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"Congratulations it's a boy"

You heard the doctor say as you sat there catching your breath. You hear little cries from your new baby boy as the nurses cleaned him up.

The nurse then handed you your baby. You held him close to your chest just observing his little features.

"He's perfect" Elias said standing beside you looking down at his son

Elias scooped him from your arms as a nurse came in to check up on you and the baby.

"Glad to see mom and baby are doing well. Have we decided on a name yet?"

You looked up at Elias who then spoke.

"Alexander Micheal Lindholm"

***5 Months Later***

You were getting ready as you hear crying coming from your room. You step out of the bathroom to check up on your sleeping son. As soon as you got into the room the crying stopped. You saw your husband, Elias, rocking him. You smiled at the site of it and then you went back to getting ready.

"Look who's ready for their first game, he's gonna be the best looking baby at the arena" Elias said as he walked into the bathroom holding a wide awake Alex

He was wearing his little Flames alternate jersey with daddy printed on the back. Alex was now 5 months and you thought it was a good time to start taking him to games. You were a little scared not knowing how he was gonna react to it. But you were ready to introduce him to the atmosphere.

You finished getting ready and headed out of the house with your boys and headed off to the Saddledome.

You walked Elias to the dressing room. He gave you a kiss before handing you Alex. You walked over to the wags lounge to wait for warm up to start.

Just before warm up started you headed down to ice level with some of the other moms. As soon as you got there, Alex's eyes became wide. He didn't know where to look, there was so much to see. Suddenly the boys came out for warm up and Alex's face lit up even more. He started smiling and squirming in your arms.

You smiled at his reaction. "Look Alex who's that" you said pointing to Elias as he skated towards you two

Alex smiled big when he saw his dad in front of him. Elias tapped on the glass with his stick causing Alex to jump at the new noise.

Elias then went to do his warm up drills with the rest of the team. As his teammates lined up against the glass they all waved to Alex as they passed him. Alex was loving every moment of this and you couldn't have been any happier.

After warm up you headed up to your seats. You sat down with Alex in your lap waiting for the game to start.

During the first period Alex was wide awake and watching the ice and seeing all the colours appear on the screen. Near the end of the period he was getting tired and then eventually passed out in your arms without a fuss. He ended up sleeping through all of the second period. Just as the third period started you felt him stirring around in your arms. Just as you looked down his eyes fluttered open.

"Good morning my boy" You said to him as he stretched out himself

Alex started to cry a bit so you decided to get up and go change him and then feed him. You sat in your seat as you held his bottle for him. He wouldn't let you lay him down he would fuss if you did so you sat him up and then you noticed he was watching the game as he drank from his bottle.

The game came to an end and you headed downstairs to wait for Elias. As soon as Elias came out of the dressing room Alex started screamed and giggling. You laughed at his reaction as he saw his dad.

"Hey buddy" Elias said to Alex as he took him from your arms

"How was he?" he asks after kissing you

"Way better then I thought, he was great. I think he might love hockey as much as you do"

You continued telling Elias how Alex was during the game as you three headed back home.

When you got home you got into comfy clothes before giving Alex a quick bath. You fed him a bottle before you put him down to sleep. You slowly rocked him to sleep. You moved from the chair in Alex's room to his crib. You put him down in his crib as you felt Elias put his arms around your waste.

"I don't think there's anything that is more perfect than this" He softly said to you making you smile

"Thank you Y/N"

You turned around to face him "for what" you questioned

"For giving me the chance to be a dad and being the best wife for me and the best mom for Alex"

You smiled again and hugged him tight.

"I wouldn't want to do with or for anyone else. I love you Elias"

"I love you too Y/N"


requested by Aimee_Lindholm_Babin i hope you like it just as much as the first one.

I guess this can almost be part 2 to the first Elias Lindholm imagine.

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