Chapter 5: Found them!

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Zeloguard POV:
"It's so c...cold."

Said Selena while shivering.

"Well that's what you get for not wearing anything warm missie."

Said Daniel with a smirk.

"Don't be rude Daniel. Go and apologize to Selena."

Said Krystal while crossing her arms.

"Okay i'm sorry."

Daniel apologize.

I walked up to Selena and gave her a warm light blue winter coat that belong to her.


Said Selena while tearing up.


I said with a concerned look.

"I...I shouldn't be here. I should be with her right now when she needs me the most..."

Said Selena while sobbing.

That's when I remember that our other daughter was in the hospital at Bluelight city. Her name is Stella and she's Emma's older sister from the same time that she's from, and according to what Emma had told us, She said that Stella went missing 3 years ago in the future, but 2 weeks ago. Aid, Selena's Older Brother, told us that someone wanted to see Emma. At first we thought it was one of Emma's friends, but we were wrong when Stella called me and Selena, mom and dad. But a week later, Stella started collapsing and getting fevers, so Selena's mom took her to the hospital and kept us informed of her condition. So I promised that I would take Emma to see her beloved sister after the missions were done with Selena, and i'm making sure to keep my promise to Emma.

"Earth to Zeloguard."

Said Selena while waving her hand in front of my face.

Right when she did that. I passionately kissed her on the lip, and I caught her by surprise. So she kissed me back before we almost got hit by a shuriken.

"What the heck!?"

I shouted while looking for the person that threw the shuriken.

"If you two are done with kissing each other then I suggest that you two love birds speed up already."

Said Carter.

"We're coming."

Said Selena while grabbing my hand.


I said while turning bright red.

"We can't keep the others waiting."

Said Selena while giving me the most beautiful smile of hers.

And that's the beautiful smile I wanted to see on my beautiful Snow princess no matter what.

(Time skip)

Carter's POV:
After what felt like hours of pure storm. We found Katie's last location that she was at. I turned around to see Chelsea looking down at some huge crater.

"Guys I think I found them."

Said Chelsea.

"I'll put my bids that you actually did find them in this crater."

I said before looking down into the crater.

"Well there's a camp fire down there for one and second I see valuable equipment there as well."

I said before throwing 8 shurikens with ropes tied to them.

"I'll go down to get them first."

Said David while sliding down into the crater.

Then everyone and including me went in the crater, and there they were all near the camp fire, but before Katie could say a word. We all heard metal gridding from somewhere in the cave.

"Great they're already back from the dead again."

Said Katie while sighing.

"Wait what came back from the dead?"

Asked Tiffany while tilting her head to the left.

Then the left side of the wall from my position burst open like a volcano, and then we all saw a creature that looked like a mix of a Dark-lord commander and a ice elemental Steel-Skeleton, and that literally scared the crap out of Chelsea when she saw them. I literally knew what could scare Chelsea when she least suspect it for either pulling a prank on me or slapping me on the back extremely hard. But nevertheless we got our weapons to a new fight, but someone threw 5 guardian grenades at the broken entrance, and the mix creature getting hit by Cody's infamous Volcanic Fire attack, and when I looked up I saw drop ship landing nearby to pick up all of us, and when the hatch up Cody and Radiant release an all out strike on the creature turning it into nothing dark snow dust.

"Get on before more of whatever those were come out!"

Shouted Holly while using her weapon to turn the remains of the creature into a card.

"We're getting out of here NOW!"

Shouted David.

So we all got onto the drop ship and left the crater before Lillian and Rosalina seal the crater with their magic. The drop ship return to base and everyone got off the drop ship, and Katie left to report into the Control room for her disappearance of the last few days, and as for everyone else. They all went to do the things that they had all plan for the day, and as for me. I went back to my training for the rest of the day.

(Okay there's a sudden change of plans with the OC form coming out later this week or even a week later  for a couple of reasons. The following reasons are: I plan on writing 1 bonus chapter for chapter 5 or even 2 bounce chapters it depends on my judgment or if you guys want to see bounce chapters. The second reason is that I have a part time job. The third reason is being lazy probably which is gonna happen. The last reason is that I actually need help creating the OC form cause i'm a guy that has a horrible of creating a form since this is my First time. Anyways bounce chapters coming out this week with the OC form hopefully, and message me if you have any questions about the OC form or any suggestions you may have for the story, and here's my email for messaging me (Codyyam@gmail) and see ya)

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