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"Oh Y/N you look gorgeous. Absolutely stunning girl. Once he sees you, he won't take his eyes off you" Some of the Colorado Avalanche WAGs tell you as you walked to their table at the team event

You blush at that girls comments "Do you really think he'll like it?" You ask as you sway your hips side to side making your dress flutter.

"I think he'll love it and if he doesn't JT will make sure he does" Sydney, JT Compher's, girlfriend tells you

"I hope so I've only been trying since the starts of the season" You say leaning your chin in your hand

You were close friends with Sydney and because of her you later became close with the WAGs and players of the team. Everyone was so welcoming towards you and treated you as part of the Avalanche family. The more you hung out the closer you got the the guys, especially Cale. There was just something about him that drew you towards him. You've know Cale since his rookie year and only got closer from there. It got to the point where you two where doing everything together, like best friends usually do. Everyone always teased you guys about how cute of a couple you two make, even though you two weren't together.

With all the teasing this past year. You started developing feelings for Cale. By this time all the girls knew about your crush. Some of the guys did to, they would tell you how much Cale talks about you. They were positive that he had feelings for you to and it was only a matter of time until he came out and told you. You were hoping it would be sometime soon because every time you hung out with him. You'd just think about how soft his lips were and how badly you wanted to kiss him.

"Speaking of Cale there he is" Sydney pointed out looking over at the main entrance

You smile as you saw him walk in. His attention on something behind him. You get up and start heading over to greet him. It's wasn't until you were halfway there, when you noticed a short brunette standing next to him. Her arm was looped in his as they walking into the event.

You veer off and away from Cale and the girl. You head straight to the bathroom, which is where Sydney met up with you after witnessing what had just happened.

"Who is she?" You ask in a panic as Sydney walked in

"I don't know. None of the guys at the table know who she is" Sydney tells you

"Syd I'm so stupid. I should've just told him how I felt when I first realized. I lost my chance now and who knows when I'll get another one" You say freaking out

"Y/N get a hold of yourself. Stop acting like a high schooler and more like a freaking women. So what you got some competition now, nothing you can't handle." She says

"I don't know Syd. She's gorgeous"

"And Cale is blind because you were right in front of him. But hey, forget about him. We're at a party full of people who love you. So let's go out on the dance floor and dance until our feet fall off. Have a good time and don't make the night about him" Sydney says as she takes your hand and drags you out of the bathroom

"Fine but I need a drink first" You says

"I like the way you think girl" Sydney says dragging you to the closest bar

Just like Sydney said you two were on the dance floor almost all night. You dance with a couple of the guys soon forgetting about and Cale. Suddenly someone grabs your arm and pulls you off the dance floor.

"Do you mind? I was having fun" You whine, wanting to go back

"I need to talk to you" Nathan says

"About what?"

"About how you've been avoiding Cale all night. He said you haven't said a single word to him and when he goes near you. You turn the other direction" Nathan says crossing his arms over his chest

"Nate I love how you're trying to play wing man here and act like his big brother. Cale is old enough to fight his own battles" You says

"Y/N what's wrong. Why are you suddenly ignoring him when all season you were all over him"

You shrug "Things change. People change"

Nathan just shakes his head and throws his arms out in defeat as you walk away from him.

You hid on the dance floor again until you felt like grabbing another drink. You headed towards the bar.

"Wow, you look amazing" You hear someone say from behind you

You turn around with a smile but once you see Cale, it turns into a frown and you turn back to your waiting drink.

"So do you hate me now or something?" Cale asks as he walks up beside you

"N-no" You say not expecting him to continue talking to you

"Really? Because you haven't said one word to me. You talked about this night for a week straight with me but now you want nothing to do with me. Did I do something?" He says leaning on the bar

You shake your head "No it's fine. Just go back to your girl and I'll go back to-"

"To what? Dancing with Lehky? Ignoring me? And what are you talking about my girl? I don't have one" He questions you

You stood there dumbfounded "What about the one you walked in with?" You ask

"You mean Steph? She's my friend from back home. I promised to bring her to an event if I ever one a cup. We're not into each other though. She's into Nate" Cale tells you pointing over to Nathan and the girl he was with earlier

"Oh" Was all you found yourself saying as you turn back to face Cale

"I guess I haven't made it that obvious" Cale says

You look up at him but didn't say anything. He gets closer to you and wraps you in his arms. "I like you Y/N, scratch that. I'm in love with you, Y/N. I should've told you when Nate told me too, which is when I started to realize it. Tonight has been driving me crazy. I thought I did something that hurt you, you had me overthinking everything. It was just because of Steph all along." Cale says

Your face goes red from a mix of embarrassment and blushing from Cale confessing to you. "I shouldn't have assumed anything. I-I'm sorry" You say looking down at the floor 

Cale laughs as he lifts your chin with his finger. "You don't have to be sorry. It was my fault I didn't tell anyone she was coming. But there's nothing to be jealous of. She's just one of the guys when it comes to me"

"I'm not jealous" You lie

"Mhmm. If you're not say it without your wondering eyes" He laughs

You blush and hide your head into his chest. "I hate you"

"No you don't. You love me"

You lift your head "I do I really do" You confess

This time Cale's cheeks go red, like he had just finished playing a game. He looks away and then back at you. "I could kiss you right now" He says with a smirk

You bite your bottom lip "Then do it" You dare

Nothing more was said as he leaned down and connected his lips to yours. He tasted like alcohol and mint, from the gum he was chewing. The two of you received cheers from people who had been watching you. You ignore them as you both pull away.

"They are as soft as I imagined" You say

He blushes again and laughs "Thanks"

"Do you want to dance?" You ask taking his hand

"Even after all that dancing you still have moves in you?" He asks

You nods pushing your lips together in a smile.

He shakes his head and laughs "You're lucky I have a few drinks in me. Lead the way baby"


requested by @hoe0908

thank you for requesting! congrats to the aves on winning the Stanley Cup!!! Thank you for not letting Tampa three-peat

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