Your favorite way he touches you.

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You guys have no idea how much you supporting comments mean to me! Thank you guys so so much!!! And 35k reads?! I feel so honored that you guys are reading this book! And 711 votes!!!! Thank you guys so much!!!!! I love you all more than I can say! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

I know I did something kind of similar before, but this is more like a counterpart for the guy version of this, hope you enjoy! I got a real nice steamier one that's going to be MUCH longer that I'm in the middle of writing coming up soon! So you have that to look forward to! Sorry updates have been so slow, I made a horrible decision to take a summer class on top of two part time jobs, so sorry!


It absolutely makes you tingle all over when he places a hand or both of his hands on your abdomen. There is just something about it that feels so sensual to you especially when he 'accidentally' moves them a bit lower.


When David caresses your cheek, it just makes you melt like butter into his arms. It just makes you feel like you are the only girl in the world the way his large hands can be so gentle and soothing. And to David, you are the only girl in the world.

Kid Blink

Oh how you adore when Blink runs his fingers tips down your neck as he stares deep into your eyes or as he kisses you! It is probably one of the hottest things he does!


When Spot grabs your hips possessively and backs you up against the wall with a his icy blue eyes boring into yours. Growling lowly as he begins to grind his hips against yours. Leaving you no option other than moan and whimper because of how much you love it!


Mush has this thing where when he's in a really good mood and feeling extra lovey dovey, he'll actually rub your feet. Needless to say it feels like absolute heaven! The way he can rub with so many different pressures, you get worked up just thinking about it!


Crutchy is just so sweet, and is probably as innocent at they come, but his light feathery touches  to your inner thighs when you are together as husband and wife, make you go mad from pleasure!


Being the sensual Italian that he is, and since he knows all your likes and dislikes, all your quirks and desires, and you know the same about him, you he loves to fondles your breasts and pays special attention to them, at first you found it a bit odd, but now you love him doing it almost as much as he does!


You just adore when Boots entwines his legs with your legs and rubs his foot against your foot as you lay together be it the on the ground, or in bed.


You love when Specs comes up behind you and rests his chin on your shoulder and slips his arms around your midsection. It just makes you feel safe, warm and loved.


Skittery loves to trace patterns on your abdomen, lower back, between your shoulder blades, your upper arm, your thigh, and once the bottom of your foot, but he never did that again because you kicked him thanks to your ticklish nature. Anyway, the feeling of the patterns is so soothing yet exciting all at the same time, you are always super excited when he does it!


When Bumlets holds you tight in his arms and breathes against your neck, that alone is to send tingles of pleasure up your spine, but when he's doing that and he nuzzles his nose into your neck and yawns sleepily it just makes your heart and stomach seem as though they are in a gymnastics class!

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