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A/N: I just noticed that I haven't done one in the glade yet... :3

I sit in the middle of a big, open field with Alby. The two of us came up in a strange elevator about a month ago with no memories of anything except our names. Every week since then, we've received supplies from the elevator.
"We should make, like, slang or something for here!" I suggest. Alby nods.
"I'll get some paper and pens!" He laughs, running off to our only building. He returns quickly with the writing supplies.
"Okay Adrienne. Make up a word and tell me what it means," he booms. He has a sense of authority around him. The two of us guessed that we're about sixteen and we know that I'm a girl and he's a boy (nothing awkward, just do!), but other then appearances and slightly developed personalities, we have nothing.
"Hmmm..." I tap my pale chin and squint at the clear blue sky. "Shuck, it'll be like a curse word, like OH SHUCK I STUBBED MY TOE!!" I suggest. Alby nods and writes it down. He takes his turn.
"Homestead!" He chooses. "That's what we'll call our building!" He points at our little two room shack.
"Deadheads!" I squeal, pointing at the forest.
"The Box!"
"...Hmmm... maybe... Gathering?"
We go back and forth shouting out and explaining stuff. Then, all of a sudden, an alarm goes off, ringing through the whole prairie.
"What's that.... You shank!!" Alby says, giggling.
"I don't know... SLINTHEAD!" I laugh. I note the sound of gears grinding against one another.
"I think it's the Box!" I shout. The two of us rush over, staring at the mysterious elevator. It reaches the top, the doors opening. At this point, we know we get supplies every fifth day of the week. Which is seven days. Not sure how we know that. It's our supply day, but there's never been an alarm before.
"Maybe it got stuck?" I wonder aloud. But no, the box is there. It's dark, but there is a large lump in the middle. Curious. I hop down and let my eyes adjust. Our normal supplies are here, food, water, seeds as well as weapons, tools and wood. But there's one thing out of place; right in the middle of the Box, there's... there's....
"What is it Adj?" Alby calls down. "Did we get like, a giant dog or something?" I glance up nervously.
"It's... a-a..." I stammer.
"A what? A what?" Alby responds excitedly.
"A boy." As if on cue, the mysterious newbie shifts, moving his hands away from his eyes, squinting.
"Where am I?" He whimpers.
"As of five seconds ago, we call it the Glade!" I announce grandly.
"Who are you?"
"My name's Adrienne. That there," I point to my friend, "is Alby."
"I-I'm Newt," he mumbles shyly. I note a British accent. Cute. His eyes seem to have adjusted to the light, and are now wide open. They're a nice, warm chocolate brown. His fluffy hair is a dirty blonde colour. I take his soft hand and pull him up on the floor of the Box. Alby throws down a rope with a loop, which Newt puts his foot in. Alby hauls him up, shakes his hand and then tosses the rope back. I gather some supplies, to take up with me, toss them out and then am lowered back down. I repeat this process until all the supplies have reached the surface. After being pulled up for the final time, I decide to show Newt around. I fling an arm around his shoulder.
"Well, my friend, welcome to the mystical pit of... I dunno, of two kids living off the land. You are number three. This," I say, approaching our building, "is the Homestead. I guess we need to renovate, now that your here... till then, you can either sleep on the ground outside, in Alby's room or in my room. Your choice." I show him the rest of the sights, stopping at the Deadheads.
"And this," I sweep my free arm around, "is our majestic forest, The Deadheads!" I announce. "This concludes our tour. Thank you, come again!" He laughs. He hasn't said much throughout the tour, but he has a very beautiful voice. His laugh sounds like sleigh bells, and is crisp and cool. He stops giggling, and he looks at me with a warm smile. I decide to take advantage of the privateness of the Deadheads.
"You know... you kinda have to pay," I say.
"Oh really? Is that so?" He inquires coming a bit closer.
"Yes, it is," I giggle, moving closer. He bites his lip.
"Alright," he whispers, very close to me now. He gently kisses my bright red cheek, and blushes.
"You missed," I state bluntly.
"W-what?" He stammers.
"You missed," I repeat. I lean forward and gently kiss him on the lips.

A/N: WHAT UP MOVIE REFERENCE!! Can you tell that I love Elf?

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