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*Goal horn sounds*

You jump up, cheer and clap along with everyone else in the Staples Centre.

"Scored by number 9, Adrian Kempe" the announcer yelled into the mic

Just as that was announced your friend and teammate elbowed you "That's your man Y/N"

You blushed a bit and rolled your eyes "Yeah in my dreams"

You were a goalie for the Ontario Reign, you weren't properly drafted by the LA Kings so you weren't really known. You and a couple of your teammates got tickets to the Kings game against the San Jose Sharks. You loved the rivalry between the two. You all sat in on of the suites, cheering on the Kings. The Kings weren't always your favourite but once they picked you up and offered a spot on the Reign. You slowly became one. It also helped that you may have a little crush on one of the young stars on the team, Adrian Kempe.

Your teammates always teased you about your little crush on Adrian. You always told yourself not to dream too big. You never saw yourself making it to the NHL let alone get Adrian to even look your direction.

Suddenly with just over 15 minutes left in the third. The Sharks were skating into the Kings' zone. Their player with the puck, tripped and slid right into Petersen. The whole arena fell silent, waiting to see what was going on. Petersen was then walked off by his teammates . Everyone clapped and was glad he was okay but the only problem was that LA had to find a goalie quick. Quick had gotten injured earlier in the game and still wasn't able to play. The arena filled with chatter, fans wondering what was going to happen.

Suddenly there was a fast pace knock on the suite door. Your teammate got up and opened it, in walked the Kings goalie coach.

"Y/N they need you down there"

You looked at him in such shock. "What? What do you mean they need me"

"They need a goalie and you're the only person I know that can do that"

"I can't go down there! I don't even have my equipment"

"I have equipment I just need the goalie, you in?"

You looked over to your teammates. They all gave you a look that said 'do it', 'go'. You looked back over to the coach nodded your head and walked out with him.

You got changed into your equipment. You took a deep breath before walking out of the tunnel and onto the ice. You looked out into the home crowd, who was now cheering you on. The boys came by you as you stretched, hitting your pads with their sticks.

The refs signalled to start the remaining 15 minutes of the final period. You got into your crease and got situated. "It's only 15 minutes. It's only 15 minutes. You got this" You repeated in your head over and over.

Before taking his position at the face off. Adrian came by. "Don't worry, you got this" You didn't expect it but you just smiled and nodded. You took one last breath and with that the puck was dropped.

For the first 5 minutes the Kings were able to keep the puck at the Sharks' end of the ice. Until Couture got a hold of the puck and went on a break away. You just stood there at first not sure of what to do. Suddenly your adrenaline kicked in and you started backing up into your net. You watched him like a hawk, trying to read his moves and know where he was going to shoot. He made it look like he was going to shoot glove side but instead went for the five hole. At the very last second you got down and closed your legs and just laid on the ice waiting for the ref to blow the whistle and hoping the puck didn't move from underneath you.

The whistle was blown after you got poked multiple times but the Sharks, trying to get the puck into the net. You got up and the puck but sitting just before the red nice. You looked down at it and let out a breath that you didn't know you were holding in.

The rest of the period went smoothly you made a couple saves here and there. With less than a minute left, Adrian scored the game winning goal. As soon as the game ending buzzer went off the team came down to congratulate you and to thank you for helping them out.

Just as the line of guys was about to end you took off your helmet. Your braided hair fell that was tucked in your helmet fell to your shoulders. The arena filled with gasps and shocked faces. You guessed no one mentioned you were a girl. You laughed at everyone's reaction. Even the boys were shocked about you.

"Woah" you heard Adrian say quietly to himself as he skated towards you

You looked up at him confused "What?"

"Oh, ugh, nothing. Y-You played amazing. T-Thanks for all your help" he said a little nervous

You smiled at him and skated off the ice with the rest of the team. You headed into the dressing room and as you entered the team and staff started to cheer and clap for you. You smiled at everyone as you sat down in the extra stall they had for you.

You were one of the last to leave. You sat in the stall after you got dressed back into your street clothes. You scrolled through text messages from everyone congratulating you and watching clips of your big save. You smiled at it all. You got taken out of your thoughts when you heard someone clear their throat. You looked up to see Adrian.

"Everyone talking about your debut?" he asked as he sat down beside you

You looked at him with a little smirk "I wouldn't call it a debut"

"Oh, Why's that?"

"Cause I'll be back. For a full game"

"What makes you say that?"

You gave Adrian a questioning look, confused as to why he was asking all these questions.

"Because both your starter and back up are injured and since I play for the Reign they called me up"

"So I'll be seeing you more?"

You nodded to reply to him.

"God you're beautiful" Adrian said as he looked away from you making it a little unclear of what he said

"What did you say?"

Adrian whipped his head over to look at you "Nothing, I didn't say anything" Adrian then let out a breath, his leg started bouncing up and down really fast. 'Was he nervous about something' you thought to yourself.

"Y/N, since we're going to see more of each other. Do you maybe want to grab coffee or drinks or maybe even lunch or dinner. One of these days. To get to know each other a bit better. You know team building" he managed to spit out, full of nervousness

You chuckled at his nervousness it make him even cuter than before. "Adrian are you asking me out"

"I wouldn't say that. It's just two teammates that happen to be a girl and a guy, getting to know each other. And it just so happens that the guy thinks the girl is beautiful" He tried to silence out the last part but you hear every word, causing your cheeks to heat up and turn a bright shade of red

"So a date?"

"Okay yeah. A date"

"I'd love too"

Adrian's face lit up like a Christmas tree. He had the biggest smile on his face.

"Great! So I'll call you to arrange a date and time" He said while passing you his phone to enter your information

You gave his phone back and he instantly presses your number, calling you. Your phone rings and you look at it answering it.


"How bout tomorrow at 7, I'll pick you up"

"Sounds perfect" you say with a giggle

With that you two walked out together. Adrian walked you out to meet up with your teammates. Before letting you run off to your friends Adrian bent down and kissed your cheek.

"See you tomorrow" he whispered in your ear causing you to blush

"See you tomorrow" you said back with a smile.

And off you ran over to your teammates about to explode about what just happened.


requested by Freddie31_leafs

Here you go!! I hope you enjoyed the read. Thanks for requesting :)

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