Chapter Two - The Guy

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(A/N: Hey guys! I just wanted to show you how exactly Pure Silence looks like! It took me a lot to draw her, but I hope you enjoy her looks!)

The day was getting better and better! Not seeing Jotaro and his girls anywhere, made (Y/N) laugh and almost dance of happiness. Everything around her seemed so quiet, she didn't even need to put her earphones on.

All the way to school, (Y/N) sang and danced with her Stand, not knowing that Jotaro was actually behind her, following with his eyes every single move she made. He couldn't understand what was up with that girl, but she had a Stand, so he couldn't let his guard down. After all, he could never know if all her dancing and singing was actually a trap, set up by Dio, the guy his old man had told him about, the other day.

Jotaro knew (Y/N) was in the same classroom as him, but she had never shown something interesting to him. That's the reason he was quite surprised to see the girl using her Stand to heal a wound. She was probably more familiar with these things than he was. He had to find out more about her and her relationship with the Dio guy.

(Y/N's) happiness slowly faded away when she saw the school building, thinking that she had to stay another day in the same classroom as Jotaro. The guy was so damn annoying, thinking he was some kind of god, even though he was far from that. The opposite, more exactly.

The girl closed her eyes and sighed, walking to the stairs that led to the schoolyard. Suddenly, she bumped into someone, so she open her eyes wide enough to see what damage she had done. The guy she had bumped into had a cherry-like color hair and a green school uniform. (Y/N) realized immediately that he was probably new there. She started to apologize to her poor victim.

"Oh God, I am so sorry! I didn't mean to, I swear!" the girl exclaimed, backing up a bit from the tall guy.

Instead of having a negative reaction, like (Y/N) had predicted, he laughed lightly. "There is no need to worry!" the boy said with his low but soft voice.

One moment later, (Y/N) noticed behind him a painted canvas on it's stand, but the guy's chest and waist were blocking the view. When she wanted to check if the painting was damaged, (Y/N) got grabbed by the hand by the boy smiling quite annoyed at her. Her eyebrows twitched in fear.

"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch your name! Mine is Kakyoin Noriaki!" Kakyoin said with the same soft voice of his.

Something was off about this Kakyoin. He was was tall, almost as tall as Jotaro, though he wasn't so bulky. On the other hand, he had a tuft of hair falling down next to his face. The boy seemed to be the gentle kind, but (Y/N) could feel that something was not alright with him.

She felt strange. When (Y/N) took a small glance at him, she got the same feeling she had around Jotaro, but this guy didn't seem his kind. She was confused, but in the same time, the girl wanted to know more about him.

Surprised, but also a little frightened by his sudden mood change, the girl gulped and answered, taking her hand back. "(Y/N) (L/N), it's really nice to meet you!" she smiled back.

(Y/N) opened her mouth to ask Kakyoin about his painting, but she then stopped before saying anything, when she heard a bunch of girl voices talking all at once, in the distance. She had heard those voices so many times, it was literally impossible not to recognize the "Jotaro fangirls". That was the moment she knew she had to hurry up.

"Sorry Kakyoin, I have to go!" (Y/N) said continuing her way to the school building. Kakyoin only smiled and waved to her, then turned back to his painting.

Fast enough to avoid seeing Jotaro and his harem, (Y/N) made it into the hall and went straight to her locker, as always. While changing her shoes, she couldn't help but look at the stairs she had just come from. There was Kakyoin, continuing his painting, while Jotaro, surrounded by girls, walked past him. All at once, something hit Jotaro's knee brutally, making him fall off the stairs. Then some kind of spirit, arose from his body and grabbed a tree's branch, to soften the impact with the ground.

(Y/N) gasped at the sight of what seemed to be a Stand. If Jotaro had a Stand after all, that means he had been staring at her the other day because he had been able to see her Stand as well. Even though all of her fears had come true, (Y/N) knew that she couldn't just let it all be seen by others, so she kept calm. The question was what was the thing that could hit Jotaro so hard, he would fall?

The day was becoming more and more stressful and (Y/N) felt like she couldn't stand it anymore. First of all, going to Kujo's house, then that guy Kakyoin, and now this. On top of that, it turned out that Jotaro Kujo, the person who had probably the worst reputation in the entire school, had a Stand and knew that (Y/N) had one as well. Having too many thoughts inside her head, she felt like she couldn't even stand on her feet anymore.

She laid down next to her locker and looked into her bag for her cigarette pack. It was nowhere to be seen. (Y/N) groaned when she remembered that she forgot her cigarettes on the nightstand next to her bed. She was about to let her tears flow down her face, when she heard the bell ringing.

She knew very well that Jotaro was never coming to the first class. At least she had some time to calm down a little, until she had to deal with her problems again.

‘All I wished for was a good day, God dammit!‘ she thought while heading to class.

When she got into the room, (Y/N) apologized to the teacher for being late. Luckily, just like she predicted, Jotaro was skipping that class. The girl sat down at her desk, the second one from the window row.

It was Japanese class, so it all went smoothly. No incidents, no unwanted thoughts, just listening to the teacher, while doing exercises. Exactly when she expected it the least to happen, the teacher called out her name.

"(L/N)-chan, please take this paperwork to the nurse's office!" the woman said, while waiting for (Y/N) to come to her.

"Hai, sensei!"

(Y/N) got up from her seat, fixed her skirt and walked to the teacher. The girl took the paperwork without any more talking and went to do what she was told to.

