Untitled Part 1

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Unit 1: Activities.

- Activity (n): something that you do, or something that a company does. Ex: the company has different activities, for example making computer games and videos.
Collocation: work activities, business activities.

- Diversify (v): increase the ranger of goods or services a company produces. Ex: Our company is diversifying into cosmetics – diversification.

- Employment (n): work that you do to earn money. Ex: After leaving university, I'm going to look for employment.

Employ (v): to pay someone to work for you. Ex: A company employs 2000 people worldwide.

Employer (n): a person or a company that employs others – employee (n): someone who work for another person or company.

- Goods (n): things that a company produces for sale or for use. Ex: Supermarket buys goods and sells them to its customer.

- Industry (n): 1. the production of goods or services to sell. Ex: Industry has become more competitive.

2. A particular type of industry or services. Ex: The car industry is producing too many cars.
industrial (adj)

- Manufacture (v) produce large qualities of goods for sale use machinery. Ex: Nike manufactures sports shoes.

Manufacturer (n).

- Responsibility (n): something that you are in charge of in particular job. Ex: The manager has responsibility for her department.

Be responsible for something. Ex: I'm responsible for telephones sales.

- Retailer (n): a business that sells goods to the general public and not to shop. Ex: Dixon is a retailer of electronic goods.

- Sector (n): all the organizations or companies in a particular area of industry. Ex: The numbers of job in service sector is increasing.

- Service (n): a business that sells help, advices, consultancy, etc, not manufacturing. Ex: A lot of companies offer financial services now.

- Team (n): A group of people who work together to do a particular job. Ex: We have an excellent sales team.

Unit 3: Etiquete

- Contact (n): a person you know who may be able to help or advise you because of the work they do. Ex: He has a lot of contacts in the film industry.

- Etiquette (n): the formal rules for polite behavior in a group of people.
Ex: When you do business in a new country, it is important to be familiar with the etiquette.

- Hierarchy (n): a structure in which the staff are organization in levels and people at one level have authority over those below them. Ex: The company president is at the top of the organizational hierarchy.
hierarchical (adj)

- Organization (n): a company, business, group, etc... that has been formed for a particular purpose. Ex: ANSI is an organization in the US that fixes rules on the design of products.
organizational (adj) – organize (v)

- Punctual (adj): arriving on time; arriving at exactly the time that has been arranged.
Ex: She's always punctual for appointments.
Punctuality (n)

- Relationship (n): the way in which people or group work together.
Ex: We have a good relationship with our partners in the US.
Collocation: build a relationship, business relationship, develop a relationship, personal relationship, working relationship.

- Rule (n): An official instruction that says how you should do things or what is allowed.
Ex: The phone companies are working under new rules now.

- Status (n): social or professional position in relation to other people.
Ex: Lawyer have high status in our society.
Collocation: high status, low status.

- Subordinate (n): someone who has a lower position than someone else in an organization.
Ex: I'm responsible for six subordinates.

- Working environment (n): the general condition in a workplace, including physical condition (heat, light, noise, etc.) and relationships between people.
Ex: we have a very good working environment in our office.

Unit 4: Image

- Advertising (n): telling people publicly about a product or service in order to persuade them to buy it.
Ex: The cost of TV advertising is very high.
Collocation: advertising campaign.
Advertise (v) – advertisement (n): abbreviation advert ad a piece of film, a picture or writing used in advertising: I saw the advertisement in the newspaper yesterday.

- Brand (n): a name that a company gives to a product so that people can recognize easily.
Ex: We build the Venue brand slowly over seven years.
Collocation: brand name, brand image, - branding (n)

- Image (n): the general opinion that most people have of a person, organization or product.
Ex: Good advertising helps to promote a company's image.

- Logo (n): a design or way of writing the name that a company or organization uses as an official sign on its products and advertising.
Ex: Nike uses a tick as its logo.

- Loss leader (n): a product that is sold at a loss to encourage people to buy other more profitable product.
Ex: Supermarkets sometimes sell bread as a loss leader to bring customers into the store.

- Luxury (n): Something that is expensive and not really necessary, but pleasing and enjoyable.
Ex: The store sells luxury goods such as perfume.

- Promote (v): to try hard to improve sales of a product by advertising it, reducing its price, ect....
Ex: They are promoting her new film heavily.
Promotion (n): a special activity intended to sell a product or service.

- Publicity (n): the attention that a person or company gets from newspaper, television, etcs.
Ex: The show received good publicity in the media.

- Target market (n): a group of people that as product is a aimed at; advertising of the product is designed to make product appeal to this group.
Ex: You can't sell a product if you don't know the target market.

- Value (n): the amount of money something is worth – value for money of good quality, considering the price.
Ex: These jeans are good value for money at only 45$.

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