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You sat at your desk, in your dorm room with your laptop open. You decided to take a small break from your work. You grabbed your phone and went through your camera roll you got up to about a year ago. You noticed a picture of you and Alex. It was a mirror picture of you two in a store, in Sweden.

Last year you met Alex when you both went home for the summer. You two met through a couple mutual friends and just became best friends ever since. Your friendship with Alex was confusing not only to everyone around you but to you as well. You and Alex flirted on and off with each other and you ended up getting feelings. You wanted to tell Alex how you felt but you knew when he flirted he was only joking around. You also knew that he would never feel the same way about you.

You sat there staring at the photo on your phone's screen. Thinking about all the memories you two had made in the past year. Wishing you two were something more than just friends.

Suddenly your phone starts to ring and vibrate in you hand, taking you out of your thoughts. Alex's contact picture pops up on your phone. You accept the call and suddenly his face pops up on the screen.

(Italic = specking in Swedish)

"Hey cutie" He said as soon as he sees your smile

"Hello Alexander" You said as you propped your phone up on your laptop

"What you up too" He asked

"Studying and doing some work. Why'd you call?"

"I just got back from from a game and it didn't go so well so I wanted to see you"

"Aw shoot I totally forgot about your game I'm sorry Alex. I got caught up in my work"

"It's fine Y/N. School comes first"

You two talked for a bit longer until Alex decided to play video games with his teammates. You stayed on facetime and continued to study. Every so often you would look at him and just stare at his features. 'God he was perfect' you thought to yourself. Suddenly your roommate came back from wherever she went.

"Alex I'm going to mute you for a second" You said but thinking he didn't even hear you because his headset was on

You hit the mute button and welcomed your roommate back.

"Ouuuu is that Alex?" She said seeing him on your phone

you sighed "yeah it's him"

"Y/N I don't get it, just tell him already"

"It's not that easy. I can't just tell him that I like him. I can ruin our friendship and what we have. Plus he's way out of my league."

"Y/N?" You suddenly hear from your phone

You then moved to see Alex with one end of his headset off his ear. You go to unmute the call but then realized it was never muted. You swore in Swedish and ended the call.

"I may not know Swedish but I know that wasn't a good word" your roommate said turning around to you

"I thought I muted the call and I didn't" you said freaking out

"He probably never heard anything his headset was on"

"He had one side off though and I didn't see it because he was facing the other way"

"WHAT AM I GOING TO DO!! If Alex knows I like him, he'll never want to talk to be again it will be so awkward"

"Y/N calm down it's gonna be okay"

Just as she said that your phone buzzed in your hand. You looked at the notification, it was a text from Alex.

"He texted me" you said with panic

"Just see what he has to say" With that she left to shower

You looked back down at the notification still sitting on your screen. You took a deep breath and swiped it and unlocked your phone.

Alex🥰: Call me back asap

You read it over and over again thinking about what he was going to say. Your finger hovered over his contact before you decided to press it. It rang twice before he answered. His face popped up on the screen again.

"Hi" You said to him

"Hey Sunshine" He said back

You two sat there staring at each other in silence.

"Y/N, I'm not gonna lie I did hear everything you said. Why do you think I'm out of your league?"

You started to have a loss of words you were embarrassed that he heard your conversation.

You shrugged your shoulders "I don't know. It's just that you play in the NHL, you have such a great personality and just look at you"

you paused "You're just so perfect Alex, you can get any girl I'm surprised your single still. And me, well I'm just me I'm nothing special just like everyone other person in the world"

Alex chuckled as he shook his head. "Y/N you aren't like every other person. You're special to me. You're perfect to me. I love the way you act when you're nervous. I love your smile, your eyes, everything. Y/N I like you too. A LOT! And I have since I first saw you"

You blushed and smiled at him not knowing what to say.

"Next time I'm in Toronto or you come visit me in Chicago. I'm gonna take you out on a date"

"Are you sure?"

"Very sure" You smiled at him

You two talked on facetime for the rest of the night. You started to fall asleep on the call, trying to keep your eyes open.

"You should get to bed Y/N. I know you have an early class tomorrow"

You yawned "Goodnight Alex"

"Goodnight my love"


I know no one reads author's notes but I'm still going to write one. I decided not to use google translate for this because it always fails me and seems to never be right. Thank you everyone who comments, votes and reads.
Love you all ❤️

If anyone wants an imagine just request one. I'll write anything you want :)

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