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Today we are gonna have two guests. Don't worry if your dare is not here. It will come in soon enough. Btw anything in bold is part of the A/N. And tell me FlareShards , are you a girl or a boy, I'm gonna write you as a girl but correct me if I'm wrong. And next time if anyone wants to request, tell me if they are a girl or a boy please. And also pls comment extreme punishments for those who don't complete the dares.

Macy: It's my turn, I'll get you all back and just you wait. (Anyone get the reference)
Clay: It's both of our turns and I am not giving up this chance that easily.
Axl: Do you guys have your dares ready?
Macy+Clay: Yeah!
Merlok: Then what are you waiting for!?!
Macy/Clay: *walk out of the room and into separate ones*

After some time,

The two walk back into the room with two people following behind. They recognised one of them, the same tank top, helmet and jeans. It was, without any doubt, CosmicKestrel . The next girl, they had never met her before.

Aaron: So who's that other girl?
FlareShards : Who me?
Aaron: *nods*
FlareShards : Oh, I'm Flare Shards. Call me Flare for short.
Axl: So we're gonna get the dares started or what?
Flare: Should I tell them my dare?
Macy: Go on!
Flare: So this is a dare for Clay, what he has to do is that he needs to ride Aaron's hovershield for a week. And when we start the timer, you cannot get down for the hover shield or else.
Clay: Why me again?
Cosmic: I'm telling them my dare, which is for Aaron , he has to leave his hovershield and all electronics for 24 hours. But after those 24 hours, he still cannot use his hover shield for 6 more days.
Aaron: I'm gonna die.
Lance: I've never thought of it but what would happen if someone doesn't manage to complete a dare.
Merlok: Yes, I never got to tell you guys. Since you all joined the game on your own free will. You will be forcefully punished and the punishments will be from our readers. And they can make them as extreme as they want.
Robin: Way to break the fourth wall, Merlok!
Ava: Anyways let's get back to the game.
Clay: Aaron, leave everything electronic on you and put your hovershield down!
Flare: And Clay, step on the hovershield please and start riding it.
Cosmic: You timer starts..... now!
Flare: And if Clay loses his balance, it would be counted as a loss.
Clay: How the hell am I supposed to live through this dare.
Cosmic: Hug the shield, like you hug Macy *smirks*

Clay tries to sit down on the moving shield and painfully succeeds.

Clay: Phew!
Aaron: *lying on the couch with his face against the couch* I'd rather be punished then complete this dare.
Robin: Oh yeah?!
Aaron: Yes! Can I forfeit and be punished?
Merlok: Decide for yourself.
Aaron: *thinks* What would be the punishment?
Merlok: No idea! Up to the readers!
Aaron: Save me please readers, don't give me extreme punishments because I am not going to complete this hell of a dare.
Ava: He is not able to complete it so that means.......
Macy: Now back to Clay!

Clay bumps into a wall and then another wall and then another one. Aaron comes running to where Clay is.

Aaron: Get off my shield Clay or else!
Clay: I'm not as foolish as you are to accept defeat and be punished.
Aaron: What's the point? You would lose somehow and if you don't accept defeat, I would make you do it.
Clay: Fine! *jumps off the shield*
Ava: That was unexpected!

Please comment punishments for the two of them because we need it. They would be punished in the next chapter. That's it for now.

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