What You Usually Fight About

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I can hardly believe it thank you guys so so much for 14.6 reads! And 283 votes! ☺️ You guys are amazing! Also special shout out to Soakemforcrutchie  for all of the comments! You are amazing! You saved me from dying of boredom in Anatomy and Physiology lab! I am so so so sorry that I'm always so delinquent on updating and that this is going to be shorter and all that jazz, but I have a really cool update coming sometime hopefully soon and it's going to be long, so yeah!

For all of the ups in life, there is always some down, and in a relationship those downs normally involve some quarrel about something or another and for you and Jack, at the begging of your relationship was Santa Fe. Santa Fe this, Santa Fe that, it drove you crazy! But after a bit of an argument, you'd always apologize to each other and soon Santa Fe wasn't even discussed.

Davey is normally very laid back and doesn't like confrontation. When anything happens, he likes to blame himself for everything, and that makes you madder than a wet hen. So you would confront him about it and tell him how the wight of the world didn't rest on his shoulders. After a small argument you'd always make up, usually ending up making out.

Kid Blink:
Blink is a prison guard usually working weird shifts, which results in him and you rarely being home at the same time. You hated how rarely you got to see him. Sometimes your frustration would get the better of you and it would cause tension in your relationship. That would no fail lead to Blink yelling asking what was wrong. You would blurt out that he was never around and start crying. He would comfort you and you would calm down. Then you would calmly talk it out and come up with a compromise that usually lasted a few months.

Your brother hated Spot, that was a burden you knew you had to live with, but you hated how that animosity began to be reciprocated. Spot gradually got more and more angry with your brother causing him to get frustrated with you every time you had to go somewhere that involved your brother. You never could really understand what the big deal was, but there it was slapping you in the face all the time. You eventually stopped bringing Spot if you had to meet up with your brother, and that seemed to stop that.

A tidy apartment is a happy apartment, right? Right. Of course right! Well guys are absolutely pigs. And one who was never really taught to keep things neat is even worse than normal guys. You weren't anal about things being clean or anything, but you really wished Mush would learn to not leave everything out after something as simple as toasting some bread. So you tried to coach him in not being so destructive. That did not end very well. You wanted to inform Mush in how to do better, but he took it extremely personally and chewed you out. Luckily you both realized that you both needed to grow. So he started cleaning up a bit more and you learned to chill out a bit.

Crutchy doesn't like to raise a stink, early in life he learned that those who blow their mouths around more times than not wind up dead. So Crutchy hated arguments. If you're happy, I'm happy, type of thing. But for every rule, there is always an exception. Crutchy, bless his heart, has a horrible habit of trying to 'fix' the food. You cook a bit differently then he was used to, and he is always trying to make it 'taste better.' You are irritated to no end by this, oftentimes leading to a very tenuous passive aggressive conversation. The only real solution is to change the way you cook, but you think it tastes great! So you finally decided that you'd make two different pots, one with it how you like, one how he likes it, and that seems to work really well, well for now at least.

Anthony Higgins is an Italian male through and through. So does anyone even need to ask what you two argue about the most? Regardless, it's pretty much a toss up between you not putting enough garlic in the dishes you prepare, and well to put it bluntly sex. Yes, it's a toss up between garlic and sex, it's split about 50/50. What do you argue about when it comes to the latter, well mainly it has to do with the details involved, but shh, that's personal.😉

Most mother and daughter-in-laws have their issues with each other, and seeing as how Boots' had passed away, you thought you'd lucked out in that department, but oh boy, did you have a beef with that woman. One night when you and Boots were intertwined so to speak, you let out a whimper, it was the first time you'd ever made that noise and Boots literally stoped what he was doing and looked like he'd seen a ghost. Well apparently that reminded him of his mother who was a bit of a lady of the night putting it nicely. So that was constantly a bit of an issue between the two of you. But from your side, you were more mad at his mother who did her 'business' where little Boots could hear it.

You tried not to fight with Specs when he was home because you'd much rather spend your time with him productively, but because he was a man, that sometimes proved to not be possible. It was always '(y/n), why don't we have this?' Or 'Baby, why don't we have that?' It was always something simple like coffee or closet space but it got very annoying. So you'd usually get so fed up with it you'd yell at him to stop complaining. He'd usually apologize and stop for the rest of the time he was home. It wasn't that big of a deal, and never got out of hand, but it was a tenuous point between you.

What is key for a good relationship? Communication, that is the answer. What was something you and Skittery needed more of? Well if someone asked Skittery he'd say sex, but if anyone asked you, you'd tell them that it was communication. Skittery would sometimes get in one of his funks and not talk to you about what was bugging him, and that was the hardest thing when it came to your relationship. The good thing was that after a small argument he'd always break his mood and tell you what was wrong. Thank goodness he was so in love with you.

You of course are a woman, and in 1903, that meant that you couldn't vote, and weren't supposed to have any political opinion. But you, growing up with older brothers definitely had a political opinion. That was what you and Bumlets usually ended up arguing about. Weather women should be able to vote or not. Bumlets had not been born in the United States and didn't have the means to become a citizen, so he couldn't vote anyway. He couldn't see what the big deal was. So you'd bicker about it, come to the conclusion that it really wasn't that big of a deal anyway, kiss and make up and forget about politics until another election of some sort came around.
😍 you all are wonderful!!! 🐑sorry, sheep are life...

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