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"I'm really sorry Y/N but I can't make it to Finland in time for your championship game. It doesn't work with my schedule" Jesperi, your boyfriend, told you over the phone.

You let out a sad sigh "It's alright, I understand the busy schedule life. I'll see you in a week when I come to visit" You tell him not trying to sound disappointed

You were a professional soccer player in Finland and he was a professional hockey player in Carolina. It was hard having a long distance relationship with someone always so busy. You two shared the love of sports and both made a career out of it. Unfortunately Jesperi's career was over seas in North America. You were happy for him but you knew it wasn't going to be easy being so far from him.

You got off the phone with a sigh. Jesperi was suppose to come watch your game. It worked out because he didn't have any games that weekend. Unfortunately the team scheduled extra practice time and meetings. Causing him to have to cancel his plans to see you. You haven't been able to see each other since he left for training camp.

"You okay Y/N?" Your teammate asked you

"Yeah I'm good" You lied as you gathered your things and left the stadium


"Alright girls let's get out there and win" Your coach yelled as everyone get ready to go out on the field

You looked down at your phone one last time. Jasperi had not messaged you all day. Not even a good luck text or a hi was sent. You sighed as you threw your phone in your bag. You just told yourself he was busy and you needed to focus on the game.

You headed out with the rest of your team. Fans started to go crazy as the team walked out on the pitch.

Your teammate kicked the ball towards you off the kick-off. You ran up the side of the field before passing the ball. The opposing team snuck in and stole the ball. Your team worked hard to get it back but it was too late. They had scored early on in the game.

Just before the first half ended the scored again. Raising their lead to two. Shorty after the ref had blew his whistle indicating it was half time.

Everyone went back to their designated locker room. Your coach came in as everyone settled in their stalls. She gave the team a quick pep talk. She then showed everyone some plays that could better your game.

As soon as you headed back on the filed for second half. You were more than ready to make a come back and win this match.

It hadn't been long since the start of the half. You had the ball and ran towards the goal. Two defensemen were on you causing you to pass the ball. Your teammate took this opportunity and shot the ball. You didn't even think it would go in but the ball found it's way behind the goalie and into the net.

Later on in the match your team received a penalty kick. Which your teammate had no trouble with, tying up the game.

The half was coming close to the end and you really didn't want extra time. So you pushed hard with your team to get the ball out from your end of the field. You ran up the field and were left wide open. As soon as your teammate noticed they passed you the ball. You took the ball up a bit more before deking out the goalie and kicking the ball in the net.

You screamed and yelling celebrating with your team in the corner of the field. Wanting to just stop and cry you couldn't, you had a game to finish. Soon enough the rest on the time in the half ran out. The ref blew the whistle, indicating the end of the game. The final score was 3-2 for your team..

The rest of the team joined you on the field to celebrate. Shortly after the other team began to receive their silver medals. As upset as they were they still had the heart to come over and congratulate you.

Moments later after receiving your gold medals. The time had finally come. The trophy had arrived on the field. Starting with your captain she grabbed it and raised it above her head. All the fans cheered as she turned in a circle to show off the silver trophy.

It was then passed around from player to player. Doing all the same raising above their head action and getting the crowd riled up. You were on the field watching as families were let on. You smiled as you saw your family
running over to them. After you hugged everyone, you felt two arms lift you up and spin you around. You were confused until you were put back on the ground and turned around.

You turned around to see Jesperi standing in front of you. You jumped into his arms and wrapped your legs around him. He held you up as you began to cry into his shoulder.

"What are you doing here?" You asked him as he set you down

"What do you mean? I wouldn't miss this game for anything" Jesperi told you

"But you said- your meetings and-"

Jesperi laughed "It was all made up. I wanted to surprise you"

"Well it worked" You said before tiptoeing and kissing him "I think I'm happier to have you hear than winning" You told him

"Don't say that. This is like your Stanley Cup.
You waited so long to win this. Go join your team I'll be here when you're done" Jesperi told you

You ran off joining your teammates as Jesperi watched you with a smile.


requested by aubbies01 

Thanks for the request! Hope you like it :)

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