Chapter eight

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Pikachu lead them through the dungeon that came with ease.

He knew exactly what to say and exactly what to do, but he couldn't help but feel like this was only the beginning.

Despite this being the last dungeon to Lively Town, he felt something ominous. It set the fur on the back of what neck he had to stand up.

He could feel the tension within the dungeon, but everyone else were just chatting as if everything was normal.

Aerodactyl was once again taking care of the shiny baby Kecleon with a smile.

Despite his gruff attitude sometimes, he really was a surprisingly good mother figure.

The shiny Kecleon was surprisingly either really happy or mostly quiet in the dungeon despite Aerodactyl having to fight all those Pokémon.

Most of the Pokémon in the dungeon were easy to defeat.

Maybe it was because there was a bunch of strong hitters.

Pikachu knew their strongest members were Cyndaquil, Aerodactyl, and Riolu, so he knew how to utilize them to their fullest potential.

Cyndaquil was definitely a force to be reckoned with, with his fire powers and his quick attack power that can quickly defeat enemies who had them in a corner.

Or at least had Popplio cornered since she was being bombarded with grass-and-electric attacks.

There were a ton of Manectric, Blitzle, and Bellsprout in the area.

Of course, these Pokémon were easy to defeat since the Manectric's in the area only real threatening move was Thundershock.

Then they hit the final floor of the dungeon according to Cyndaquil.

He passed by this place a bunch of times and has informed them that there's this Pokémon at bottom they should avoid at all cost.

Pikachu shuddered as they walked through the dark halls of the final floor.

It was so close.

He could practically taste fresh air and grass from here.

Sick free grass!

His belly sunk as he continued to walk down a seemingly long hallway.

The Pokémon behind him beginning to exchange nervous glances as they continued to follow him.

Pikachu paused for a moment, ears and tail twitching.

He could sense something, his fur raised in alarm.

He put out a paw, stopping Popplio behind him.

She nervously glanced past him.

"Why have we stopped?" Eevee wondered with a growl.

"Shut up!" Pikachu whispered.

Eevee bristled.

"Excuse me?!" She snapped, digging her paws into the ground.

Cyndaquil could sense it too.

"We need to get out of here, quickly!" Cyndaquil exclaimed as he started trying to back up Aerodactyl who was in the back.

Aerodactyl wouldn't budge.

"Why? What's out there, Pikachu?" Aerodactyl queried.

Pikachu squinted.

In the darkness he could make out a blue round Pokémon.

It looked like a grass type because it looked like it had cotton Pom Poms.

"Aww, you don't have to run away from me, dearies." The Pokémon giggled as Pikachu squinted in the darkness.

"Don't listen to her. She's a dangerous Pokémon!" Cyndaquil exclaimed as he pulled on one of Vulpix's tails.

Vulpix glanced back at him, semi-annoyed he was touching one of his six tails.

Of course, the Vulpix was too nice and obviously didn't want to cause any unnecessary fights.

"Back up!" Pikachu orders as he takes a step back.

Behind him, Popplio stepped back also. She made Eevee shout with anger.

"Shut up, Eevee. Not everything is about you! This is about life or death!" Riolu exclaimed over the Grass-type's encouragements for them to step forward and to not be afraid.

"Come on, dears! I won't harm you! The fire type is the dangerous one! Please! PLEASE!"

The sudden shouts of the Pokémon started Pikachu.

That was enough for Aerodactyl to start flying, flying above the ground as best as he could to avoid any oncoming Pokémon from attacking him and the baby.

Behind him, Cyndaquil was quickly hurrying the others, shooting off an Ember at the oncoming grass type.

She was now identified as a Jumpluff.

She was bouncing around, catching on some wind that was somehow down there.

She reached forward, and tried to grab onto Pikachu.

Luckily for Pikachu, Popplio was running just quick enough for him to burst out in a Quick Attack, managing to dodge the oncoming Pokémon.


Pikachu was impressed with the amount of curse words coming from the female who was chasing them. He usually heard the fucks coming from Popplio, not some random Jumpluff. They were usually random too.

"Run faster!" Pikachu shouts as her dandelion-like hands reached out for him.

Popplio glared at him.

"I'm not as fast as everyone else!" She shouts as she barely dodges their attacker.

"Do I have to do everything around here?!" Cyndaquil wondered as he used Flame Wheel to knock back the Jumpluff who yelped with shock.

"Fire! Fire! Noooo!! Not on me! Get away from me, you heaten!!" She screamed.

She seemed to be trying to get the fire off of her, screaming and shouting for it to stop.

Pikachu didn't bother to stop and help.

She was crazy.

He didn't know whether she had some kind of sickness, or was just pure insane, but he did know he didn't want to stick around for it.

The team rushed towards the exit, which Vulpix had found first.

"It's here! Come on!" The vulpine shouted as he raced towards the staircase.

The Pokémon that were on this floor were limited. There were mostly Kricketots and Dewgongs who were weaker than most.

But barely any of them seemed like getting in their way, so they were home free.

Or at least they thought they could make it to the stairs.

Their escape was blocked by a Swampert.

"Where do you think you're going?" The Swampert asked them with a smirk on her face as she stepped in front of them.

The water types muscles ripped as she stood in front of them, standing right over the exit.

Pikachu knew this was too easy.

But were they prepared to fight a Swampert of all Pokémon?

A fully evolved Pokémon that was at least level 36?

Pikachu shuddered, feeling the Jumpluff come closer.

She giggled evilly.

