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"So how exactly did you two meet? You never told us" Your friend asked you and Timo as you guys sat down for lunch

You smile as you look over at Timo. "Oh ugh well" You say

"You tell them. You tell the story better anyways" Timo tells you

You blush at your boyfriend "Okay sure. Should I spare the details?" you say before explain everything to your friends

"I need all the details I can get" Your friend says waiting for you to start


It was mid January and you were headed into the SAP Center for the Sharks verse Kings game. You were excited like you always were as you entered the building. You proudly walked through the concourse, wearing your favourite player's jersey, Timo Meier.

You headed to your regular season ticket seats and waited for warm ups and puck drop. Soon enough the game was underway.

It didn't take long for the Kings to draw a penalty, giving the Sharks a power play.

"Let's go boys!" You yelled as the puck was dropped

Not even thirty seconds into the power play the Sharks scored. You jumped out of your seat cheering along with everyone else. Your boy Timo got the Sharks on the board.

By the end of the first period you had thrown your hat on the ice. The Sharks were leading the game four to one, with Timo Meier scoring an amazing hat trick. You couldn't believe you witnessed Timo scoring a hat trick, you had chills from it.

After the first you were more than happy witnessing Timo's hat trick. After the second made it even better. Timo had scored two more beauties with the help of Karlsson and Hertl.

"Five, five goals. Wow." You said in shock as you sat down after the fifth goal was scored.

The Kings couldn't keep up. They managed to score one more goal. The game ended with the Sharks winning six to two. You watched the three stars of the game before deciding to go home.

After the game you were feeling hungry. You headed over to Bijan's Cafe to grab something togo.

You made your order and sat on the side to wait for it. You still wore your Sharks jersey as you watched people walk in and out of the restaurant.

"Hey, nice jersey" You hear a sort of familiar voice say from in front of you.

You looked up and you were in awe "You're"You started

"The guy on the back of your jersey? Yes I am and you are?" He says sticking his hand out

You grab his hand and shook it "Y/N" You introduce yourself

He smiles "It's cheesy but that's a beautiful name" He says as his cheeks turn red

You blush at his compliment "Thank you" You says

He sits down beside you. "So ugh, did you watch the game?" He asks

This was your moment to fangirl a bit "I watch every game. If I'm not there I'm watching from home. Oh and congrats on five freaking goals that was amazing" You tell him as you got excited

Timo laughs at how cute you were being "Well thank you I wasn't expecting it and thank you for all the support"

"Y/N!" One of the workers called. Signalling your order was ready

You got up and Timo grabbed your arm "Hey um I'd really like to get to know you. You seem like a great girl" He says as he looks up at you

You where shocked at what he just said. Your fave going red again. "I'd really like to get to know you too, on a personal level of course" You say with a smile

Timo smiles "Give me your phone I'll add my contact"

You hand him your phone and walk off to get your order. You come back and Timo is handing your phone back.

"Texted myself so that I have your number too" He says "I hope to see you soon Y/N. Maybe at the next home game? We could go out after the game" He says

You nod "Yeah I'll be there and I'd love to" You say

"Perfect, I'll see you then" He says with a wink

You and Timo went your separate ways. You felt a tingling feeling in your stomach and had a smile on your face, the whole way home.

***end of flashback***

"And the rest is history. Well we went on our first date then a second and then he finally asked me out. Then the rest is history" You tell your friends

"After that cute story. I'm going to need the details of the first date, at least" You friend says

You laugh "That's a story for another day" You say as you rest your head on Timo's shoulder


requested by @1ddirectioner93

thank you for requesting!! hope you enjoyed it

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