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"Time to get our party on" One of your friends say as you and your group of friends step into the club.

The group finds a place to sit as a couple of girls run off to get the first round of drinks. You take in the atmosphere around you. It's been awhile since you went out to the club.

"So Y/N how are things with Alex going?" One of the girls ask

You raise an eyebrow at her "What do you mean?"

"Has he asked you out yet?" She asks

"You do know who my dad is right? He would literally kill Alex if we started hanging out let alone date. He doesn't even know I talk to him" You say

"So what you're saying is you want to go out with him?"

"No, well yeah I do. But rules are rules especially when they're placed by my dad and they aren't just told to me. The whole damn team knows about the 'stay away from coach's daughter rule'" You says

Your friend rolls her eyes. "I think you should just go behind your dads back. What he doesn't know won't hurt him"

You were about to argue your point but the others came back with drinks and shots. A couple drinks in you were starting to really enjoy yourself. You headed to the dance floor with your friends. After a handful of songs you decided on getting yourself another drink. You headed over to the closest bartender.

As you stood there waiting for your drink you felt a weight push you forward.

"Hey cutie, wanna dance?" The stranger asked as his hand found the bottom of your dress

You managed to stop his hand from going any further. You push him away and say "No thanks I'm good"

He clearly didn't get the hint because he pushed up on you again. "Oh come on. Come shake that ass for me" He says in your ear

You turn around, facing the man. "I'm sorry do you not know what the word no means. Here's a hint, get lost" You tell him

"Babygirl no one says no to me" he says trapping you against the bar

"Okay well I'm not interested so go find someone else to bother" You tell him trying to push him away from you

"Or how about we go somewhere more private" He says in your ear as his hand slides up your thigh

"Hey buddy, she said no didn't she?" A familiar voice says but the stranger was blocking your view so you couldn't see who it was

"Get lost man, I already called dibs on this one" The guy says

Seconds later the guy was ripped off of you. "Touch her again and I'll fucking end you" The voice yelled as he held on to the strangers collared shirt "Now leave" The stranger was pushed back. He fell before getting back up and walking away.

You looked up and saw Alex standing a couple feet in front of you.

"Hey, you okay? Did he hurt you?" He asked you

You shake your head "No he didn't do anything. Thank you" You tell him with a smile

"I knew the pretty girl at the bar looked familiar" Alex said

You blushed at his compliment, it gave you butterflies. Even though he's complimented you before this time it felt like something more.

"What are you even doing here? Does your dad know you're here?" He asked you

"I could ask you the same two questions. But I'm here with my friends, or at least I was. I've seem to have  lost them. Oh and my dad does know" You tell Alex

"In that case. I'm here with some of the guys and your dad has no idea we went out tonight. So zip it" He says as he put a finger to his lips

"Your secret's safe with me"

Alex smiles "Good"

You two chat for a while until your phone screen lit up with a text. You quickly check it.

Y/F/N: Saw you sitting with Alex and didn't want to cock block. But me and the girls are headed over to a house party. Love you girl, have fun tonight.

"Well I've be officially ditched by my friends" You say as you put your phone down

Alex frowns a bit "Well I mean to be fair you ditched them first"

You shrug and look around the room filled with people.

"Hey, let's get out of here. I'll take you home. I got practice tomorrow morning. I can't stay too late" Alex offers

You look over at him, curling your lips in as you thought about. You nod, okaying his offer. Alex takes your hand and leads you out of the building.

As he pulls up in front of your house and he turns the car off. He opens his door and you stop him.

"No no I can walk myself to my door. I don't need my dad seeing you" You tell him

He tilts his head at you "Y/N I already told you. I don't care. Plus wouldn't your dad be in bed by now?" He asks but he gets out before you could answer

He opens your door and you hesitate to get out. "Y/N I can stand here all night. I'm not getting back in the car" He says waiting for you to get out

You finally get out and let him walk you to your front door. Before you grabbed the nob you turn to face him.

"Oh I never thanked you for earlier. Thank you for saving me from that weirdo." You say with an awkward laugh

Alex shrugs "It's no big deal. I saw a pretty girl in trouble and helped her out. No big deal"

You blush and look down at your feet.

"I-I should get ins-" You start as you look up at him but are interrupted by Alex's lips colliding with yours

Just as you realize what was going on you hear someone clear their throat. You push Alex away as you look over at your dad.

"Y/N get inside" He says

You give Alex a sorry look before walking past your dad into your house.

"H-hey coach" Alex says awkwardly

"We'll have a chat in the morning, Mr. Turcotte" He says before closing the door on Alex

Alex let's out a breath before walking back to his car. His phone lights up with a text.

Y/N: I'm so sorry. I hope he's not to hard on you tomorrow. Thanks for tonight though I had a good time.

Alex: Don't worry about, it was totally worth it. We'll need a redo before we got interrupted though.


requested by @obrienle12

thanks for requesting !!

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