of the positions?"

"I believe so, but why the sudden change of heart?"

"If you are so stubbornly hell bent on marrying him, he is going to need a respectable job to support you." He sighed.

You smiled for the first time since you'd sat down at the table. "You would do that for us?"

"I would."

"Thank you! This is going to make Blink so happy!"

"It's nothing, do you need anything old, anything new, for the wedding?"

"I uh, well, my mother gave me a broach of hers that I've managed to keep with me all these years, but I couldn't ask you for something new, with the job you are already doing so much for us!"

-Something New-

"It would be terrible of me not to buy you the necessary attire, please let me do that for you!"

You looked at the man greatly troubled. "How can you go from telling me I'm practically your property and I cannot marry the love of my life to doing all this for us?"

"Well, what you said about judging him being a lack of character on my part, you are right. If he makes you happy, that should be good enough for me. And all I want is for you to be happy and well taken care of. So that is why."

"Sometimes I actually like you." You grinned.

Your foster father let loose with joyous laughter.

-Something Borrowed-

You were getting ready for your wedding and couldn't be more exited. A few of your old friends from your time in the orphanage had managed to come help you get ready for your big day!

"Who'd you borrow a slip from?" Delilah asked giggling as she handed you it.

"The wife of one of Blink's friends." You said chuckling. "She just had twins.

"Are you sure you want that kind of Karma?" Alana asked blushing slightly at the thought of how children come about.

"I fail to see how a slip is even connected with good childbearing luck." You winked at your friends.

The girls all laughed "Me neither, but it's a tradition none the less." Joan grinned her toothy grin, everyone was high on happiness and laughter.

"And who wants to take chances with something like that." Gretta rationalized.

"You do have a point there." You agreed with your friend.

"So just put on the slip!" Delilah laughed.

"Ok, Ok, I'm putting it on!" You joined in with her laughter as you put on the borrowed good luck charm.

-Something Blue-

As you donned your dress and veil and your mother's broach, Alana gasped. "You need something blue!"

"Ooh! What if I dye a strand of my hair blue like that one lady from the circus?" You said mostly teasing, but still slightly serious.

"Oh, no! You can't do that!" Gretta gasped

"I know, I was just joking with you guys!" You patted the appalled blonde's cheek patronizingly.

Gretta shook her head swatting at you playfully.

"How about I wear that blue pair of stockings you gave me." You suggested.

"You still have those!" Alana and Delilah squealed in unison.

"How could I ever get rid of them?" You hugged all your girlfriends one by one.

"Yes! You must wear them!" Joan clapped her hands happily.

"Yes, I must!" You giggled going to get them out of your trunk.


-Something Old-

"Vy do you insist on marrying zat boy?" You could tell that your brother was seething by how the vein in his neck looked like it was popping out of his body.

"Because I love him! And you can no longer say it is because he is not German, because you married a Norwegian." You defended.

Your brother growled. "Do not bring Ingrid into zis." His eyebrows knitted together, a telltale sign that he knew you were right, but he didn't want to admit it.

"Please." You whispered looking up at him with your famous pout.

"Fine zen, I do not vish to argue about zis any longer. You gan marry him if zat is vat you vant." He sighed.

"Really?" Was it really that easy? Normally you had to argue with him for hours to get anywhere!

"Ja, as de Americans say, I has a bigger kettle of fish to fry." He smirked thinking he was so cool. You had to fight back a laugh at how badly he had butchered two expressions at once. But you knew what he had meant. Lately, his 4 months pregnant wife had been very demanding of bedroom activities and he was not going to complain any time soon about that.

"So, you want me to leave then?" You cocked your head to the side already grabbing your bag and coat from the peg on the wall next to you.

"Smart girl." He grinned nodding his head towards the door.

"One question," You said one foot out the door already, "can I use mutti's (Mom's) veil?" Your mother had brought it over on the boat, but had left her dress with her younger sister back in Germany.

"Ja, ja, zat is vat she vould have vanted." Your brother nodded before making shooing mothions with his hand.

You squealed with joy as you closed the door to go head off to find Spot.

-Something New-

"I need a dress." You mumbled to yourself as you sat planning your wedding at Spot's new apartment that was to be your shared apartment in less than 3 weeks.

