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"Class, I'd like you to meet our new classmate, Y/N. She just moved here so please, make her feel welcome" your grade three teacher spoke to the class, as you shyly stood beside her at the front.

Your teacher seated you at a desk in the front row of the class. You sat down next to a boy who looked tall for his age. He leaned over to you.

"Hi, I'm Pierre-Luc but you can call me Pierre or Luc or Pierre-Luc" he said with a big grin on his face

"and I'm Charles but you can call me Charlie" the boy sitting behind said

"Oh ya. This is my best friend Charlie" Pierre-Luc said pointing to Charlie

You smiled at both boys. From there on you no longer felt shy and scared. You felt relieved and happy. It was just your first day of school and people were already talking to you.


It was just the three of you throughout elementary and junior high. All the teachers knew you were all best friends. You were the trio that did everything together.

High school started out great. The trio was going strong. You all had the same classes together, everything was great. Nothing could tear you guys apart. Except one thing.

At the end of your sophomore year Pierre-Luc was scouted by a couple of junior teams, for the up coming draft. He was expected to go at least top 10 in the draft. You were excited for him. But when draft day came, you didn't know how to feel. Yes you were excited but on the other hand you were upset and sad. Knowing he wasn't going to be around much anymore. He ended up going fifth overall to the Cape Breton Eagles.

Pierre-Luc's family then hosted a congratulatory party for him, everyone went. Just as the party was getting good Pierre-Luc grabbed you and took you too a quieter spot in the house. He seemed nervous and had one of his arms behind his back, like he was hiding something. Making you a little confused.

"Y/N I-I need to tell you something" he said a little nervous

"Oh, ugh, sure go ahead"

"Well you see I've been wanting to say this for awhile now but I just couldn't. I don't exactly know how to say it but-"

"Pierre-Luc just spit it out" you interrupted him knowing he was just trying to buy time

"Okay well the truth is that-"

"Babe!! There you are I've been looking for you everywhere" Charlie said walking into the room and putting his arm around up.

"Babe? Y/N what's going on?" Pierre-Luc asked you

"I've been meaning to tell you but I just thought this wasn't the right time to since the draft and all"

"Since when did you two hangout without me"

"Since you knew that you were probably going somewhere with hockey" Charlie said "Oh and congrats again bro"

"Ugh, Thanks...man" Pierre-Luc said in a sad tone, but no one caught on

Charlie left the room. Leaving you a Pierre-Luc alone again.

"So what was it that you wanted to tell me?"

"Nothing, it can wait" He said walking out of the room and stoving whatever it was behind his back into his pocket.

That summer you and Charlie tried to do as much as you could with Pierre-Luc. Before he moved to Nova Scotia for hockey. After he left it was just you and Charlie. Which you didn't mind at first because he was your boyfriend after all. But you were closer with Pierre-Luc, he was your best friend. You could talk to him and tell him about everything and anything.

At first when he left it didn't bother you too much. You knew he was just there to play the game he loved. But when days turned to weeks and weeks turned into months. You realized you were really missing Pierre-Luc more than anything. Sure he came home for the holidays but that was only for a limited time.

Charlie was there for you but not like Pierre-Luc would be. Charlie wasn't like Pierre-Luc. He never liked when you talked about how your day went or how you were feeling. It always had to be about him. You also couldn't go to Charlie when you were having trouble in school or with your family. He just didn't care to know or help. Pierre-Luc on the other hand was all ears. He would always listen to what you had to say and you knew he was listening too. He would always give you suggestions and advice. Over the time, when he was in Nova Scotia you would call him once a week to check up on him. Then that turned into calling him once a day. Now it was at the point where you were texting him non stop and calling him when he had time to talk. You were starting to think that maybe you made the wrong choice in a boyfriend even though you really loved Charlie.


A few years have pasted. You were still with Charlie and you were still calling and messaging Pierre-Luc every chance you had. Nothing much has changed except that Pierre-Luc was drafted third overall into the NHL, by the Columbus Blue Jackets. He was even further away from you now.

It's been a while since you last saw Pierre-Luc but he told you he was coming home to visit. His plane was going to be landing really late at night so you were planning on seeing him tomorrow.

You were home alone. Charlie went out with a couple of his friends. You didn't mind having some alone time. You cleaned the house a bit, cooked yourself some dinner and then got comfy on the couch to watch some movies.

