Chapter Five - The Plane

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Theoretically, the plan was simple: they had to take the plane and fly to Egypt. They couldn't make it there in one piece, so their first stop was in Singapore. Luckily, Mr. Joestar was paying all the plane tickets and the hotel rooms they had to use.

All of it was so sudden for (Y/N). First, discovering that a lot of people around her actually had had Stands as well, then going to fight some kind of vampire king in Egypt. She could've just stayed out of that mess, but she wanted to help. If you're asking ‘with what‘, the answer was quite simple: the girl was helping one of the most obscure and stubborn guys she had ever met, with his nearly dying mother.

‘Stupid!‘ she thought of herself, slapping her own face.

But, in that moment, Jotaro was the last thing she had to worry about. The most important one was the fact that (Y/N) had never fought using her Stand before. It was weird only to think about it.

However, the atmosphere inside the plane was silent. The girl was trying to sleep next to Kakyoin, who was keeping his eyes closed as well. Behind them, there were Avdol, who was staying alone, and Jotaro with his grandfather. When it had been her turn to choose a seat, she had taken the one next to the pink haired guy, because he seemed softer and quieter than any other person in the team.

Suddenly, everyone's silence was cut by a strange fly buzzing. Opening her eyes widely, (Y/N) was ready to attack, even though she didn't really know how. Kakyoin immediately noticed and stood up.

"A Stag Beetle!" Jotaro exclaimed widening his eyes as well.

It was impossible for a beetle to make it into the plane, so an enemy Stand user was surely watching them from afar. However, the plane was full of people, so they couldn't really tell who was the Stand master.

The insect was hiding in the shadow. (Y/N) and the others looked cautiously around the plane, the buzzing becoming more and more menacing. The girl narrowed her eyes trying to figure out from where the sound was coming from, but she stopped when she saw Kakyoin turning around and gasping.

"Jojo! It's right by your head!" the pink haired guy shouted.

Jotaro turned around, only to meet eyes with the beetle. (Y/N) took a step back, almost tripping over her seat. The boy kept calm, his muscles starting to clench. "I'll take care of this..." he said with a strong voice. Jotaro's Stand, Star Platinum, arose angrily from his body, looking with narrowed eyes at the flying insect. Before he tried to hit it, Avdol warned him.

"Be careful! I've been told about a Stand who likes to rip out the tongues of his victims."

(Y/N) gasped slightly, covering her mouth, after she heard the Egyptian man's words. Jotaro, on the other hand, only replied with a short hum, still staring at the beetle. One second later, Star's arm flew to the insect, hitting the air. Everyone looked at them terrifyingly surprised, when the Stag Beetle dodged Jotaro's hit. It looked like it was a Stand after all.

However, how could another Stand be faster than Star Platinum? The crusaders couldn't believe what they had just seen. Without a moment of hesitation, the enemy Stand got back in front of the black haired student, something like a long claw coming out of his mouth. It came out so fast, Jotaro only got to make his Stand close his mouth and cover his face with his hand. The disgusting claw-like thing went straight through Star's hand, into his mouth. Fortunately, he caught it with his teeth, not letting the insect rip out his tongue. Some blood bursted out of Jotaro's mouth and left hand.

(Y/N's) arms were trembling. She had never been so disgusted and frightened at the same time before. It was just like the other day, when Jotaro had been attacked by Kakyoin: she wished to help him, but she didn't know how. She was trying not to let her tears fall, while Avdol was explaining what Tower of Grey was.

Suddenly, something caught her attention. Kakyoin had his hand on her shoulder. She looked at him with glassy eyes, from the tears. He looked so calm about this whole situation, but she figured out that, inside, he was actually feeling the same was she was. Everyone was, but they were eventually able to manage their emotions, in order not to show any weakness to the enemy.

(Y/N) took a deep breath, stopping shivering. She clenched her fists, trying to turn her fear into anger. She wiped her tears and looked back at Jotaro who was still trying to hit the enemy Stand. Kakyoin looked at her, proud that the girl was starting to overcome her fear.

"I have a plan..." he whispered to her, with a the serious but soft voice of his. That made (Y/N) calm down even more.

The next moment, Tower of Grey disappeared from Jotaro's sight. Gasping, he turned around only to see the insect stabbing three people in a row, ripping out their tongues, then writing the word "Massacre" on the plane's wall. Both Jotaro and (Y/N's) eyebrows twitched.

Avdol finally shouted angrily. "I'll incinerate this bug alive!"

"Wait!" Kakyoin stopped him. "It's too dangerous to use Magician's Red inside the plane! You could cause an explosion!" The boy had a point. "And we can't risk Jotaro making any holes in the plane, so I will take care of this Stand."

Just then (Y/N) realized how brave Kakyoin was. He was willing to risk his life, fighting alone with a really fast Stand, only to save the lives of the innocent. The girl knew how lucky they all were to have him by their side.

As Kakyoin stepped forward, an old man got up from his seat, wanting to go to the bathroom. When he leaned on the wall, he felt something sticky on his hand. After smelling the red slime, the man took a step back, reading terrified what was written in there.