"Did you say sumthin babe?" Spot asked coming over to hand you a cup of hot tea and sit down next to you.

You smiled. "Thank you darling," you kissed his cheek, "No, I was just mumbling to myself." You smiled squeezing his thigh, something you did to reassure him and yourself.

"Hmm, ok, anything I can do (Y/n)?" He asked knowing how much there was to do in prepare for the quickly approaching date of your nuptials.

"Could you help me figure out how we are going to pay an organist? I thought we were going to have enough money, but when we had to buy shoes for Elmer last week, that money is gone." You sighed you didn't mind helping the smaller Brooklyn newsies even if Spot no longer sold, he still felt responsible for them and you understood that entirely. But with the wedding, things were crazy. Luckily for the both of you, Spot had a lot of connections.

"One a da Hatten boy's wife plays da organ." Spot said after only a few seconds of thought.

"So?" You asked slightly confused.

"I'se 'll talk ta Jackie boy, I'se sua he won't mind askin his wife ta do it foa free." Spot explained.

"You really think she would?" You asked hopeful.

"Positive." He smirked feeling exceptionally proud of himself. "Hey, I had da baker's wife pick dis up foa ya, go in da bedroom an open it, I don't wanna see it!" Spot said handing you a package. You gave him a weird look but went into the bedroom and opened the package to see the most amazing white dress that you ever could have hoped for. You gasped starting to cry.

Spot had gotten an unforeseen raise and had decided he knew what to do with the money immediately.

"I hope it fits." Spot said through the door.

You were in the process of putting it on. Once it was on, you grinned. "It fits like a glove Spot!" You beamed.

"Thank goodness, now take it off! I can't see it till the wedding!"

"You are so adorable!" you giggled, it was times like these where he let himself be almost childlike that you realized he was such a teddy bear on the inside.

"I'm da Kinga Brooklyn, I ain't adorable." He grumbled.

"Sure." You laughed taking off the dress and put it back in the package. You came back out to pepper his face with kisses. "Thank You so so much!" You ginned tears of happiness rolling out of the corners of your eyes.

"You're welcome sweetheart!" He hugged you tightly. Normally you would have asked where he'd gotten the money, but right in this moment, you didn't care.

-Something Borrowed-

"Ingrid, can I borrow a slip of yours, my boss's wife told me to ask you." You blushed as you asked the pregnant woman as you helped her prepare dinner.

"Mm, I always thought that was a stupid tradition, but it is a tradition none the less." She mumbled not answering your question. She was always like that.

"So, can I?" You asked growing tired of the woman, you couldn't wait to leave.

She looked you up and down rudely. "I'll think about it."

"The wedding is in 3 days." You said imploringly.

"Ok, fine. But no more talking." She snapped conceding just to get you to shut up. Yes, you were ready to get married. Even if it was just to get away from her.

-Something Blue-

Here, you gotta wear this!" One of the smallest boys from Brooklyn came up to you as you were waiting outside the church, you ain't got nothin blue on!" the boy handed you a blue tinted morning glory.

You blushed smiling, you had a blue garter on. "Why thank you, I'll put it in my hair!" You said tucking it under your veil making the 6-year-old grin from ear to ear showing his crooked teeth with a few missing.

"You're welcome miss!" He nodded his head and scurried off to tell all his buddies that he saved the King and the King's Queen's wedding.


-Something Old-

"I want you to have this. It was my dear wife's, God rest her soul." Your boss, the shoemaker Mr. Gregory said one afternoon coming out from the back room a hat box in hand. "You have become like a daughter to me, and me and Ilene always wanted a daughter, and we could never have one, so you were a dream come true for us even though she wasn't able to meet you." He handed you the box.

"You are so kind to me." You smiled at him warmly. He was the warm father figure you'd always dreamed of having, so you shared his sentiments.

"You are a dear girl, I sure am going to miss you." Mr. Gregory patted your shoulder. "Go ahead open it."

So you did, gasping as you took off the lid to see a gorgeous vintage veil. "Oh sir, I could never wear this." You whispered.

"You must! It will look so lovely on you dear!" The older man was grinning. "At least try it on, for me."

You obliged him, pulling it out of the box and fixing it on your head.

"You look stunning! Please allow yourself to wear it on your big day!"

You almost tackled the man as you gave him a huge hug, "Thank you so much! This means the world to me!" You told him grinning wide.

