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You walked into the arena for practice and walked in on your teammates laughing.

"It looks ridiculous man just shave it"

"Hey Forsbs, Movember was two months ago"

"It's getting out of hand dude"

You heard as you walked over to to your stall. You noticed your teammates chirping Filip about his moustache. You couldn't help but giggle a bit at their comments. They weren't wrong it was getting super long.

You always liked Filip and did develop a crush on him. The only problem is you crushed on the baby face Filip. Not the facial hair Filip. You were never a fan of facial hair, on any guy. You dreaded Movember and loved December. But when Filip continued to grow out his stache, you couldn't help but be a little disappointed.

You never wanted to ever hurt Filip's feelings so whenever he had mentioned it or asked if you liked it. You would just tell him what he wanted to hear. That you didn't mind it and that it was a great moustache.

"Y/N please tell Forsbs he needs to shave. He'll listen to you" You were taken out of your focus

You looked over at the group, sitting around Filip's stall. Putting your hands up in surrender.

"I'm sorry. I'm not getting into this for the twentieth time this year" You shook your head at them

The team headed out to practice. During practice some guys kept teasing him and asking the couches what they thought. They of course loved it. It was the style of facial hair when they watched hockey.

After practice, when everyone was heading out. Filip pulled you to the side.

"Can I ask you something?" He asks as he grabs your arm

"Yeah of course" You tell him, feeling goosebumps rise on your arm from his touch

"How do you truly feel about my moustache" He asked so seriously

You choked a little on your spit. Not believing that just came out of his mouth. And that he was being so serious about it.

"Ugh, What do you mean?" You asked not really knowing how to answer his question

"Y/N don't beat around the bush. Just tell me"

You were at a loss of words. You couldn't tell him you didn't like it. It would break him. He was so proud of the thing.

You assumed staying quiet was bad enough because his face dropped.

"So you don't like it?" He sounded upset

You opened your mouth about to say something but he just looked at you disappointed and walked away.

"Filip wait" You said but it was too late he was already out of the building

It had been about two weeks since the whole moustache incident. Filip hasn't said a thing to you since. You would  feel him looking at you but when you go to look at him. He would quickly look away. You felt like you had lost a big part of you, you lost your best friend.

You were in the locker room with the rest of the team, after practice. Filip was the last one into the room. He came in yelling.

"I am so tired of hearing about how I need to shave. There's only one way I'm ever shaving and that is if. I could get a kiss. From Y/N" He says as he looks over at you "And if not then everyone will just have to live with my moustache" He shrugs and walks over to his stall getting undressed

Everyone was in complete shock and some even staring at you. You on the other had almost felt embarrassed. Your cheeks grew red and hot and you didn't even want to look up at anyone. Especially Filip.

"Y/N take one for the team!" Some teammates yelled as you quickly walked out of the locker room

As you walked through your door. You looked at your phone. Several messages from your teammates coming in. Telling you to take the deal. You rolled your eyes and turned your phone off.

It was late at night, you had just finished getting ready for bed when you heard a knock at your door. You were a little freaked out but went to answer the door anyways. You slowly open the door. Revealing none other than Filip Forsberg, himself. Only he wasn't representing his fancy little lip sweater.

"Filip?" You questioned

"Y/N I'm sorry if I hurt you. I never meant for that to happen. And I'm really sorry about today after practice. You don't have to do that. It was just stupid of m-"

You were so sick of him rambling on and he looked so cute. It was like the first time you met him. He was freshly shaved and you couldn't help but fall in love with him. And thats what was going on. You were falling for him all over again. You smashed your lips into his and to your surprise he kissed you back.

You pulled away "It's fine don't worry about it"

"Can w-we do t-that again" He asked ignoring what you said

You let out a laugh an nodded. He stepped forward, closing the gap again and kissing you softly.


requested by Filip-Forsberg

thank you for requesting this!

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