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"Lyndsay what am I suppose to do now. I told my mom and sister that I've been seeing someone, so they'd get off my ass about my shitty love life. Now I'm going to be expected to bring someone to my sisters wedding" You complain to your best friend

Lyndsay laughs "You're in some deep shit girl"

"Gee thanks. I could use a little help"

"Well todays your lucky day. Alex is having some of the guys over. Pick one of them"

"Lyndsay I can't bring one of Alex's teammates" You whine

"And why not. You seem pretty desperate and I'm sure someone would do it for you"

You sigh "I guess yeah. It's better than nothing"


Later that night you stuck around hanging out with Lyndsay and Alex. You ended up telling Alex your problem and he helped you narrow down your options.

"Brandon would probably be a better pick. Kirby's too shy and I know he'd fuck something up and end up exposing you. I'm sure Hags would be down to do it too" Alex tells you just as the doorbell rang

Alex goes to answer the door. You bite your lips are the guys come through.

"You'll be fine. Even if none of the guys want to I'll find someone for you" Lyndsay tells you

You nod, but still give her an unsure look.

You really got to know the guys and agreed with Alex's pick, Brandon, was perfect. He was sweet, funny and the perfect boyfriend material. You even started to think, what if your family loved him so much. Then you had to break the news to them that it wasn't real. You started to doubt the plan and started planning on telling your family you lied to them, but it was too late.

When all the guys left except for Brandon. Alex had mentioned the idea. He thought about for a moment but had agreed to your crazy plan. Brandon had suggested you two hangout until the day of the wedding. So you could get to know each other better and practice being a couple. You happily agreed.

A few weeks went by and it was wedding day. The past weeks have been so much fun being with Brandon. You really thought you two really looked and acted like a couple.

You were finishing getting ready in the bathroom, when Brandon came up behind you. He smiled at you wrapped his arms around your waist. You felt your heart skip a beat at his touch, you mouth went dry as you tried to speak. You licked your lips as you put down your make-up brush and looked at him.

"Um Brandon. You don't have to start the act until we get there" You say

"Y-yeah I know. Just practicing" He says sounding disappointed as he removed his hands from you.

Your heart ached at the lose of his touch. You shook off the feeling and turned to him. "You don't need practice. You're going to do great. My family will never know it's fake" You tell him as you fix his tie before leaving the bathroom to grab your shoes

"Fake. Right." Brandon said sadly to himself after you left

You and Brandon survived the ceremony and meeting your parents. Your mom seemed to love him and your dad seemed really relaxed around him, which was good. Now you two were headed to the venue for the celebration and where Brandon would meet your sister.

"Oh. My. God. He's real. You weren't lying you actually do have a boyfriend." You sister says as you and Brandon walked in to congratulate them "Hi I'm Y/S/N, Y/N's sister. How does it feel to be Y/N's first boyfriend since high school?" She adds as Brandon walks over to her

"Please don't answer that" You mumble to him

Brandon laughs a little bit keeping a smile on his face "It's nice to meet you and congratulations" He says ignoring her question

You and Brandon sit down for dinner.

"You never told me you haven't had a boyfriend since high school" Brandon says to you

"Um because it's embarrassing and my mom and sister don't ever let me forget about it"

Brandon nods "Why does it matter so much?" He asks

"Because my sister and her husband are high school sweethearts my mom and dad are too. So that's all they know. They think my life is doomed because I broke up with my boyfriend before graduation." You explained

"I still don't see what the big deal is. Not everyone can marry their high school sweetheart and not everyone wants to" Brandon says

"I know. That's what I tell them but they think I'm the crazy one" You say with a shrug

Brandon laughs. You two enjoy dinner and chatting with your family. Everyone seemed to really love Brandon. You couldn't help but feel your heartache. He wasn't yours outside this building. Once this party ended he would be dropping you off and you'd return back to your normal lives. You wouldn't be cuddling up next to him at night, like you've been wanting to for the past couple weeks.

Later that night you and the other ladies were getting ready to catch the bouquet. You stood in the middle of the group and just as your sister threw her flowers. You reached up and caught them. Your sister screamed as she saw you standing there. She hugged you tightly

"You're next" She said as she laughed

You felt your cheeks heat up at her comment. A slow song had started playing and Brandon appeared next to you two.

"Can I steal her?" He asked your sister

"She's all yours" She said as she moved to make room for Brandon

Brandon grabbed your free hand and brought you more onto the dance floor. He wrapped his arms around your waist. You placed your hands around his neck. You two swayed back and forth in silence.

"We never practiced slow dancing" You say breaking the silence "It's nice though" You add. You liked the feeling of being in his arms and he enjoyed having you in them.

Brandon smiled and gazed downward. He looked back up at you "This wasn't practiced either" You were confused but then he leaned down and kissed you

You were in shock but didn't want anyone that might have been watching to know. You grabbed the back of his head and brought him close and kissed him back. You both pulled away and smiled.

"W-why would you do that?" You asks him

"Because I've been wanting to do that for a while now. Fake dating you in fun and all but I want to know what's it's like actually dating you" He confesses

"Are you asking me-" You start

"To be my real girlfriend? Yeah I am" He finished

"Yes, I will be" You answer

He smiles big before kissing you again.


requested by @cmstads

thanks for requesting!! hope it's not too cheesy for you :)

ps before you request please read the request chapter (first chapter), thanks :)

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