-Something New-

"I know you don't like anything flashy, but I figured you might still need something new." Mush told you looking and sounding nervous.

"Mush, what's got you all nervous?" You couldn't help but chuckle. Mush was hardly ever even the slightest bit nervous, so this was a rare sight indeed.

"I just really hope you like it." Mush sighed knowing he needed to get his shit together.

"Like what?" You laughed kissing his cheek hoping to calm him down.

"This." He said handing you a small box.

You gave him a confused look. "You know that anything from you I will cherish forever!" You tried to reassure him as you opened the box to see three cards of brand new hair pins. "Oh Mush! How did you know I've been needing these?!" You squealed.

"So you like dem?" he asked, his cocky grin twitching at the corners of his mouth.

"I love them!" You hugged your arms around him.

"Oh good, I thought you would!" Mush hugged you back, kissing the top of your head.

-Something Borrowed-

"Do you know who's slip I could borrow?" You asked turning your head to look up at Mush one afternoon as you sat one step down from him, in between his legs, on the back steps of the shoe shop.

"Why would you need to do that?" Mush asked crinkling his nose much like you had done when first hearing of the tradition.

"No one is very forthcoming on any particular stances." You mumbled out of irritation with old habits making your life more challenging.

"Say what now?" Mush asked you looking very confused.

"Oh nothing, all I know is it has something to do with fertility."

"Fertility? Like having kids?" Mush asked raising an eyebrow.

"Exactly." You nodded your head.

"That makes zero sense." Mush furrowed his brow.

"I know, just don't worry about it and tell me who I can ask."

"You know that nice lady that woiks out of her apartment making silk flowers and has like 5 kids, I'd ask her first." You turnrned your head away from him as he replied starting to rub your shoulders gently.

"Ok, that sounds good." You'd helped the lady a few times with things.

And that's what you did, and she was more than happy to lend you the undergarment.

-Something Blue-

"I wanna be different, I don't wanna wear a white dress like all the other girls my age are doing." You told Mush as the two of you sat under a tree in Central park one afternoon discussing wedding plans.

"That's ok Sunshine, what colour do you wanna wear? Maybe yellow? Or Blue? Or-" He started to list another colour, but you cut him off.

"Blue! That's it, its perfect! My something blue will be my dress!" You exclaimed loudly jumping up causing many park goers to stare in your direction, but you didn't care.

Mush laughed standing up too to pick you up into his arms and swing you around. "It's da perfect colour for you my sunshine, you will look absolutely stunning!" Your wonderful fiancé predicted.


-Something Old-

"Anna, what are you doing here?" You asked grinning as your sister, who now lived about 4 blocks away with her husband, became visible as you opened the door for whoever had been knocking one afternoon as you were watching your younger siblings.

"I came to bring you what our mother gave me for my wedding. I figured you need it as much as I did." She grinned handing you a package which you knew to hold your mother's wedding gown and veil.

"Oh Anna, you are such a dear! Thank you so much!" You grinned hugging your sister tightly.

"You are so welcome little sister! Wear it in good health and pass it on when the time is right!" She beamed.

"You enjoying married life?" You winked at her.

Anna blushed. "I'm not spoiling anything for you. Now I must go." She patted your cheek.

"Ok, go leave me in my miserable darkness." You sighed dramaticly.

"Goodbye." She winked leaving.

"See you later." You shook your head before squealing at the prospect of wearing the beautiful outfit of white!

-Something New-

"Nu layno." (Well crap.) You mumbled under your breath.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" Crutchy hobbled over to you from the kitchen bringing you a mug of tea. He'd insisted on it. He was the sweetest man alive and you were so glad he was going to be by your side until death do you part.

"Oh nothing, thank you dear." You squeezed his hand as he sat down at the table to your right.

"It must be something." He looked at you worried.

"Oh, it's just that my shoes are falling apart again, and the cobbler said they are too far gone." You sighed.

"Well we'll just have to get you a new pair, won't we."

"Crutchy, we can't just go do that, where will we get the money? We are getting ready to have a wedding." You frowned.

"(Y/n), do you trust me?" He asked you a question he'd never posed before.

You gave him a look, "Of course I do. If I didn't, I wouldn't be getting ready to be married to you."