"Where do you think you're going, dears? I'm not done with you yet." She stated ominously.

Snivy was enjoying the ride on the Lapras' back.

She could also tell her friend wasn't doing as well as she was.

While she was a thrill seeker, Oshawott was more reserved and more secretive. Most secrets Oshawott had she told Snivy, though Snivy was sure she hadn't told her everything. Snivy was fine with that.

Snivy didn't like the sadness in the world.

Hearing about all the sick Pokémon made her want to throw up.

She was a thrill seeker, but she didn't seek death. Especially not for others, even if they may deserve it.

After a bit more of booting and shouting from Snivy, they finally made it.

Budew hobbled off the Lapras.

"Thank you so much, Lapras! That was such a fun ride." Budew commented, giggling slightly.

Lapras smiled.

"It's always good to see you, Budew. Hope you ladies have some fun!"

With that, the three Pokémon waved goodbye to Lapras, who was swimming elsewhere, and started their job in Sand Continent—well, exploring wasn't a job, but still.

Snivy gapped at all the wonders this continent had to offer.

It was a pretty...sandy continent.

Pokémon of all kinds gathered around, chatting with each other in friendliness.

That was, until a Garchomp ran into a Palossand, and tripped over him.

The Garchomp feverishly apologized to the Palossand, but the Palossand started to scream at him.

The Garchomp flinched away.

The ghost type started to scream.

"Woah! Woah! What happened?" Budew asked.

"Fuck off you stupid flower. I can wipe the floor with you!" Palossand snarled, shooting off a Shadow Ball at Budew.

Budew squeaked, dodging the attack barely.

She fell over as she dodged the attack.

The Palossand laughed.

"What a pathetic Pokemon you are!"

The Garchomp was shivering.

"Can't even dodge a simple attack without falling over."

Palossand fired off a few more Shadow Balls, a couple of them hitting nearby Pokemon.

Budew barely dodged all but one. The one hit her straight in the face.

She hit a nearby pile of rocks, and screamed loudly in pain.

"Budew!" Snivy exclaimed, turning to Palossand in anger.

"What was that for? Why are you attacking Budew?! She only wanted to know what was going on! You don't need to attack someone who's just curious! That's unnecessary!" Snivy exclaimed, clenching her fists.

Nearby, Oshawott was gazing at her with both fear and anxiety.

Clear worry was shown on the water type's gaze as she looked between the Palossand and Snivy.

Palossand huffed.

"It was his fault! He got in the way!" He whined, sounding very immature.

Garchomp tried to escape, shaking violently.

This Pokémon was clearly not good with such confrontations. He was a nervous wreak and couldn't stand without shaking.

The Garchomp tried to walk away.

"Where do you think you're going, clumsy?! I didn't forget about you, you stupid head!"

What is with this Pokémon? Snivy wondered as she took a step towards the Palossand.

This Pokémon is mad over someone tripping over him. It's not even a big deal. He said he was sorry, but this Palossand...The Palossand doesn't seem to want to take that as it is and leave.

Nearby Budew was groaning in pain, head curled into her body as she wobbled out of the pile of rocks.

The Garchomp was frozen in fear.

"I-I'm sorry! I don't know what you want from me! I didn't mean to trip over you, honest! Why are you being so mean to me?" The Garchomp whimpered as he closed his eyes and started to shake violently.

"I don't like this! Why is this dumb virus making everyone turn against me?! Every time I do something as breathe..." the Garchomp began before starting to panic.

He couldn't even speak at this rate.

He had some sort of anxiety problem, Snivy could tell that.

He was trying to breathe in, but no matter how much air he seemed to suck in, he never seemed to be filled with enough air in his chest.

Poor Garchomp. This sickness has in fact made more Pokémon mad. This is the second ground type that's gotten pissed all within a short span, but that means nothing.

Snivy couldn't help but get angry.

This Garchomp obviously didn't like how far the Palossand was going with this.

"How immature can you be? Starting a fight with a Pokémon who obviously wanted to forget about it and move on?"

Snivy shook her head as the words spilled from her mouth.

"Well, he tripped over me. He ruined my day!!" Palossand shouted, using a Mud Shot attack at Snivy.

Snivy just dodged the attack as it hit a nearby Stonjourner.

The rock type exclaimed in shock, glaring at Palossand.

The situation just got worse as the Stonjourner approached Palossand, screaming at him with all of her might.

"You don't just use attacks Willy nilly! You're going to hurt innocent Pokémon, you asshole!"

The female raised her stone foot, and kicked him. This sent him back into the ground.

He popped back up and growled lowly.

"That's for attacking me, you douche!" She screamed.

"Woah! Woah! Stop it! There's no need to start such violence! Palossand if you just apologize..." Oshawott confronted, seeming a little on edge as she tried to help.

"No! Fuck off with your 'helpful' society antics. Face it you stupid bastards, this is how the world is and will be. Pokémon don't care about one another anymore. Just give up and leave!" Palossand snarled.

"I-I still care." Garchomp whispered as Budew approached him, patting him on the back as he sniffed and tears started coming out of his eyes.

"Excuse me?" A voice politely asked as a Bronzong moved through the crowd that was forming around him.

Snivy, Oshawott, Budew, Palossand, Garchomp, and Stonjourner all turned their attention to the steel-psychic type.

"I'm sorry to bother you with your arguments, but you're putting everyone on edge." The Bronzong smoothly informed them.

"I'm going to ask you to leave this place and fight elsewhere or stop fighting because most pokemon here don't want to see your fights."

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