"M... A... I-it's blood!" he almost shouted.

Before the short old man could cause panic among the other passengers, Kakyoin used his "Atemi" technique to make him immediately fall to the ground and ‘go back to sleep‘. As soon as he was done with that, the pink haired guy turned around to the buzzing insect. He took an ‘on guard‘ pose, as Tower of Grey was flying freely in front of him.

He finally spoke, with a high pitched male voice. "Kakyoin Noriaki, eh? Dio-sama has told me about you!" So it looked like Dio had actually sent his people after them. "You think you have the silence on your side, but you won't be able to keep up with my speed!"

"Is that so?"

And with those words, Kakyoin launched his Emerald Splash to him. The bug dodged every single one of thr emeralds, but the boy didn't give up, keeping launching the same attack over and over again.

"Blast it, he's to fast!" Avdol yelled.

For a second, Kakyoin lost his concentration, letting the insect's craw rip off his Stand's mask. Everyone else screamed his name. (Y/N) gasped, knowing that this wasn't part on his plan. Of course, she was going to help him heal later, but it was still shocking to see the student like that. Still not giving in, Kakyoin Emerald Splash-ed the Stand once again.

"Don't you get it? You're too slow for my Stand!"

Kakyoin looked back at the girl behind him, nodding. She knew what she had to do. Without having anyone notice her, the girl slipped among the plane sits, managing to get behind the enemy.

"S'that so?" Kakyoin smirked as Hierophant Green's tentacles caught Tower of Grey from behind. Without any more hesitation, (Y/N) jumped from her hiding spot, letting Pure Silence rip off the insect with her claw-like nails. The bug, cut into five pieces, fell to the ground. The old man behind them got up, his head getting cut as well.

"It looks like he was the Stand user after all..." (Y/N) said getting closer to Kakyoin, to help him get up.

"Repulsive Stands have repulsive users..." the guy winked.

After taking the old man off the ground and covering him with a thin blanket, they decided to have a little rest. Not for long, however, as Mr. Joestar pointed out that the plane was flying crooked. The old man didn't wait a second. He ran to the flight deck, pushing away the stewardess trying to stop him. Jotaro followed, but this time, another woman came to the other one. With his usual behavior, he shoved the women to the side, calling them bitches. Kakyoin eventually caught them behore they fell, apologizing in Jotaro's place. (Y/N) only walked pass them smiling awkwardly, knowing how they must've felt. Behind them all, Avdol was left with his mouth open after seeing how the two women were looking at the three students. He sighed and entered the room.

Unfortunately, they were too late, making Mr. Joestar's prediction come true: the pilot and copilot were already dead, their tongues also missing.

"That bastard beetle..." Jotaro suddenly stated. "The pilots could never had a chance!" He was clenching his wounded fist as the cap was covering his eyes, making (Y/N) look at him. She was too afraid to touch him in that moment, even though the only way she could repair his hand was by touching him.

"We're falling! We're gonna crash!" Mr. Joestar shouted.

Behind the others appeared the man who they thought was dead. Covered with the same beige blanket, the man threatened them, spookily. The menacing look in his eyes made the ‘crew‘ be ready to attack.

"You morons will never make it to Lord Dio! Even if you survive the crash, you'll still be ten thousand kilometers away from Egypt! Dio-sama has people all around the word!" he laughed hysterically. "He is the Master of Stands!" With one last "You will never make it to Lord Dio!" the Stand user fell to the ground, before the flight attendants' eyes.

"You two sure are pros..." Jotaro told them, almost smiling. "You didn't let out a single shriek and I never had to lose my temper. Now listen! This old man is gonna land this plane on water. Make sure everyone gets a safety jacket!" he said, calmer than before, but still using a strong voice.


As the stewardesses left, Mr. Joestar turned to Jotaro, looking embarrassed. The others stood still, (Y/N) healing Kakyoin's small wounds. Jotaro looked at his grandfather with narrow eyes.


The old man sighed. He smiled awkwardly.

"Well... I have driven a prop plane before..."

"Prop plane?" Kakyoin asked looking at him surprised, making (Y/N's) hand slip off his cheek.

"Kakyoin-kun!" she exclaimed pulling his head closer, so she could face him. When he finally looked her in the eyes, the girl smiled and continued her work, putting her soft hand back on his cheek.

Before Mr. Joestar started speaking again, Jotaro took a short glance at them. His face showed no emotion, but inside, something else was going on. He ignored it, no matter what it was.

"You know, this is my third plane accident..." the old man said, scratching the back of his head.

After their eyes widened considerably, the others sighed and groaned, looking at the old man disappointed. He was the only one to know how to drive that plane, so they had no other choice. Sweating slightly, the black haired student pulled his cap over his eyes. "No way in hell... I'm ever flying with you again..."

Breathing deeply after being done with Kakyoin, (Y/N) sat down in the corner of the room. ‘Agreed!‘ she thought.

In the end, the plane landed safely on water, thirty five kilometers away from the coast of Hong Kong. No other people were harmed until the Marine Police arrived to rescue them. Jotaro and the others had no other choice than to divert to Hong Kong as well.