"Then let me do this ok." He kissed your cheek.

You couldn't help but giggle. "Alright, you are too sweet!" you cooed kissing the corner of his mouth.

"I couldn't have my bride walking down da aisle barefooted, now could I?" He beamed pecking your lips briefly. You ran your fingers through his curly hair slowly as you looked deep into his soulful eyes.

"I guess not." You whispered as he pressed his lips against yours again, to kiss you much more deeply than that first little peck.

-Something Borrowed-

"Tell me you can please let me borrow a slip for my wedding." You sighed talking with yet another female cousin. So far three had turned you down claiming they couldn't spare one or they had already lent one out.

"Sorry dear, but I just let Maria borrow mine, so many people are getting married, It's wonderful though!"

"Maria doesn't get married for another two weeks, my wedding is tomorrow!"

"I'm sorry, if I would have known only a day ago that you needed it, again, I'm so sorry."

"Thank you anyway." You sighed and headed off to check with another relative.

After striking out four more times, you were about ready to give up when a young woman poked her head out of her door, a baby on her hip and a slip in her hand. "You need this no?" The woman asked with a heavy French accent.

"Oh, I, are you sure?" You asked giving her the biggest smile.

"Oui, I mean yes, please take it, I feel badly for you! And just bring it back when you are done ok." She matched your smile.

"Yes, oh thank you so much! You are an angel!" You gave the stranger a hug.

"It is nothing! Good luck tomorrow!" She kissed both of your cheeks then went back inside her apartment.

-Something Blue-

"Here, these were my grandmother's, I want you to have them my dear, you have small hands like she did." Your mother said the morning of your wedding handing you a pair of blue half finger lace gloves. They were exquisite.

"How could she have afforded these back in the old country?" You couldn't help but whisper as you put the delicate gloves on with your mother's assistance due to your bum hand.

"She worked for a lace maker, and whenever a girl who worked there got married, she was allowed to make herself something small to make them feel special on their special day."

"Why have I never heard this story?" You asked as you admired how they looked on your hands.

"Some stories are more precious when handed down at just the right time." Your mother grinned taking both of your hands into hers and kissing them. You smiled nodding your head.

"Thank you so much!" You grinned.

"You are so welcome my beautiful girl. Ah, I am so sad, you are never going to be a girl again after today. But I am also so happy for you!" Your mother hugged you tightly to mask the tears that were starting to trickle out of her eyes.


-Something Old-

"You won't believe what I found in a box when I was cleaning yesterday!" You were bouncing with excitement as you talked with your fiancé Racetrack on a bench in front of the post office where you had just filed your change of address effective only 2 weeks from now. Time seems to fly when you are young and in love!

"Was it a sack of gold coins?" He asked with a teasing wink.

You shook your head. "No silly! But it was almost as good!" You pecked his nose.

"Hmm, what could be almost as good?" He mumbled to himself trying to be serious for once. Dang his face was so adorable when he was lost in thought. He was handsome all the time, sexy even if you did say so yourself, but the quirks in his face when he was thinking were almost too much at times. "Was it something of your mudda's that your father didn't get rid of?" Race asked knowing you so well.

"You guessed it! It was the earrings and matching necklace he got her for their wedding!" You squealed still over excited.

"That's amazing baby! I know how much you miss her, but now, you got a tiny piece of her to be with you." He stood you up, so he could hug you properly.

"You know just what to say to make me tear up." You sniffed against his chest.

"Don't cry." He whispered rubbing slow circles on your back.

"Your momma's proud of you too, you know." You whispered, causing him to hug you tighter and feel tears pricking at the corners of his eyes.

"Thanks for reminding me baby." He whispered back, holding onto you as long as he possibly could before he compromised to just an arm around your waist, so you could finish all the errands that had to be run.

-Something New-

"Yo! Racer, I heard about this thing, and it seems like it's right in your area of expertise." One of his buddies, you didn't know them well enough to know who it was, but he was tallerish with brown curls and a very nice build.

"What might that be Mush?" Race asked actually able to pry his attention off of you for once. When the two of you were together, it was like nothing else mattered and you were all he could see. It was a wonderful feeling!

"Dere is this guy frum Boston say'n if an engaged couple can beat him an his wife in a hand of any form of poker, Dey'll buy a brand new wedding gown an veil for da goil and a suit and tie for da guy."

