"Lets start a band!"

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episode 1

Sonata stretched her arms out side yawning , she looked at her alarm clock running her eyes, after adjusting her eyes to the sunlight she peeked at the alarm clock

"CRAP!" She thought I jumped out of bed

8:30 it was almost time for the bus to arrive

"Why the heck did mom not wake me up?!" She thought she was multi tasking she was getting the water ready, she was brushing her teeth, AND making breakfast

"Slow down hunny" her mom said coming into the kitchen

"SLOW DOWN?!" She yelled spitting toothpaste out her mouth " THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT FOR NOT WAKING ME UP!!! "

"Your 16 Sonata" her mom said putting her hand on her hip "I can't be waking you up all the time"

Sonata wasn't listening she was already showering and eating breakfast

Her mother shook her head "Oh Sonata"

After her shower Sonata got out her cereal bowl empty she was putting on clothes and washing her dish

"How many hands does she have?"Her mother thought shocked

Sonata was ready for school she packed her lunch and turned around and said "I'm off mom!"

Her mom stood there shocked not knowing what to do should she say goodbye like that never happened?

Sonata skipped outside looked at her watch "8:45"

She looked in front of her and the bus was there "right on time!" She thought happily

She got onto the bus and sat next to her besties Xiara,Choko,and Natxuki

"Hey girls!" She happily said

" Hey" they responded

"What's wrong?" Sonata asked

"Well..." Choko said scratching her head "The school talent show is coming up and everyone signed up except..."

" Except what? " Sonata asked wanting to here what Choko had to say

"I kinda signed us up" Choko pouted

"WHAT?!!" Sonata screamed

Everyone turned around

Sonata blushed

"We don't even have an act!" She said crossing her arms

"We do!" Xiara interrupted

"We do?" They all asked

" Well...my dad has been teaching me to play drums, and Sonata has a great singing voice so I thought...we could start a band! "

"Start a band?" Natxuki asked tilting her head

" That sounds like a great idea! "Choko said eyes sparkling

" But....I'm not that good" Sonata replied

"Dont worry" Xiara said putting her hands on Sonata

"B-b-b-but i-i-i a-am n-n-not g-g-good w-w-with c-c-crowds" said a nervous Natxuki

"It's gonna be ok Natxuki!" They all replied giving heart warming smiled

" O-o-ok " Natxuki smiled

They all got out the bus and Sonata turned to face then

"I just got the cutest band name ever!" She smiled

" What? "

"From today we will be known as : NEXT STAR DOKI!"

" YEAH! " they all cheered and giggled and laughed not knowing that a figure was watching them

"Next Star Doki huh?" He smirked " We'll see about that"

Omg! That took long! Anyway I'm trying to make episodes longer however hope you liked bye!

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro