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"So who's all going" You asked Andrei as you two finished packing up the car

You and Andrei were heading out to his teammate's lake house. You decided to go out before headed back to Russia for the off season. You and Andrei were, well you didn't even know what you were, friends? friends with benefits? dating? You had no idea at this point. You knew you guys were at least friends, you've known each other for so long now. But you didn't know anymore than that and it kind of bothered you.

"Well actually it's just going to be me and you" He said as he drove off

"Wait. What, I thought this was a team thing though"

He shook his head "I said that so that you would come because I know how much you like spending time and partying with the guys"

You sat in the passenger seat and laughed at him.

"So they trust you that much to just give you the keys to the house"

He shrugged his shoulder "I guess so but I ain't complaining"

You chuckled at him and looked out the window. You kicked your feet up on his dash and got comfy for the long ride ahead of you.


You two finally got out to the house. You jumped out of the car and stretched out. You then grabbed your stuff and headed inside. You looked around in awe the place was huge. It had floor to ceiling windows that looked out to the beautiful blue water. The whole house was lit up with the natural sunlight.

"I wish you looked at me like that" Andrei joked as he dragged the bags into the house

You just giggled at him and blushed.

"So ugh what do you wanna do first" He said putting down the last bag

"I was just gonna unpack and get comfy"

"What? No, we can do that later"

"Okay, so what did you have in mind?"

Andrei started walking out to the deck in the back and you followed. "Well we can go swimming, fish off the dock, take the boat out. There's jet skis too" he finished turning towards you

You stood there trying to think which one you wanted to do first.

"Mhmm, how about a jet ski ride around  the lake and then we can come back and fish off the dock"

"Sounds good to me"

You and Andrei changed into bathing suits and headed out. Seeing Andrei shirtless was nothing new to you but it did give you a butterfly kinda of feeling in your stomach. You walked out to the dock with Andrei right behind you. Until you couldn't hear his foot steps behind you. You looked back as you walked out to the dock. Seeing Andrei's eyes through his sunglasses looking where they shouldn't be.

You smirked and pulled your sunglasses down your nose. "Take a picture it'll last longer"

Andrei began to blush and curled his lips in. "Nothing I haven't seen before" Andrei suddenly said in a cocky tone as he caught up to you.

You rolled your eyes and continued onto the Jet Ski. You two grabbed life jackets and then hopped on.

The lake was calm, making it a relaxing ride. You wrapped your arms comfortably around Andrei's waist and placed your chin on his shoulder. He smiled at your actions. You two rode around for a while until you decided to go back to the house.

As Andrei tied the jet ski to the dock you ran to grab your fishing rods. You two sat at the end of the dock casting your rods out and reeling them back. Almost giving up, you threw your line out one last time. Almost instantly you got a bite. Having trouble reeling the fish in Andrei quickly reeled his lime in and jumped over to help you out.

"Well here's dinner for tonight" you laughed at him as he pulled up the large fish

After he brought up the fish he started walking to the house. Going to start cutting it up for dinner.

After dinner you and Andrei got into more comfy clothes. You walked out into the yard as Andrei was starting up a bonfire. You grabbed chairs and placed them next to each other. You sat down and Andrei did too when he thought the fire was good enough.

You two sat quietly, all you could hear was the crackling of the wood in the fire. It was a nice kind of silence. After a while of staring at the fire, you looked over at Andrei who was already looking at you. He turned his head fast, away from you. He then smiled shyly and looked at the ground knowing that you caught him looking.

"What, was there something on my face" you asked him as he looked back at you

he shook his head "no" he whispered.

Andrei then started to lean in and you noticed. Your heart beat started to go faster. You didn't know what to do. you just stared into his eyes and then looked down at his lips.

You had kissed andrei multiple times so you didn't know why this time was any different.

"Can I kiss you?" andrei asked just centimetres  away from your lips

"y-yes" you whispered back

For a couple minutes the world came to a stop. It was just you and Andrei. You felt fireworks going off in your stomach. This was somethings you haven't felt in along time.

Andrei pulled away from the kiss and smiled. You blushed and looked down.

"Y/N will you please be my girlfriend?" Andrei suddenly blurted out

Your eyes widen at his words, you shot you head up to look at him.

"What did you just say?"

"W-will you be my girlfriend?"

You smiled at Andrei "Oh my god. I thought you'd never ask" you said as you kissed him again


requested by devynmidnight

So sorry for the long wait on it. My life has been a little crazy and all over the place. I hope you liked it.

I'm going to be trying to update my books soon but they will be slow updates since I'm busy with work and i'm back in school now too.

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