As Mr. Joestar was talking on the phone, at a public call box, the boys and girl stayed aside on the other side of the road. Kakyoin and Avdol were talking about how beautiful Hong Kong was, but Jotaro wasn't paying attention. Neither was (Y/N), who was too focused on Jotaro's pierced hand to pay attention to the others. Again, she was too afraid to touch Jotaro all of sudden, so she decided to ask him to give her his hand.

On the other hand, she couldn't bare herself to ask him, knowing what happened the last time they discussed about her healing powers. But he wasn't having a big wound, so it shouldn't have been a problem for her to cure it.

‘His temper is the only one stopping me now...‘ the girl thought, biting her lower lip.

Too bad she lost her chance. Kakyoin and Avdol turned around to see Mr. Joestar coming back from the phone. A street food seller asked the crusaders if they wanted a hot Cola. As soon as he heard the man, Jotaro's grandfather started screaming about how scandalous selling hot Coke was. Great thing Jotaro stopped him before it was too late.

"Jiji, who were you just callin'?"

"Hm?" he asked focusing on the boy rather than the seller. "Oh, I'll explain when we get to a restaurant. We need a plan to get to Egypt as safely and quickly as possible!"

At the restaurant, Mr. Joestar was talking mostly with Avdol about how they were going to get to Egypt, without getting any more innocent people hurt. It was fair, knowing that the three other members of the group were students.

(Y/N) was staying between Jotaro and Kakyoin. The atmosphere was kind of oppressive, hearing the others talk about how Holly Kujo would die in fifty days, if they didn't make it to Egypt, but she tried not to show the others how uneasy she felt. The look into the black haired boy's eyes made her realize how worried he must've been about his mother. Though, she still couldn't take her eyes away from Jotaro's hand.

When Mr. Joestar started speaking about one of Joule Verne's books, she saw Jotaro losing his focus on him. With a calm, soft voice she grabbed his attention, whispering.

"Jotaro... Your hand..."

"Hm?" The boy looked at his still bloody hand. He then immediately turn his head away from her, hiding his left hand under the table.

"Jotaro, please let me..."


The answer was so cold, it made (Y/N) shiver. She knew it wouldn't have been a good idea, yet she hoped he would eventually give in. The girl had underestimated his stubbornness. ‘I don't care if we're making a scene, but right here, right now, I'm not gonna feel bad for not helping him!‘ she thought while looking away as well, clenching her fists.

"Jo..." (Y/N) stopped when she realized she had almost called him ‘Jojo‘. However, she didn't even need to finish that word, because Jotaro's response was the same.



"You're tired."

Was he actually concerned about her?

"No, I am not!"

"Yes, you are! I saw you repairing Kakyoin's mouth." The boy sighed when he thought he was almost going to start another fight with her.

(Y/N) wanted to reply once again, when she saw Jotaro looking at Kakyoin with questioning eyes. Smiling, the pink haired guy explained that he moved the pot's cap to get more tea.

"You surely know a lot about Hong Kong!" the girl giggled.

"Oh, yes! I love traveling and learning about places!"

A waitress came to Kakyoin's seat and poured him some more tea.

"You see..." The boy tapped on the table with his pointing finger two times, then looked back at (Y/N). "This means ‘thank you‘!" He smiled to the waitress who went back to her work.

The girl was so amazed by Kakyoin's knowledge, she could listen to him all day long, without taking her smile off her face. She opened her mouth to ask him to tell her more about his travels, but she was stopped by Jotaro clearing his throat. She turned around, seeing him still looking away, frowning, but this time with his left hand on the table.

"Fine. Heal it." Jotaro still sounded cold.

(Y/N) was shocked. Had he just given in about not letting her help him? All of sudden? She couldn't help but smile happily, even though she didn't really know what was going on inside his head. She apologized to Kakyoin for cutting their conversation short, but he said it was no problem.

(Y/N) placed her hand on Jotaro's, closing her eyes and concentrating, letting Pure Silence's arm drift away from hers, but without anyone noticing it. The boy felt the blood rushing into his cheeks, but he kept it cool, as nothing had ever happened. Her hand was still on his when a foreign man appeared at their table.

"Pardon me! Sorry to bother!" the man with white long hair spoke, with a menu in his hand. He was widely smiling and seemed very friendly. "I'm visiting from France and I don't really understand these menus! Could you, perhaps, tell me what these characters mean?"

"You're annoying. Get out of here!" Jotaro didn't stutter a second, pointing away with his finger.

"Jotaro!" (Y/N) gasped when she heard those rude words coming out of his mouth. She took her hand off his, crossing them at her chest, looking away, leaving him with his good as new hand. His eyes followed her as she leaned back on her chair.

Mr. Joestar laughed. "Oi, oi, Jotaro! Give him a break!" The old man looked at the white haired French guy, along with the others. "I've been in Hong Kong long enough to read the menu, at least!"

Happily, the Frech guy sat down next to Avdol, while Mr. Joestar called for a waiter. He ordered a lot of food, but as he looked at the others, he assured them that it was all on him, laughing. After the food came in, they started eating peacefully.

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