Special ancoumet

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The special news is drum roll please

I wil be

Writing an original song for Olivia describing what it was like for her growing up with out her brother. Also it will just be lyrics but I will be posting a video of me singing it but don't worry you won't have to look at my ugly face while I'm recording it I'll probably have my phone facing the ceiling or something like that so yeah. Also I'm not the greatest singer I'm just decent also I do have a lisp when I sing so I'm sorry I try my hardest not to but I can only do so much. There won't be any music to go along with the lyrics sadly I'm on a tight budget aka im broke af so yeah. Also I'm gonna post this chapter in all my book's just so I know that everyone sees it so I'm sorry in advice if that annoys you. That's all have a great day everyone.

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