Slowly, she walked down the quiet hallway. The only thing that could be heard around (Y/N) were her footsteps and breathing. It was not like she hadn't done something like that before, it was just the fact that she had a bad feeling about it. Mostly the same feeling she had got when she had met Kakyoin, at the stairs.

All of sudden, a great bang came from the nurse's office, making her jump. She ran to the place the sound came from, holding the paperwork tightly to her chest, like a shield. When (Y/N) got there, her heart rate increased radically. She saw Jotaro lying down on a ruined wall, in front of him standing Kakyoin, with some kind of green spirit right next to him. The nurse, on the other hand, was laying down on the floor in a puddle of blood.

(Y/N) shrieked at the sight of the things happening right in front of her. As Kakyoin turned his head facing her, the girl dropped the paperwork and covered her mouth, standing still beside another wall. The pink haired guy chuckled and started walking slowly in her direction, his green Stand creeping on the floor, following his master. Holding her mouth with her hand and her hand with the other one, (Y/N) was trying so hard not to cry. Her whole body was trembling.

For a second, she thought about using her own stand against Kakyoin's, but if she was too frightened to even move, how could she attack him? Right after that, the footsteps stopped. (Y/N) peeked again through the door, only to see Jotaro standing up.

Kakyoin chuckled once again. "Oh, you're trying to stand up?" he said smirking.

Jotaro got back on his feet from the ruined wall and took two steps forward, then looked (Y/N) in the eyes, only to hear the other guy's annoying voice.

"How sad..." Kakyoin mocked. "If I were to compare you to something, it would be a sandbag in front of a boxer..." Jotaro took one more step ahead and stopped in front of him. "You stood back up only to be hit again!" the pink haired student almost shouted.

For the first time in her life, (Y/N) hoped that Jotaro would win the fight. ‘I don't know why, but I have faith in you, Jotaro!‘ she thought, trying to figure out if she should help him or just hide. A menacing atmosphere settled among the room.

"I, Jotaro Kujo, am labeled a punk." the bulky man spoke, his words being low, but loud enough to be heard clearly. "But, even I know nauseating evil when I see it! Evil is when you use the weak for your own gain, then crush them under your foot! Especially a woman!" Jotaro shouted pointing the unconscious body laying down at his feet.

(Y/N's) heart fluttered when she heard the statement that came from that guy's mouth. He knew very well what people had labeled him, but he carried on. Besides that, it's true that (Y/N), even though she had seen a lot of bad actions coming him, she had never seen him hit a girl or a woman, no matter how annoying she was. Yes, he acted like a jerky scoundrel around them, but he had never hurt them. For a moment, she felt like a part of the hatred she had for Jotaro faded away.

Kakyoin smirked and looked at Jotaro, with the same pitiful eyes. "Evil? See, there, you are wrong." he said, his Stand rising behind him like a green, slimy snake. "The evil refers to the loser." the pink haired guy continued, his eyes suddenly becoming angry. "The last man standing! The method doesn't matter!" he shouted, tentacle-like things bursting from his Stand's chest.

(Y/N) was so confused. She couldn't understand what was going on, and so, she couldn't tell which one of the two men would win this fight, even though she couldn't wish for Kakyoin to win it.

Avoiding the attack coming to him, Jotaro jumped over Kakyoin, then kicked a little table in his face. The bad guy caught the table, breaking it to pieces with his Stand's tentacles. When Jotaro wasn't paying attention, Kakyoin's green spirit caught his whole body, holding him still. (Y/N) gasped slightly when she saw Jotaro being tied up by the enemy's Stand, making him glance at her again. The girl wanted so bad to help him, but the look on his face made her remain in her hiding spot.

"The loser is the evil one." Kakyoin suddenly remarked. With a finger sign from his master, the slimy Stand pointed his hands to Jotaro's body. When a light started coming from the evil spirit's hands, the tied up guy finally spoke.

"What? The loser is evil?" he asked, his black cap covering his eyes. From behind the wall, (Y/N) was trying to figure out what his plan was.

"Emerald Splash!"

(Y/N's) eyes widened and turned to the pink haired guy, at the sound of his words. That was his attack! Dozens of emeralds were launched from the light, straight to Jotaro, who still couldn't move from the Stand's grip. (Y/N) covered her ears and closed her eyes, expecting the worst ending for Jotaro.

One moment later, she was surrounded by punch sounds, followed by the biggest bang she had ever heard. The girl opened her eyes slightly, only to see all the windows around her being broken, the nurse on the floor and Jotaro with Kakyoin's body lying on his shoulder. Without taking a single glance back, he stepped through the broken window, getting out of the building. (Y/N) knew that it was no use trying to talk to him after the incident, but she had to find out more about those two guys and their Stands. So she decided to follow him, to see what he was going to do with the unconscious body he was carrying.

Before the bulky man could leave her sight, (Y/N) hurried to the nurse's numb body. Kneeling down to her, Pure Silence came outside with her whole body, then put both of her hands on the woman and started healing her. It was hard and exhausting for (Y/N) to heal such a big wound, but she felt like she had to do it.

When she was done, she inhaled deeply and got up, her Stand withdrawing back into her body. Luckily, Jotaro hadn't gone too far, so, when she heard some other people coming to the office and shouting on the hallway, she got out through the same way as Jotaro and started following him, being as discreet as she could.

She didn't know where he was going, but she somehow hoped it wasn't home.

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