"What da hel-heck is da catch?!" Race tried his hardest not to swear around you, but no one is perfect.

"You owe dem 10 dollars if ya lose." The boy deemed Mush explained.

"You think it's worth da risk babe?" Race asked looking at you.

"Only if you brush me up on your signals, I'm still learning." You smiled.

"Great! We got dis in da bag!" Race whooped pulling you in for a deep kiss.

"Ahem, I'm still hea." Mush cleared his throat.

Race and you reluctantly broke your lip lock. "So wea do we go when we's ready?" Race smirked confidently.

Mush gave you the directions and sure enough, with Race's expertise you won the game!

-Something Borrowed-

"Hey, you got dat slip thingy figured out yet?" Race asked you before taking a drag off his cigar as you walked with one of your last bags to your new apartment the day before the wedding.

You had to laugh, you'd mentioned it once a week ago and of course Race had to remember it. If there was anything to do with underclothes, his ears perked up. "Mhm, I got it figured out Tony." You pecked his cheek.

"Mm, wea's usin my real name comin frum? Huh?" He teased you.

"Just felt like it." You mumbled.

"Hey, I liked it." He smirked winking at you.

"Really?" You blushed slightly.

"Mhm, tomorrow night, that's what I wanna hear you say ok?" You gave him a look. !

"You mean, like when?" You blushed a darker red.

"Yes, exactly." He grinned.

"Ok." You blinked up at him.

"So who's slip am I rip'n off ya?" He kissed the side of your head.

You hit his chest playfully. "Please do not rip it! It belongs to a neighbor."

"Ok, fine." He grumbled good naturedly.

-Something Blue-

"Look at what Jack gave me ta give ya!" Race beamed handing you a beautiful bouquet of blue flowers from a real flower shop.

"Oh my!" You gasped, "they are so lovely!"

"His wife knew you would love them." Race kissed your cheek.

"I need to go tell her thank you! And maybe she can help me get my dress on!" You giggled.

"Ok, shit, I wasn't supposed to see you today was I?" Race's eyes went wide.

"You are ok babe, just don't see me in my dress ok." You pecked his cheek.

"See you in an hour love." He winked leaving the room you were in, in the back of the church.


-Something Old-

"I thought you should have this baby." Your mother said beckoning you over to a wooden chest.

You walked over to her and sat down on the floor next to her.

"We may need to make some adjustments, but this is for you!" She pulled out a bluish grey and yellow and black dress that would have been the height of fashion in the 1880's. "It was the dress I sewed all by myself for my wedding, and I want it to be yours now baby!"

"Oh momma! Thank you so much!" You grinned from ear to ear.

-Something New-

"How about we make you a brand-new veil!" Your mother said closing the chest.

"Really?" You beamed.

"Yes, it'll be great to do this together!" Your mother pulled out her sewing box.

"I agree, it'll be just like when I was small, and I helped you with all the sewing!"

Your mother wrapped you in a huge hug. "I'm going to miss you so much!"

"I'mma miss you too momma!" You hugged her back for several minutes. Hopefully you'd still see her often!

-Something Borrowed-

"Ida?" You asked one of your coworkers who had recently had twins.

"Mhm?" She hummed strapping the month-old twins into the harness she'd rigged up to keep one on her back and one on her front.

"Can I borrow your extra slip for that weird tradition thing?" You asked as you loaded a table's food onto your tray.

"Sure, I'll bring it tomorrow darlin. Can I have table 6 instead of 9 today?"

"Thanks, and absolutely!" You grinned heading out with the tray.

-Something Blue-

"Baby girl, come give your granny a hug!" Your grandmother grinned from the rocking chair as you walked in from work.

"Granny! You are up from Georgia?!" You squealed running to give her a big hug.

"I couldn't miss your wedding, now could I?" She grinned almost squishing you with her tight hug.

"Thank you so much!" You grinned.

"I got you an early present too sugar." She said letting you out of her embrace. To grab her handbag pulling out a small brown box handing it to you.

You gave her a curious look before opening it. Inside was a very nice-looking locket.

"I got it back when I was a small girl, my missy gave it to me after I'd gotten a whipping to say how sorry she was. I treasured it forever. Open it." She smiled.

"I can't take this from you!" You gasped.

