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***Your POV***

"Y/N HURRY UP I'M GONNA BE LATE!!! I don't know why you have to make yourself look good it's only the boys, you see them almost everyday." my older brother Ryan yelled from downstairs

"OKAY IM COMING and I can make myself look good if I want too" I replied back with some sass

"Whatever lets go" he said walking out the front door and to the car

We were going to Rexall Place for the boys practice. I was happier then ever because ever since the draft and training camp I've gone head over heals for the new guy, Connor McDavid, god could he play. I love everything about him the way he plays hockey, his looks, his personality. I mean I haven't really met him yet but he seems like an amazing person. I just wish we talked but when you grow up shy it sticks with you forever.

"Y/N you coming cause we're here." Ryan said taking me out of my daydream

"Oh yeah I'm coming" I replied

Ryan went to the dressing room and I went up to the seats to watch practice.

Practice had started and my eyes were glued to the ice as if it was a game. I wasn't really on my phone like I usually am. I was too busy watching one person and one person only, Connor.

***Ryan's POV***

Every so often I'd look up at Y/N and she'd be watching the practice as if it was a game. Usually she's on her phone or doing something else just because it's a practice but no she was glued to the rink. I then realized why she was so into it; she kept watching McDavid do his drills. I just shook it off, she just watching the new guy. It's not like she likes him since I always tell her that my teammates are off limits for her.

***After Practice***
***Your POV***

I was waiting for Ryan outside the dressing room so we could go home. He was taking forever but he finally came out with Connor right beside him. I was getting nervous, I bit on my lip as they got closer. What was I going to say? how did I look?

"Hey Y/N, ready to go" Ryan said walking up to me with Connor

"Uh, yeah I'm ready" I replied back nervously

"Oh I forgot Y/N this is Connor, Connor this Y/N my little sister" he introduced us because we haven't really met before

"Hey it's nice to meet you" Connor said putting his hand out for me to shake it

"H-hey, it's uh nice to m-meet you too" I said nervously biting my lip and shaking his hand softly

We had to leave so we all said our goodbyes and I left with Ryan. As I walked away I felt my insides melt we talked and we touched hands. I had the biggest smile on my face but when I looked at Ryan he had the look of "why are you smiling like an idiot and a questioning look" we got it the car and that's when Ryan started firing questions at me.

"So why were you so interested in practice today? Why were you acting all weird around Connor? Do you like him?" he said one right after the other

"Woah, woah, woah Ryan slow down what's with all the questions" I said interrupting him

"It's just you've been acting different today" he said with his eyes on the road

"Well...why can't I be interested in your practices, I wasn't acting weird around Connor and no I don't like him" I lied

"Whatever Y/ you want to skate around the rink tomorrow before practice starts" Ryan asked as we got out of the car

"Sure" I replied

***Ryan's POV***

I was really happy Y/N said yes to the skate because she would have to wait for me out by the rink on the benches and before every practice Connor is always skating around and doing drills by hisself. I know for a fact that   Y/N likes Connor and that Connor likes Y/N even though they haven't come clean yet.

***The Next Day***
***Your POV***

I got up early today since Ryan wanted to go skating before practice. I loved going skating with Ryan ever since we were little but today I felt really happy about going out to skate and I don't know why. When I finished getting ready I went to the garage to grab my stick and skates.

"Ready to go" Ryan said locking the front door

"Yup" I replied

When we got there I couldn't go in to the dressing room with Ryan because some players were already there getting ready. So I had to get ready on the bench.

As I was lacing up my skates someone walked by me and skated out onto the ice. It wouldn't have been Ryan because he would have said something. When I looked up to see who it was I started to get butterflies in my stomach. Connor was skating around and doing his drills alone out on the ice.

I watched his every move until he looked in my direction and we made eye contact. I was blushing like crazy so I pulled my phone out to make it look like I wasn't watching him. From the corner of my eye I could see him skating closer to me. I bit down on my lip, I didn't know what to do but all of a sudden he's there, right in front of me. I didn't want to be rude so I said Hi...well at least I tried to. We both smiled at each other and then Connor breaks the silence.

"Y/N I have something I need to get off my chest" Connor said leaning on the boards in front of me

"What's that" I replied looking into his eyes

"Well the thing is...uh that...I uh well I really like you. I was scared to tell you cause I thought you were taken already, I would have probably embarrassed myself in front of you and on top of all that I know that Ryan's not a fan of you dating teammates. He talks about you all the time in the dressing room which made me want to meet you and when I finally did I couldn't get you off my mind even when I'm on the ice alone."

I couldn't speak I opened my mouth but nothing came out, I was in such shock because I felt the same way

"You don't have to say anything. It's okay" he said taking a step back

I quickly gathered my words before he had the time to skate away "No, no Connor to be completely honest I feel the same way. Ryan would talk about you all the time at home and I always wanted to meet you. When I did I couldn't get you out of my mind either."

He smiled and asked "Hey do you wanna skate around with me before Ryan comes out" he stuck his hand out as he spoke

"I'd love to but I'm not as good as you" I said getting up and taking his hand

As we skated around the arena we talked. We know so much more about each other I told him things that only Ryan knew about. I felt like I've known him forever and that I could trust him with anything.

Connor stopped in front of me and then did something I never thought he would ever do. He pinned me to the glass I couldn't move but then again I didn't really try. We just sort of stared at each other for a bit but then all of a sudden his lips smashed into mine at first I never did anything I was in such shock. I then starting to kiss back. It was like we were meant to be, our hands fit like pieces of a puzzle and our lips moved together perfectly.

All of a sudden Ryan and the other guys came out for practice and started whistling and yelling at us.




I was so embarrassed I felt my cheeks go super red I pushed Connor away from me and slid down the glass and boards. My head was in my knees when I felt Connor pick me up and bring me to the bench. I looked up at him he smiled at me and I smiled back. We pecked lips and he went to join the other boys for practice.

We weren't dating yet but this is a start of a great relationship.


first off I give credit to NHLObsessed because they gave me the idea to write this imagine. hey guys I'm super sorry I haven't updated in a while I'm really bad but I hope you like this imagine.

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