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"For the last we aren't naming any of the babies Vince" You told your boyfriends best friend

"But whyyy" He whined

"Because I'm not even naming one after Sammy so why would I name one after you"

"Y/N you're about to pop any minute now and you and Sam still have not decided on names. I'm just trying to help" Vince said as he walked away with his hands up in surrender

"Do you mind not stressing out Y/N anymore than she already is" Sammy screamed to Vince

"Again just trying to help" He yelled from the other room

"He's right Sammy. We have been trying to pick names since we found out and we've got no where close to picking the right ones"

"Hey, hey we haven't gotten no where. We got a list for each gender. We just got to pick at least two from each"

You sighed getting up from where you sat. Trying to forget about the conversation, you headed to your almost ready nursery.

Your living situation was so much better then what it would have been. Both you and Sammy sold your apartments and bought a nice house to start a family in. With Vince tagging along, of course. He promised to babysit anytime you needed so how could you say no. Everyone had their own rooms and space, it was just the perfect place for your situation.

You finished up decorating and organizing the nursery. When Sammy came up behind you. He wrapped his arms around you, holding your belly. You leaned back into his chest.

"What are we going to do? We're going to have nameless kids" You say to him

"No we won't. We will think of names don't you worry about it"

You woke up in the middle of the night to some discomfort. You didn't think much of it,
you just turned over and fell back asleep.

In the morning Sammy had left to run some errands for you. Just to grab a few more things for the babies' room and for the house. As he did you cleaned the house and hung out with Vince. Who was still trying to get you to name one of the twins after him.

As you were cleaning the kitchen you suddenly felt like you wet yourself. It was followed by more discomfort and pain. Suddenly it came to you, your water broke.

You started to panic, looking around for your phone.

"Vince!" You yelled louder then you should knowing he was playing games with a headset on

Seconds later he comes running in "What's wrong?"

"Ugh well, my water broke and I need my phone to call Sammy. Can you help me find it?" You said try to keep calm

"Oh yeah sur- wait Y/N your water broke? How are you so calm? We need to get to the hospital, like now." He said starting to freak out

Vince was pacing around the house making sure you had everything for the hospital.

"Vince I'm not going anywhere witho-" A contraction interrupted you "Without Sam"

"Y/N get in the car. I'll call Sam on the way there. I think that's what he'd want"

You stood there thinking about what Vince said. Another contraction hit. They were becoming more frequent.

"Fine" You saying knowing you won't win the argument

You got into the car with Vince behind you. As he got into the car he handed you your phone. As soon as you pulled out of your driveway you were calling Sammy.

As you told Sammy you were on the way to the hospital. Vince could hear him freaking out through the phone's speaker, as it was pressed to your ear.

You hung up the phone "He's on his way" You tell Vince

You and Vince get into the hospital and you get admitted right away. Doctors come into the room getting ready to deliver your babies.

"No, no, no. I'm not doing anything without Sammy" You said "Vince I can't do this I need Sammy and I'm not ready for the babies. We don't have names" You say starting to cry

"Y/N don't worry about any of that okay. Sammy is almost here and it'll all be okay"

Just as the doctors reentered your room Sammy came running in.

"Hey mon amour. I'm here now" He says running up to your bed

He gives you a sideways hugs and reassures you about everything going through your head.

As soon as the delivery team was ready they began to help you. Telling you to push and give it your all for baby number one. After pushing for what seemed forever you hear a cry. A sigh of relief escapes your mouth. The nurse grab your baby and take them to get cleaned up. You then are starting to push for the second one. This time not taking as long you head another cry and happy tears start to stream down your face. Sammy looks down at you and wipes them away.

"You did it baby, you did it" He says as he gives you another side hug.

Two nurses come up to you each holding one of your babies. They place each one in your arms.

"Congratulations Mr. Blais and Miss. Y/L/N.
You are the parents of a beautiful girl and boy" The doctor says pointing to each baby

You smile at the doctor and thanking him for everything.

You and Sammy were looking at your little ones in awe. As you hear a questioning voice outside the door.

"Is it okay for me to come back in now"

You look up at Sammy and laugh. "Yeah Vince you're good" Sammy said inviting him in

Sammy and Vince were holding the twins as a nurse came by to check up on you and the babies. Everything was fine until she gave you the papers for the babies certificates. The nurse telling you she'd be back later to enter the information. You looked at the blank spaces for the names. As you looked up at the guys and the babies and suddenly thought to the perfect names.

"Sammy what about Alexander James and Viviana Faith"

He looks up at you with a smile. "They're perfect" He says as he looks down at his little girl in his arms.

"It's not Vince but I like them" Vince agrees with a little shrug

You shake your head at him and laugh. "See baby you had nothing to worry about. You thought of those in no time. They were even ones we thought of"

You sighed in relief as Sammy handed you Viviana and Vince handed you Alexander.

"You two are the best things to happen to me" you tell your son and daughter as you cuddle them

"Hey!" Sammy yells from beside you


requested by MrsDeBrusk

Here's part two to the first Sammy Blais imagine. Thanks for requesting!!

p.s let's just imagine sammy and vince are still in stl :)

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