"If you don't, I' not coming to the wedding child."

You had to laugh. "Ok, Granny." You kissed her cheek.

"Now open it." She insisted.

So you opened it to find a blue delicate flower under one of the glass covers and some dirt under the other.

"It's part a Georgia to keep with you." She smiled.

"Oh, this is the greatest gift ever Granny thank you so much!

"You are welcome child!"


-Something Old-

"Mom, do you have anything I can wear?" You asked as you helped her chop up veggies for soup.

"What do you mean?" Your mother chuckled.

"Like a necklace or something for the wedding."

"I may have a necklace that I was going to give you." She winked. "I'll go get it, I wasn't sure if you'd ever ask." She wiped her hands on her apron before disappearing into her room. She came back a few minutes later with a fake pearl necklace. "It's not much, but it's yours now." She grinned.

You'd admired that strand all your life. "Oh mom, thank you so much! Are you sure?"

She nodded her head, "You are welcome dear, wear it well." She hugged you before having you turn around and securing it around your neck.

-Something New-

"Are you ok if I wasn't wanting to wear white?" You asked Specs one evening when he'd come over for dinner.

"I was thinking burgundy." You winked at him.

"Ah, no! You will be wearing white young lady." Your father stated firmly.

"I know, it's an old joke pop." You chuckled.

"You sure?"

"Yes sir, its just an inside joke between the two of us." Specs smiled.

"Besides, me and mom already sewed a white one, no need to worry." You chuckled.

"Don't go giving me a heart attack!" He laughed with you.

"I would never! I need you to walk me down the aisle." You giggled earning more laughter all around.

-Something Borrowed-

"Mrs. Adams," You knocked on your downstairs neighbor's door. She was a seamstress as well as a mother of three.

"Oh, (Y/n), can I help you with something?" the woman answered to door with a smile.

"I'm here to return the pattern you leant me, and with an odd request." You grinned sheepishly handing her the paper.

"Thanks dear, what's the question?"

"Do you by any chance have a red slip I can wear?"

"I have a deep red, more like burgundy one I made for my anniversary last year that you can borrow." She almost bounced with excitement.

"Burgundy? Seriously?" You grinned.

"Most men like it, don't worry." She winked.

-Something Blue-

"I feel like the American flag." You giggled putting on a blue garter underneath your burgundy slip.

"Yeah, you look like one too." One of your brothers said. In a small apartment, there was no privacy.

"Shut up asshole!" You shouted.

"Watch your mouth young lady!" Your mother chided softly.

"Yes ma'am." You whispered.

"And she's actually going to be starting to try to give me grandchildren tonight." Your mother backed you up.

"Stop rubbing it in our faces!" your brothers were 2 and 3 years older than you.

"Never, not until you get married and give me grandchildren!" You mother smirked winking at you.


-Something Old-

"You see this dress?" Your mother pulled a dress that looked well warn and was a pale yellow colour.

"Yes mamma." You smiled running your fingers across the almost silk like material.

"It was my favorite dress until I could no longer fit into it!" She smiled fondly.

"I remember you wearing it when I was a girl." You giggled.

"I want you to have it. Wear it when you marry your man." Your mother handed it to you.

"Oh thank you so much! I shall cherish this always!" You squealed with delight.

"You're very welcome my dear, I gave my wedding dress to your sister, so this was the next best thing." She caressed your cheek.

"It is more than I could have ever hoped for!" You kissed your mother's forehead. How you would miss her!

-Something New-

"(Y/n), we need to give you something new for your wedding and for also your new life!" Your father said to you one evening at dinner. It was the first thing he'd said about you in close to ten years.

"What?" You looked up shocked.

"You heard what I said." The man hated to repeat himself.

"She needs maybe a hat for the wedding, and candle sticks for her life?" Your mother offered.

"Good, see to it." Your father grunted and diner continued in the usual silence.

-Something Borrowed-

"Why do you insist on leaving for whatever wasteland this Wisconsin is?" Your sister groaned as she helped you pack your things.

"If your husband were to move away would you not follow him?" You asked your sister who had a 6-month-old baby and had just found out she was pregnant again.

"Of course I would!" She sighed. "I just will miss you."

"Please take this for your wedding." She handed you her spare slip.

