You steal his hat

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OH MY GOSH! I cannot believe how many reads, votes, and comments I have gotten on this, Thank you all soooo much! Sorry this took so long, but I had serious writer's block...I know this topic is a bit juvenile, but my sister suggested it and I had no other ideas...

You Steal His Hat:


"Hey strambo," You heard Jack's voice yell out as you were walking home one evening. You turned to where you heard the voice coming from.

"Jack!" You exclaimed as he approached you.

"Yous seem like yous in a good mood taday." He stated as he pulled you into a hug.

"Thank you, I am in a very good mood today." You smiled up at him.

"What put cha in sucha good mood?" He questioned pecking you on the lips.

"Thinking about this." You responded grabbing his cowboy hat and running away from him laughing. You looked over your shoulder and he just stood there looking dumfounded. Then he shook his head and started running after you.

"Yous gonna regret dis strambo!" He shouted after you. He could have easily caught you, but the streets were so busy this time of the day it took Jack a few blocks to catch you. When he did, he slung you over his shoulder. "Put it back on ma head strambo." Jack demanded.

"If you put me down!" You shrieked.

"Not until da hat is on ma head." He reiterated.

"Fine," You pouted plopping it back onto his head.

"Much betta." Jack said putting you down. "Now what possessed ya ta do dat?" He asked slinging one of his arms around your waist, turning the two of you around to head back towards your apartment.

"I thought it might be fun." You stated.

"Deas betta ways ta have fun." Jack identified.

"I know, but it seemed like a good idea." You wiggled your eyebrows.

"I'm gonna get you back foa dat you know." He muttered.

"I can't wait." You giggled.

"Strambo what's gotten inta ya, normally yous wacko, but dis is starten ta freak me out!" Jack halted your progress on getting home.

"My boss gave me this drink today, and I have been in a weird mood ever since." You bubbled.

"What was it?" He asked starting to look amused.

"He called it Pepsi cola and it was so good!" You smiled widely.

"Well dat explains it." He mumbled. "Don't go drinken dat again." He chided.


"Hey, (Y/N) I didn't expect to see you here." David exclaimed one morning as you walked up to a stall at the market.

"David, I didn't expect to see you hear either," You grinned at your handsome boyfriend. "What are you doing here?" You asked as he pulled you into an embrace and kissed you delicately.

"Mom needed rutabaga and Sara is preoccupied with preparing for her wedding so I needed to find some and I was planning on coming to see you." David began to ramble about things so deciding to be adventurous; you placed your lips on his. He suddenly stopped talking. You quickly pulled your lips away embarrassed by your boldness and on a quick impulse; you grabbed his hat and started running to avoid the awkwardness.

Unfortunately he quickly caught up with you. Stupid skirt. He grabbed you from behind around your waist and turned you around. "Sorry." You mumbled.

"Why?" David smiled brightly.

"I'm stupid." You began.

"No, you are anything but." He assured you before leaning in and leading you in a demanding and passionate kiss.

Kid Blink:

"So, miss maya's dauta how ya doin taday?" Blink asked cheerfully.

"Would ya stop callin me dat?" you shouted exasperated.

"Sorry, but I's was jus mess'n witcha." He responded wrapping an arm around you.

"What eva." You mumbled before getting a great idea. You reached up and yanked Blink's cap off of his shaggy blond hair and wiggled out of his warm hold and took off down the street.

"Come back hea wit dat!" He shouted running after you. You dodged in and around people to the best of your ability, Blink was fast, but you were faster at least when it came to running through a crowd. You stopped in an ally to catch your breath. Unfortunately the next thing you knew, Blink had grabbed has hat back.

"Aw, come on, no fair." You complained.

"Life ain't fai." Blink grinned grabbing you around the waist and pecking you on the lips.


You normally would never try to mess around with Spot, but one day you were feeling feisty.

"What da heck?" Spot yelled as you picked his hat off his head from the back. He spun around so quick grabbing your arm. You never stood a chance, he pinned you up against the closest wall. "Don't you eva try ta do that again." The boy growled. You nodded you head slightly afraid.

"Sorry." You mumbled

"Jus don do it again." Spot responded a lot calmer. "Ya bout gave me a heart attack." He mumbled into your hair. You could tell he was sorry for handling you roughly, he hardly uses the word but he has his own way of showing it.


"Mush, would you please stop it." You blushed as he made a comment about how good of a kisser you were to his friend with the eye patch.

"But ya are a good kissa." He wiggled his eyebrows at you.

"That is it." You sighed exasperated. You reached up and grabbed his hat and stalked off.

"What is ya problem?" Mush asked coming up behind you.

"You are! You are such a sweet guy, why do you have to be so vulgar when your fiends are around?" You sighed heavily. He raked his fingers through his hair and let out a large breath.

"Sorry (Y/N) is jus dat dey expect it." He explained.

"I guess I understand that, and I'm sorry for getting frustrated." You apologized.

"Can I have my hat back now?" He asked smiling.

"Uh, yeah, I forgot I had it." You grinned sheepishly handing him his hat back.


"Wead ma hat go?" Crutchy asked one afternoon that you two were watching your siblings. You and your youngest brother stifle back a laugh. Crutchy looks over in your two's direction.

