I'd Always Go With You

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For @the-cowbi (on Tumblr) for the newsies gift exchange!

Prompt: Davey and his family, either sibling bonding or him being a mamas boy anything really where they're just having good wholesome fun cuz they deserve it

Trigger Warnings: None

Word Count: 1523

"Ha! Take that little trolly dude!"

Sarah laughed, setting down a bowl of M&Ms on the table as she sat down. Every Friday night was family game night, and she looked forward to it all week. It was a time for the family to hang out and catch up, and just put the world away for a minute. No school, no work, just the family in their little apartment, playing games at the kitchen table.

"What?" she asked, amusement playing through her voice.

"The little trolly dude," Les said, gesturing to one of the pieces on the board. They were currently halfway through a game of life, Les' pick.

"You know that's just Dad's piece, right?" Davey said. His pick was usually Monopoly, but their family had learned the hard way one too many times, that Life and Monopoly in the same night was a very bad idea. They used to each pick one game to play, totalling five games, before Les got sent of to bed. After the last time, however, they had created a new system, and a new order, so everybody got their chance to pick first, giving Monopoly and Life equal chances.

Les shrugged. "He looks like he's driving a little trolly."

"The pieces are all the same," Davey pointed out.

"Yeah, well, it's green, so it looks like a trolly."

"Are you going to hand me the spinner," Mayer asked, "or are you going to keep it all to yourself so the rest of us can't play." He had a hint of laughter in his voice at his children's antics. His choice was usually Chess, which Les found extremely boring, so he and Esther usually played checkers while Sarah and Davey teamed up against their father.

Les handed the spinner to Mayer, celebrating when he landed on three. "I'm still winning," he cheered.

"Aww, triplets," Mayer said, moving his piece. "I don't even have enough room in the car."

Les found this immensely funny.

Mayer held the spinner out to Davey.

"Nice try," his wife said, taking the spinner from his grip, lightly hitting him on the arm.

"Well it's not my fault we decided to switch up the order tonight," he said, referring to the fact that Esther usually sat at the opposite end of the table from him, though when Davey had been in the bathroom when they started the game, they had decided to change up their usual turn order, so she could go while they waited for him. When Davey returned, she moved her chair to his other side so as to make the order less confusing.

She shook her head, reaching to spin.

"A nine?" he groaned as she moved her piece past his on the board. "This is why I didn't want it to be your turn. You always spin such high numbers." Esther had a knack for always spinning, rolling, drawing- whatever- the highest numbers.

"Come on, Davey, let's see it," Sarah said, as she passed on the spinner. "We've all got to pass him now." Davey spun a seven, just barely making it past their dad.

"Yes!" Sarah cheered, taking the spinner for herself. "Ha!" she said, seeing her spin of eight was enough to pass both Mayer, and Davey.

The game continued on, Mayer collecting two more children (and an extra car to carry them), ultimately falling in dead last. Les won the game, happily bouncing over to the shelf to put the game away as Sarah followed to make her pick for the night.

"Let's try something different," she murmured. Usually, she liked Settlers of Catan, but tonight she wanted something more.... "Perfect," she said, taking down a box and bringing it over to the table.

"Exploding Kittens?"

Sarah nodded, taking her place between her Mother and Les, everyone back to their normal seating arrangement. Davey on one side of the table, Sarah and Les on the other, with their parents on either end.

"Davey, can you pass the chips?" Les asked as Esther helped Sarah take the game from its box, dealing everyone out cards.

"What chips?" Davey said, tilting the empty bowl to show its contents. "Someone," he said with a pointed look towards his father, "already ate them all."

Mayer held his hands up in mock defense. "Hey," he said, "You were the one who left the bowl next to me."

"I can go get more," Sarah offered, standing up.

"Thanks, Sarah," Davey said handing her the bowl.

"Anything for my favorite brother," Sarah said, smiling cheekily at him. Davey rolled his eyes at her, and stuck his tongue out at his prosting younger brother.

She walked into the kitchen, absently taking a bag of chips down from the cupboard, emptying the rest of them into the bowl.

"Ewww, Les," she heard as she filled a glass from the kitchen sink. "You got a chocolate fingerprint on one of the cards." She snorted, trying not to spit her mouthful of water across the counter. "I am confiscating the M&Ms."

"Hey," she heard Les complain.

"It's your own fault," Davey said over Esther's laughter.

Sarah returned from the kitchen to find a very disappointed-looking Les, and a very smug-looking Davey, the bowl of M&Ms in front of him.

She set the bowl of chips down on the table, taking a handful of M&Ms as she walked by.

"Can I have one?" Les asked, looking up at her hopefully.

She poured the rest into her mouth in response and Les crossed his arms.

The night continued on, with first Esther's pick of Clue, then Davey's pick of Uno (a very chaotic choice in the Jacobs household), and finally, Mayer's choice of Chess (or checkers in Les and Esther's case).

After the last game had been finished, and the rest of the family had gradually retired to bed, came Sarah's favorite part of the night. She and Davey would sit on the couch and binge a few episodes of whatever the latest show they happened to be watching was.

She loved her family to bits, but she rarely ever got to spend time with Davey, just the two of them, so she treasured the small moments they spent together late on Friday nights.

"How's my favorite twin tonight?" Davey asked once they were settled on the couch, Netflix playing on the tv in front of them. He put his arm around her, pulling her into his side under the blanket.

With Davey, she could always answer something other than 'fine'.

"Tired," she answered honestly. "I think I actually did well on the physics test, though, after you helped me study."

"Good," he said. "Glad to be of service."

"How 'bout you?"

"Mrs. Handle said I would make a good teacher, and I should think of going into English Literature, which I guess is sort of what I already wanted to do, but teaching? Sarah I dunno if I could do it."

"First of all, don't talk down on yourself like that. You would make an amazing teacher, I mean it. And you could just teach a low-key college class, where people go to get easy credit. You don't have to be some 'top of the line' famous teacher, Davey. But trust me, I know you have it in you."

"You really think so?"

"I know it, Davey. You'd be the best."

"Thanks," he mumbled.

"Glad to be of service," she smiled, and Davey shoved her.

"Do you ever think about it?" he asked after a moment. "How we're going to be off to college in barely two years, and have to leave all this behind?"

"Yeah," she said softly. "I do."

"Everyone always says I don't have to do 'something big', go to some fancy school and earn a fancy degree, and I could just go somewhere here in New York, and still be close to the family, but maybe I want to do 'something big,' you know? It's just, I've been here my whole life. I've seen the same view, walked the same streets, watched the same sunset for as long as I can remember. And maybe I just want something new and different, where maybe I can feel like I'm something bigger than just another person in the city. Maybe I just want to go somewhere far far away from here, and start a new beginning, and never look back. Maybe I just want to run."

He looked to Sarah, who remained silent, staring at the scene playing out on the tv before them.

"If I go would you come with me?" he asked quietly.

"Always," she said, and he knew it was true. "I'd always go with you."

And in that moment, there was nothing he loved more than his twin.

"Let's run away," she said. "After we graduate, let's run away. We can go somewhere, anywhere that isn't here, and you can go to school, and get a job teaching, and I can work at a daycare or something and we won't need anything but us."

"And a cat," Davey added.

Sarah looked at him a moment. "And a cat."

I hope you enjoyed it!

Have a lovely day/night!


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