Adrienne's Side Part Four

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Monday. We had the whole weekend together but now, we have to go back to school. I take Tommy's hand and Ash drives us to school. We get out and I adjust my hat. I take his hand and kiss him on the cheek, marking him as mine. We walk into the school. First period, tutoring two students, a girl and a boy named William and Emily. We walk to the tutor room.
"Um, hi!" I say as I walk in.
"Hullo!" William greets me cheerily.
"Hi!" Emily says.
"So, what is it you need to learn?"
"Geo." They chime in sync. They have the same harmony as Thomas and I.

Four weeks later
Tommy and I are meeting Will and Emily for coffee. They're a lot smarter then I was expecting. They just struggle academically, is all. Thomas squeezes my hand.
"I love you," he whispers softly.
"I know. You tell me all the time!" I giggle sarcastically. He shoves me.
We walk into the cafe and greet Will and Emily. They already ordered for us. We hang out all the time, so we trust them enough to do so. We're all really excited cause the first test they've had since we started tutoring them is coming back on Wednesday. They think they did well, but we can't be sure.
"So, how're you guys doing?" I ask as the coffee arrives. They ordered me a tea. I take a sip.
"Adrienne, we saw you guys yesterday!" Will exclaims.
"Ha, but how are you doing today?"
"I dunno, fine I guess. Nervous as hell," Emily responds. Thomas snakes his arm around my shoulders. I cuddle into his side and he takes my tea out of my hand and takes a sip. I swat him playfully.
"Hey! That's mine!" I giggle, snatching it back.
"You want some of mine?" He laughs heartily. I snatch it, purposely spilling a few scalding hot drops on his shirt.
"Ow!" He shouts. I sip his tea. It's good.
"Mm, what type is this?" I hum.
"We ordered him a green ragout tea, and you a Thai berry," Emily answers.
"Well, I'll take this," I gesture to his tea, "and you can take mine!" I take a long drink from his cup.
"But, I want to taste that yummyness!" He laughs. I finish the large cup of tea, using one hand to push him away.
"Time! How long?" I giggle, slamming the cup on the table.
"Aw, man, I really liked that," Tommy pouts. I look at him.
"Want a sip?" I ask innocently.
"Sure," he laughs, leaning forward to kiss me. I swiftly pick up the paper cup and smush it on his face, the last few drops dribbling down his chin.
"There you go!" I laugh. He growls.
"I'm gonna get you for that!" He shouts, tickling me. Emily and Will are laughing and watching the whole ordeal from the other side of the table.
"THOMAS!" I squeal. I wriggle around, finally jumping up and running to the bathroom. I hear footsteps outside the door.
"Adrienne? Aaaaddddrrriiieeeennneee?" Thomas calls. I poke my head out.
"Go away!" I laugh, sticking my tongue out. He swiftly reaches through the small gap in the door and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me out of the bathroom. He kisses my forehead softly.
"Connor called. He said he wants us to come home," he whispers, resting his forehead on mine. We walk home and Tommy uses his key to let us in. Ash had it made for him after a few weeks of him living with us.
"Hey hey hey!" I bounce into the kitchen, with Thomas trailing behind me.
"Hey kiddo, hi Tom!" Ash calls from the kitchen. Connor waves from the couch without turning around.
"What's for dinner?" Tommy inquires.
"Medium rare ribeye steaks with potatoes and bread."
"And reality?" I ask.
"Kraft Dinner," Connor laughs from the couch. Tommy and I rush over and he sits down in our favourite armchair. I settle on his lap. Connor's watching Finding Nemo.
"Connor, really?" I laugh, cuddling farther in to Thomas' chest. He kisses my hair.
"Yes, really!" Connor declares. Ash walks over and hands us each a bowl of KD. Our family is a bit unconventional, but it's one of the best families ever. It's better then those perfect families. I love them all. Sure, I'm the only girl, but I don't mind. I look around and my heart fills with pride. This is my family, and nothing can take them from me.
Ashy, Con, Tommy and I. This is what family is meant to be.

INTO THE TARDIS!!! (Sorry, still a nerd) two years later.

I sit in the sticky graduation hall. So many people. I'm just glad that Thomas and I get to sit next to one another. There are literally no other kids with a last name that starts with s. I squeeze his hand and put my head on his shoulder. Will starts his speech, and I doze off a smidge, hoping that no one will notice.

Ugh, Thomas, why? Tommy's shaking me awake. I watch groggily as Will gets down on one knee and proposes to Emily. Barf. She nods and kisses him. Double barf. I decide this would be a great time to get in trouble. I hop up onto the stage and pull out a witty remark.
"Aw, it's a heartwarming story of love and affection!" I pretend to barf. After a few minutes of complaining about the mushyness, Thomas hops up. I note the signs of nerves. A slight twitch in his cheek, a tiny bit if redness in his cheeks and slightly widened eyes. Weird. I smile at him, encouraging him to join in the joking. He kneels down.


Is this happening?

Oh my god it is.

I just made fun of a proposal.

No he's choosing now to propose?


He inhales deeply.
"Blah blah blah, mush mush mush, marry me?" He laughs. God yes. I take the ring and snatch up both of our diplomas.
"Race you!" I squeal. I run outside. He chases after me. When we get outside I run to a wall and wait until he start to pass me. I grab him and pull him close to me, pushing myself against the wall. I hold tight to the collar poking out from the top of his gown, pressing my lips again his. His arms wrap around my waist and mine migrate to his neck. I kiss him with all the passion and love that I possibly can. He kisses me back with all the passion he can as well.

The wedding was gorgeous. I loved it regardless of how cheesy it was. We bought the flat next door to where we used to live, but we still spend more time over there then we do in our own home. Ash and Con were essentially his brothers before, and now they actually are. I love my family, my husband and my friends.

I love him.


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