"Do not look at us." You giggled.

"Come on, I knows it was you two! Da giglin gives it away." He smiles hobbling over towards the two of you. "Frankie, you gonna tell me oa is I gonn hafta tickle da information outa yous?" He smirks. Frankie who is three, stopped giggling and his eyes grew big.

"She did it." Frankie babbled pointing at you.

"Just as I suspected, whea'd she put it?" He asked the little boy.

"Do not tell him." You whispered into your brother's ear.

"But I don like to be tickled!" Frankie exclaimed quite loudly looking on the verge of tears.

"Ne plach,(Do not cry,) ok? Go get it and bring it out here." You told the little boy.

"I didn't mean ta upset him." Crutchy voiced concerned.

"Do not worry it is not you, he has just not taken his nap yet today." You informed the caring boy standing up and patting him on the shoulder. About that time Frankie came darting out of the kitchen with the hat and you heard one of your younger sisters yell.

"John! Get off of Stephen! Someone is bound to get hurt!" Then you heard a crash. You bolted for the bedroom where the last time you knew they were in the middle of a checkers tournament.


Race was sitting on the steps on the front of an apartment building with you setting behind him. It was your lunch break and you had brought enough to share. He was smoking his cigar while eating a smørrebrød which is a slice of rye bread with cold sliced meat on top, today it was sausage, and you were massaging his shoulders.

"As good as dat feels, ya might wanna stop dat." Race suddenly stated.

"Alright." You responded taking your hands off of his shoulders. Suddenly you got an idea. You took off his hat and plopped it onto your own head and grabbed one of his papers that he still had left to sell.

"What are ya doin?" He chuckled.

"Selling papes." You said trying to mock his accent but failing miserably.

"Ya ain't sell'n notin yet." He smirked at you. You skimmed the front page.

"This is news?" You asked skeptically.

"Dats what I say." He mumbled before adding. "Jus make somtin up dat's what I does most da time."

"Alright then KID MURDERED OVER A BOX OF CIGARS!" You yelled and suddenly a group swarmed around you and you panicked. "Race! Help! What do I do now?" You yelled.


"What?" You heard Boots exclaim as you wrapped hands over his eyes.

"Guess who?" You asked.

"(Y/N), what are you up to?" He challenged.

"Why do I have ta be up ta something?" You questioned.

"Because you always are." He muttered.

"That's not fair." You pouted before running off with his cap.

"Oh, dat's not fair is it?" You could hear the smirk in his voice as he chased after you.


(I had a really good one planned for this, but apparently Bingo wasn't invented till 1929 so...)

"So I was reading this book about a guy with a messed up nose and he liked this pretty girl, but the girl liked his friend, and the entire thing was utterly confusing." You complained

"Cyrano De Bergerac?" Specs questioned.

"Yes, that is the one!" You exclaimed.

"I started to read it and then I lost interest." He shrugged.

"I though besides it being confusing it was actually quite amusing." You interjected.

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion." He concluded.

"Was that an insult?" You faked hurt.

"Not necessarily, just a mere statement." He stretched out his arms yawning.

"Do you still need to wake up?" You questioned. He nodded. "Well this ought to wake you up." You smirked befor grabbing his hat and taking off down the street.

"That was not a smart move!" You heard Spec's voice yell as he trailed after you.


You and Skittery were hanging out with some of his buddies and things were starting to get out of control because everyone was arguing. You had lost track of what they were saying when someone had to bring up the Brooklyn Superbas superior winning record over the Giants.

Everything was going fairly decent until someone threw a punch. You knew you needed to intervene somehow and seeing that Skittery was towards the heart of the issue you managed to swipe his cap. All of the sudden he stopped what he was doing and yelled for everyone to stop.

"Wea is my hat?" He looked bewildered and scratched his head.

"I'll give it back if you stop bickering and beating each other up." You compromised.

"Fine." He muttered so you tossed him his cap but then you heard someone yell.

"Where were we?" And everyone went right back to fighting so you tossed your hands up in defeat and walked away.


"Why are you dancing?" You asked your boyfriend Bumlets.

"Because I am just so happy!" He exclaimed.

"Again, why?" You looked at him with bewilderment.

"I am da happiest man on oith!" He continued with his jig.

"Would you please stop, you are attracting a crowd!" You complained.

"I don cea! I ain't afraid ta show dat I is so happy because I have you an dat makes me feel like dancing!" He smiled widely.

"Bumlets, are you drunk?" You asked starting to catch on.

"Maybe jus a little." He grinned sheepishly stopping his dance. Then the look in his eyes changed and he stalked over towards you. Ut oh, teenage boys and alcohol do not mix well. You thought.

"Bumlets, go back to the lodging house and sleep this one off." You encouraged him.

"I don't wanna." He protested.

"I didn't want to do this, but you give me no choice." You stated grabbing his cap and running in the direction of the lodging house. Since he was intoxicated he was never quite able to catch up with you.


Well sorry some of these were not so great. Thanks again for all of the support you guys have given me! Any topic sugustions would be very welcome! Blessings to you!

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