After watching your third movie of the night you checked the time. It was almost 2 in the morning. Charlie was still not home. Just as you were about to call him you heard the door knob jiggle. You got up to greet him home when you couldn't believe what you saw at the door.

In walked a drunk Charlie with a drunk girl hanging from his arm. From the looks of his face a neck it looked like they had some fun on the way home too.

"CHARLES WHAT THE FUCK" you yelled with tears starting in your eyes

"Y/N, baby it's alright. Come join us in the bedroom" Charlie slurred as he stumbled off to the bedroom with the random girl

"WHAT! NO! I won't! You know what though-" You couldn't even finish your sentence you just walked up to him and slapped him across the face and started to sob

You then grabbed your jacket and car keys and headed out. Never in a million years did you think Charlie would ever cheat on you. You two were best friends since the third grade and you thought you were soulmates.

You were driving around the city with no where to go. Then you thought of the only place you could go to get your mind off of things.

You parked your car and walked up to the house. When you reaches the door you knocked hard on it. After a while of waiting the door opened, revealing a very sleepy Pierre-Luc. He rubbed his eyes and looked down at you. His expression quickly changed the minute he saw you.

"Y/N what's going on? What happened"

You didn't answer him. You just pushed past him and flopped down on his couch and started to cry more. He quickly closed the door and headed towards you.

"Y/N What the heck happened? Did Charlie do something to you?" you didn't say a word just nodded your head

Pierre-Luc then grabbed you and placed you on his lap. You wrapped your legs around his torso and your face was buried in his chest. You two sat there in silence. He didn't make you talk about it. He waited until you were ready to say something.

"Y/N I don't know what happened and I'm not going to make you tell me. But I'd like you to just listen to me. Even though I don't think this is the time to say this but this may be the only chance I ever get"

You just sat still on his lap and waited for him to continue.

"Do you remember the night at my house after I got drafted into the QMJHL?" he paused for a bit "Well I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend that night but Char- I mean some idiot crushed my dreams" You let out a little laugh into his chest at the last part he said

"I'm not going to sit here and say I've loved you since third grade but I am going to say I loved you for a while and being friends wasn't enough for me. I thought I dropped enough hints to make it obvious but I guess not"

"Really? You really like me?" You asked him as you raised your head to look up at him

He chuckled a bit "yes really! Y/N who would listen to all your problems? Who stayed on the phone with you every night just so you could fall asleep? Who texted you every minute of the day? and Who called you even when they didn't have a single minute of time to theirselves but made it work anyways?"

"Oh my god! You did that all for me? You're crazy!"

"You have no idea about the things I did."

You smiled at him and kissed his cheek causing him to blush. "For the longest time I've been trying to tell myself that I loved Charlie and that he was the one for me but I was completely wrong...Pierre-Luc I now know who I truly love and that's you" You said using his full name so he knew you were being serious

He had a big grin on his face just like the first day you met. He then slowly wiped your tears and the grabbed your face and kissed you with so much passion. You two pulled away at the same time and smiled at each other again.

"Now I know how much we like each other but i still just got out of a relationship so I'd like to wait a bit until i get it another one"

"Sure thing, and while we wait you should also think about moving to Columbus with me"

"Really? You'd want me to move out there with you"

"Of course and in the mean time you can stay here even when I go back. We can go get your things tomorrow. But right now let's get some rest okay"

You smiled at him and nodded. You then got changed into one of his Blue Jacket hoodies that smelt like him.

Just before you got comfortable in bed you thought of something.

"Hey Luc, what was it that you were hiding from me? You know the day you were gonna ask me out"

"Oh. Ugh. Let me show you"

He then gets up and grabs something from the top drawer of his dresser.

"I was gonna wait to give it to you when we're official but since you asked about it" He hands you a box

You open the box to reveal a silver necklace with a charm that says 'PLD 18'

"Awe Luc this is beautiful. Can you help me with it?"

He reached over for the necklace and clasped it together behind your neck. You placed your hair down and looked down at it and smiled.

"Now let's get comfy and get some well needed sleep"

With that you easily fell asleep without a problem in his arms.


requested by mitchyymarns

I hope you like it I had an idea from the minute you requested so i wanted to get it done before i forgot it. :) thanks for requesting!

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