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You waited in the wags lounge for your older brother, Corey. He was finally letting you meet his teammates after about 7 years of being on the team. You looked up from your phone and saw the door open reviling your brother. You got up from your seat said bye to some of the girls and walked out.

"So you ready to finally meet the boys" Corey said as you two walked down the hall

"I guess" you said with a little laugh

You two walked together to the dressing room doors. Corey went in leaving you waiting outside the door. Almost right after Corey went in Artemi came out.

"Hey cutie" he said making you look up at him

A big smile spread across your face "Hey baby"

He then leaned closer to you closing the space between you two. The kiss didn't last to long since you guys had to pretend not to know each other.

You and Artemi have been dating for almost a year now and have kept it a secret from everyone, even your brother. You two first met each other at the 2015 world championships in Czech Republic. As your brother was so busy with the playoffs you wondered off over seas to support team Canada. After one of the games you were walking around the arena and bumped into Artemi and ever since then you two have hit it off. You two had been doing a long distance relationship for a while until you heard the news that Aremti had signed with the Hawks. You were so excited he was going to be playing on your favourite team. Now you both see each other almost everyday but it's hard since no one knows about you two and you want to keep it that way for a while. Cause if Corey finds out you wouldn't here the end of it. Since he's always giving you the talk about how you're not allow to date his teammates.

Corey finally came back out with some of his teammates.

"Oh great, one less person I have to introduce to you" Corey said as he walked up to you and Artemi

You looked you at Corey and smiled he was with Jonathan, Patrick, Duncan and Brent.

"Y/N this is Tazer, Kaner, Duncs, and Seabs" he said as he pointed to them even though you already knew who they were "and guys this is my little sister Y/N. oh and Fyi she's off limits" he told them

"Oh yes she is" you heard Artemi whisper under his breath causing you to giggle a little

"It's really nice to finally meet you guys" you said as you shook their hands one by one

"It's nice to finally meet the beautiful Miss. Crawford" Kane said

You looked back at Artemi. You saw anger in his eyes from Kane's comment. To you it didn't mean anything but Artemi was very protective of you so he didn't want anyone else having their hands on you.

You chatted with the boys for a bit until you had to leave. You were about to walk out the door but then got pulled back in. You thought it was Artmei but when you looked to see who it was you were surprised to see Patrick.

"Sorry if I scared you, but are you coming to practice tomorrow? I'd love to see you again" he said kind of shyly

"I think I am" you replied

"Great then I'll see you tomorrow" he said with a big smile on his face

"I guess you will" you said as you two then went your separate ways

It weirded you out a bit that Patrick wanted to see you but you shook it off and walked out the door. You walked up to Corey's car and got in to the passengers seat.

"Where were you?" Corey asked as you buckled your seat belt and he started blackout out of the parking lot

"Sorry, I had to use the washroom" you lied

The rest of the ride home was quiet. When you got home you two had dinner then did your own things before going to bed.


After you finished getting ready you walked downstairs and to Corey's car where he was waiting for you. After you got settled if your seat he started to drive off the the arena.

When you got there Corey took you to ice level and told you that you could watch practice on the bench. You sat for a while until someone poked you with their stick you looked up to see Artemi. You quickly pecked each other's lips and then looking around making sure no one saw.

After a few more minutes of waiting practice finally started. You were leaning forward on the bench while watching everyone practice. You were watching Artemi taking shots on Corey when all of a sudden Patrick came up from the other side and scared you. You quickly covered your mouth after you let out a loud scream.

"Really, what was that for" you said as you turned around to face Patrick

"You're so cute when you're scared" Patrick said after he finally stopped laughing

You saw Artemi from the corner of your eye coming towards the bench. He had grabbed his water bottle and took a couple sips.

"Kaner you should probably go back to practice instead of flirting with Y/N. Before you get in trouble" Artemi said trying to get Patrick away from you

"I don't care if a get in trouble, because I'm talking to the pretties girl in the world" Patrick said as he grabbed your hand and trying to pull you closer to him

You looked up at Artemi giving a uncomfortable look. He saw your look and that's when he had the most anger in his eyes you've ever seen. Artemi threw down his water bottle There was so much anger inside him you didn't even see the next thing coming next.

Artemi skated towards Patrick grabbed him by the collar of his jersey and then punched him so hard he fell to the ice.

"STAY AWAY FROM MY GIR—" Artemi yelled at Patrick but then stopped

You hoped the no one heard that so you looked around to see everyone. You then saw Corey or all people skating towards us and he looked pretty upset.

"YOUR WHAT PANARIN" Corey said as skated towards us

Corey first helped Patrick up and told him to go sit down. Then he stood in front on Artemi and you.

"Your what?" Corey said again

No one answered but you then finally got the courage to say it.

"His girlfriend " you said

Corey had the look of disbelief.

"CROW HURRY UP WE NEED YOU FOR THIS DRILL" you heard Tazer calling for Corey

Corey nodded towards Toews and then turned back you and Artemi. "you two have soooo much explaining to do. Y/N I don't want you over here anymore go to the lounge" he told you

You got up angrily and stomped away like a little kid.

"And you" Corey said looking straight into Artemi's eyes "better hope you don't run into me during the rest of practice"


An hour later practice finished. You sat alone in the lounge waiting for someone to come. About half an hour later Corey comes in with Artmei right behind him. You put your phone away and sat up a little as Corey sat across from you and Artemi beside you. Corey took a deep breath before taking.

"How long have you two been dating?" Corey asked

You looked at Artemi before answering "Almost a year"

Right when you said year Corey's head shot up in surprise "Where did you even meet each other?"

"Last year in Czech during the worlds" you answered

Corey took another breath and dropped his head. Artemi grabbed your hand and held it tight. Trying to tell you that everything will be fine.

Corey looked up at the two of you "Fine"

You heard Corey but where confused "Fine, What?" you questioned

"I'll allow you two to continue dating" He said as he got up "But if you hurt her you're done bread man" he told Artemi

You laughed and hugged your brother "Thank you"

"You're welcome" Corey said as you two broke the hug

You all then left the lounge and then went your separate ways and went home.


requested by Goalie_Heart hoped you liked it :) request anytime you want

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