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***Mitch's POV***

I took my position in the face off circle as overtime started. The game was tied 3-3, we were playing Winnipeg at home so I had a pretty good feeling that we were going to win. The crowd started to chant 'go leafs go' as OT started. It was about two minutes into overtime when I received a prefect pass from Kadri as I skated past center ice and then past Winnipeg's blue line. I quickly came up from the right and then took a shot at the goalies blocker side and the puck ended up going in right over the goalie's shoulder.

The crowd erupted in screams and cheers as the red light lit up and as the siren sounded. I skated towards the glass facing the fans that were banging on the glass as they celebrated not only the goal but the win too. I celebrated on the ice with the team as the arena started to clear out.

The team started to head back to the dressing room. I was one of the last ones off the ice as I headed towards the bench I saw the most beautiful girl ever. She was standing by the glass waiting for everyone to clear out. She was wearing a fitted leafs jersey, which showed off her curves, her blonde hair was wore straight with a blue leafs hat. She watched me as I skated by and I gave her a little smile, she smiled back and gave a little wave. I skated off the ice and walked into the dressing room with the girl on my mind.

As I started to take my equipment off as the guys started to make plans to go out to the bar to celebrate the win. They really wanted me to go since I scored the OT winner, so I agreed to go. I then hopped in the shower at the rink and then got ready to go out with the guys. As I looked in the mirror to fix my tie I zoned out, thinking about the girl in the stands. I really wish I knew her name.

***Your POV***

"Did you just see that Allie" I said as I started to freak out

"No why, what happened?"

"Marner, he just smiled at me when he skated by"

"Wait, what, really?" She said as she looked up from her phone

I nodded my head fast as I grabbed my things and headed up the stairs.

"Y/N, do you want to go out tonight, like to the bar since we have to head home tomorrow"

"Sure, I think there's one across from our hotel"

We left the ACC and started to walk towards the bar that was across from our hotel. When we got to the bar we sat in front of the bartender asked for some drinks and then started our fun night out.

***Mitch's POV***

As we all walked into the bar I started to mention the girl I saw after the game. After a little walk we finally got there. We all sat down in a booth near the back of the bar so that people wouldn't bother us too much, while we were trying to have a good time.

Kadri and I got up to go get drinks for everyone. We walked up to the bar placed an order and then waited as the drinks were being made. I was looking down at my phone and then I looked up for not even a second and then I saw her. The girl with the beautiful smile and gorgeous blonde hair. I tapped on Kadri and turning him towards her.

"That's her?" Kadri asked

"Ya that's the one"

"Damn Mitch, I don't know if you could get with her"

"Ya I know I feel the same way, she just so beautiful"

With that being said Kadri then walked away from me and towards the girl and her friend. I felt so embarrassed that I pretended to look down at my phone as he talked to her.

***Your POV***

I was talking to Allie when all of a sudden Nazem Kadri comes up beside us and started talking.

"Hey there ladies. You may know me from the Toronto Maples Leafs but just in case you don't, I'm Nazem Kadri" he said as he shook our hands

I was trying so hard to stay calm but on the inside I was freaking out.

"Now before you both run away from me. I have a question to ask for a friend. Would he be able to get your name and number" he asked as he pointed towards me

I thought about what I wanted to say. I gave Allie a look and she just nodded.

"I'll give it to him but he'll have to ask for it himself" I said with a title smirk

"Oh alright, I'll be right back" Kadri said as he walked away

***Mitch's POV***

I had just brought the drink back to the guys when Nazem came up from behind me and started to pull be back.

"Let's go Marner, she wants you to ask her for herself"

"What do you mean"

"The girl who you've been talking about all night she wants you to ask her out, I tried but she asked for 'the guy who's asking' so you're going to have to do it" he said as he pulled me closer to the bar

We stopped just before the bar.

"Okay Marner, just go there introduce yourself, which you probably don't really have to do since she is wearing your jersey, but then just ask her for her number oh and her name obviously"

"Okay, okay" I said as I slowly started to walk towards her

***Your POV***

"Ugh, Hey. Nice jersey" I heard from behind me

I turned on my stool to see who was behind me and he was there. Mitch Marner was there sitting right beside me. Once again I was trying to stay calm but my insides were doing flips, I was going crazy.

"H-hey Mitch" I said nervously "Here" I then past him a napkin with my name and number on it

Mitch grabbed the napkin and smiled with the same smile he gave me earlier at the game. I then started to smile too.


That night you and Mitch talked and talked and really got to you each other. You then checked your phone for the time and you noticed it was 1am and you had to get up early for your flight back home tomorrow morning.

"Oh my god" you said with a little panic and you turned to Allie who was talking to some guy

"What's wrong" Mitch asked

"I'm sorry I have to head back to my hotel, I have a plane to catch in the morning"

"Where are you going"

"I'm going back home to Markham, Ontario"

"Markham? That's where I'm from, but that means that I won't be able to see you much"

"Ya I guess I forgot to tell you that I'm not from here but ya we are from the same home town so we can always see each other in the off season" you said as you grabbed your things before you headed towards the door with Allie "just text or call me I'll always answer to you" you said as you walked out the door

Mitch stood by the door watching you leave and walk across the street into the hotel. He smiled as he looked down at the napkin that was still in his hand. He couldn't wait until the off season.

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