"I shall mail it back to you, thank you, my dear sister!"

She hugged you, "And write often!"

"I shall write to you every week!" You assured her.

-Something Blue-

"(Y/n)." Your three year old sister tugged at your skirt as you were getting ready to walk out of your parent's apartment for the last time.

"Yes dear?" You cooed picking her up.

"I want you to wear tis when you marry Skitty." She slid a bracelet of azure glass beads onto your wrist.

"Oh darling, this is beautiful! Where did you get it?"

"found laying on the ground somewhere." She grinned up at you.

"Thank you baby, I will definitely wear it when I marry Skitty." You had to chuckle at how she said his name.

"Yay!" the three-year-old squealed and you kissed both of her cheeks.

"Goodbye." You whispered as you let her down.

"Bye, Bye!" She waved laughing.


-Something Old-

"This chest has been passed down three generations now, to the oldest girl in the family, and the only requirement is that you must add one additional item to the chest, that way there is a memory from each generation." Your mother said giving you the key to the cedar chest.

"This is the most wonderful of treasure chests!" You giggled unlocking it to find a veil, a gown, and a pair of white leather gloves.

"The gown was your grandmother's, the veil, your great grandmother's, and the gloves were mine." Your mother explained as you smiled so happily. "I can help you with any altering of the gown!" She added quickly.

"Oh thank you so so much mother!" You grinned.

"You are so very welcome!" She wrapped you in a loving hug.

-Something New-

"So," You pecked Bumlets' lips as you sat with him in the backyard area of your soon to be tenement building. "what," You tried to continue but he stopped you by kissing you firmly. You giggled as you broke apart, "Please be serious for a second babe!" You squealed as he bit your neck.

"Ok, Ok, what should we do to add to the chest?" He winked at you. You shook your head.

"Yes, so answer the question." You pinched his nose teasingly.

"I say, you should add a pair of white boots." Bumlets smiled. "I have always thought that is a great idea, a cousin of mine did that." He suggested before going back to the crook of your neck leaving a sloppy wet kiss.

You sighed "Where are we going to find white boots you silly man?"

"I know a guy." Bumlets grinned.

"Well if you get me white boots in my size, I will surely wear them." You winked at him.

Let's just say, you were wearing white boots when you walked down the aisle.

-Something Borrowed-

"Lucy," You asked approaching your lifelong friend in the market place as she picked through carrots from a vendor, her newborn strapped to her chest.

"Oh my word! (Y/n)! How have you been?" She grinned hugging you gently as not to smoosh her baby.

"Very well thank you, how have you been?" You looked at her baby.

"I have been keeping quite busy as you can tell." Lucy giggled.

"You are so very lucky." You told her happily.

"You are getting married soon, then you will be able to have your own little bundle of joy!" Lucy winked at you.

"Ah, yes, about that," You smiled sheepishly staring to look through the potatoes.

"You are wanting to know if you can borrow a slip?"

"Yes." You chuckled.

"Alright, follow me home (Y/n), I would be honored to lend it to you, my dearest friend!"

"You are a life saver, thank you sweet Lucy!"

"As are you, you were the one that talked Jessie into even talking to me." Lucy giggled.

"You two had been crushing on each other since childhood, it would have been a tragedy for you to have missed each other." You laughed before paying for the potatoes.

-Something Blue-

"I want you to have something to apologize for allowing Oscar and Morris to harass you." Your brother said coming in one afternoon.

"Ok, who are you, and what have you done with my brother?" You said chuckling finishing to chop the potatoes.

"Hey, I'm allowed to have a change of heart briefly, so you don't entirely hate me right?" He smirked.

"Ah, and there is the brother I know and love." You laughed.

"Just let me be decent to you for once."

"On one condition,"

"Which is?"

"Those brothers stay the hell away from my wedding!"

"Ok, I'll make it so." He nodded his head. "And here." He handed you a tiny box.

You wiped off your hands ant took the box. You gasped opening it, it was a silver chain with a blue teardrop pendant. "How did you get this?" You whispered.

"I have my ways sis, I knew you'd like it." He smiled.

"I love it! Thank you so much for not being a completely terrible brother!" You grinned from ear to ear.

"No problem, thank you for taking the heat off me for a while to supply grand babies." He winked at you.

"You are welcome!" You laughed jovially.

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